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 * class QueryComponentFactory|Firesphere\SolrSearch\Factories\QueryComponentFactory Build a Query component
 * @package Firesphere\Solr\Search
 * @author Simon `Firesphere` Erkelens; Marco `Sheepy` Hermo
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 - now() Firesphere & Sheepy

namespace Firesphere\SolrSearch\Factories;

use Firesphere\SolrSearch\Indexes\BaseIndex;
use Firesphere\SolrSearch\Queries\BaseQuery;
use Firesphere\SolrSearch\Services\SolrCoreService;
use Firesphere\SolrSearch\Traits\QueryComponentBoostTrait;
use Firesphere\SolrSearch\Traits\QueryComponentFacetTrait;
use Firesphere\SolrSearch\Traits\QueryComponentFilterTrait;
use Solarium\Core\Query\Helper;
use Solarium\QueryType\Select\Query\Query;

 * Class QueryComponentFactory
 * Build a query component for each available build part
 * @package Firesphere\Solr\Search
class QueryComponentFactory
    use QueryComponentFilterTrait;
    use QueryComponentBoostTrait;
    use QueryComponentFacetTrait;

     * Default fields that should always be added
     * @var array
    const DEFAULT_FIELDS = [

     * @var array Build methods to run
    protected static $builds = [
     * @var BaseQuery BaseQuery that needs to be executed
    protected $query;
     * @var Helper Helper to escape the query terms properly
    protected $helper;
     * @var array Resulting query parts as an array
    protected $queryArray = [];
     * @var BaseIndex Index to query
    protected $index;

     * Build the full query
     * @return Query
    public function buildQuery(): Query
        foreach (static::$builds as $build) {
            $method = sprintf('build%s', $build);
        // Set the start
        // Double the rows in case something has been deleted, but not from Solr
        $this->clientQuery->setRows($this->query->getRows() * 2);
        // Add highlighting before adding boosting
        // Add boosting

        // Filter out the fields we want to see if they're set
        $fields = $this->query->getFields();
        if (count($fields)) {
            // We _ALWAYS_ need the ClassName for getting the DataObjects back
            $fields = array_merge(static::DEFAULT_FIELDS, $fields);

        return $this->clientQuery;

     * Get the base query
     * @return BaseQuery
    public function getQuery(): BaseQuery
        return $this->query;

     * Set the base query
     * @param BaseQuery $query
     * @return self
    public function setQuery(BaseQuery $query): self
        $this->query = $query;

        return $this;

     * Get the array of terms used to query Solr
     * @return array
    public function getQueryArray(): array
        return array_merge($this->queryArray, $this->boostTerms);

     * Set the array of queries that are sent to Solr
     * @param array $queryArray
     * @return self
    public function setQueryArray(array $queryArray): self
        $this->queryArray = $queryArray;

        return $this;

     * Get the client Query components
     * @return Query
    public function getClientQuery(): Query
        return $this->clientQuery;

     * Set a custom Client Query object
     * @param Query $clientQuery
     * @return self
    public function setClientQuery(Query $clientQuery): self
        $this->clientQuery = $clientQuery;

        return $this;

     * Get the query helper
     * @return Helper
    public function getHelper(): Helper
        return $this->helper;

     * Set the Helper
     * @param Helper $helper
     * @return self
    public function setHelper(Helper $helper): self
        $this->helper = $helper;

        return $this;

     * Get the BaseIndex
     * @return BaseIndex
    public function getIndex(): BaseIndex
        return $this->index;

     * Set a BaseIndex
     * @param BaseIndex $index
     * @return self
    public function setIndex(BaseIndex $index): self
        $this->index = $index;

        return $this;

     * Build the terms and boost terms
     * @return void
    protected function buildTerms(): void
        $terms = $this->query->getTerms();
        $boostTerms = $this->getBoostTerms();

        foreach ($terms as $search) {
            $term = $this->getBuildTerm($search);
            $postfix = $this->isFuzzy($search);
            // We can add the same term multiple times with different boosts
            // Not ideal, but it might happen, so let's add the term itself only once
            if (!in_array($term, $this->queryArray, true)) {
                $this->queryArray[] = $term . $postfix;
            // If boosting is set, add the fields to boost
            if ($search['boost'] > 1) {
                $boostTerms = $this->buildQueryBoost($search, $term, $boostTerms);
        // Clean up the boost terms, remove doubles

     * Get the escaped search string, or, if empty, a global search
     * @param array $search
     * @return string
    protected function getBuildTerm($search)
        $term = $search['text'];
        $term = $this->escapeSearch($term);
        if ($term === '') {
            $term = '*:*';

        return $term;

     * Escape the search query
     * @param string $searchTerm
     * @return string
    public function escapeSearch($searchTerm): string
        $term = [];
        // Escape special characters where needed. Except for quoted parts, those should be phrased
        preg_match_all('/"[^"]*"|\S+/', $searchTerm, $parts);
        foreach ($parts[0] as $part) {
            $escaped = $this->helper->escapeTerm($part);
            // As we split the parts, everything with two quotes is a phrase
            // We need however, to strip out double quoting
            if (substr_count($part, '"') === 2) {
                // Strip all double quotes out for the phrase.
                // @todo make this less clunky
                // @todo add useful tests for this
                $part = str_replace('"', '', $part);
                $escaped = $this->helper->escapePhrase($part);
            $term[] = $escaped;

        return implode(' ', $term);

     * If the search is fuzzy, add fuzzyness
     * @param $search
     * @return string
    protected function isFuzzy($search): string
        // When doing fuzzy search, postfix, otherwise, don't
        if ($search['fuzzy']) {
            return '~' . (is_numeric($search['fuzzy']) ? $search['fuzzy'] : '');

        return '';

     * Add spellcheck elements
    protected function buildSpellcheck(): void
        // Assuming the first term is the term entered
        $queryString = implode(' ', $this->queryArray);
        // Arbitrarily limit to 5 if the config isn't set
        $count = BaseIndex::config()->get('spellcheckCount') ?: 5;
        $spellcheck = $this->clientQuery->getSpellcheck();