# Making SQL from query
A `Query` object can be compiled to an SQL text with bindings using a grammar object.
Available grammars:
* `Finesse\QueryScribe\Grammars\MySQLGrammar` — MySQL
* `Finesse\QueryScribe\Grammars\SQLiteGrammar` — SQLite
* `Finesse\QueryScribe\Grammars\CommonGrammar` — everything else
Use the `compile` method to compile a query object. Grammar guesses the query type from it's content.
You can use one of this methods to specify the query type explicitly:
* `compileSelect`
* `compileInsert` returns an array of compiled statements instead of one statement
* `compileUpdate`
* `compileDelete`
Compiled statement contains an SQL query text and values to bind to the statement.
$query = (new Query)/* -> ... */;
$grammar = new SQLiteGrammar();
$compiled = $grammar->compileSelect($query);
$sql = $compiled->getSQL();
$parameters = $compiled->getBindings();