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Test Coverage
# Hi there and thank you for taking the time and effort to make a Pull Request

No, seriously, we are delighted you made time and effort to help us, even in the smallest way!

# Please check the following

- [ ] Have you opened an issue to discuss the feature and agree its general design?
- [ ] Do you have a use case and, ideally, an example program using the feature?
- [ ] Do you have tests covering 90%+ of the feature code (and, of course passing)
- [ ] Have you written complete and accurate doc comments?
- [ ] Have you updated the README or docs where needed?
- [ ] Code is readable
- [ ] Code is tested
- [ ] I've read the Code of Conduct (Or, at least, I do believe I agree with it)
- [ ] Frontend features don't look completely uncared for
- [ ] Code is PSR-2 compliant
- [ ] I'm fairly sure this is useful
- [ ] I'm not just making this PR for HacktoberFest
- [ ] You rock. Thanks a lot.