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Test Coverage
"a chordclaw can only be used to make one attack each time this model fights. each time you make a wound roll of 6+ with this weapon, the target suffers d3 mortal wounds instead of the normal damage",,,,,,,Y,,,,
a dire avenger exarch has a 4+ invulnerable save,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,4
"a guardian drone has a 5+ invulnerable save. friendly t'au empire models within 6"" of this model have a 6+ invulnerable save",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,5
"a heavy weapons platform can only move, advance, react, shoot or fight if a friendly guardian defender that is not shaken is within 3"" of it. if a heavy weapons platform shoots, you must choose one such guardian defender that could still shoot its own ranged weapon in that phase, that guardian defender may not fire any of its own ranged weapons this phase. heavy weapons platforms may not charge, may not be specialists, are not part of a fire team and do not gain experience. a heavy weapon platform automatically passes nerve tests",,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,,,
a model armed with boneswords can make 1 additional attack with them in the fight phase,,,,,,,Y,,1,,
a model armed with equalizers increases its attacks characteristic by 1. this increase has been added to its profile,,,,,,,Y,,,,
"a model armed with this weapon has a 5+ invulnerable save against attacks made in the fight phase. if it already has an invulnerable save, add 1 to invulnerable saving throws you make for it in the fight phase instead",,,,,,,Y,,,,
a model equipped with a storm shield has a 3+ invulnerable save,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,3
"a model firing a bolt sniper rifle does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for the target being at long range. in addition, when attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"a model firing a hexrifle does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for the target being at long range. each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to any other damage",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"a model firing a ranger long rifle does not suffer the penalty to hit for the target being at long range. each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts one mortal wound in addition to any other damage",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"a model firing a sniper rifle does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for firing at long range. if you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage",,,,,,Y,,,,,
a model firing a sniper rilfe does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for the target being long range. if you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage,,,,,,Y,,,,,
"a model firing a synaptic disintegrator does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for the target being at long range. each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage",,,,,,Y,,,,,
a model firing this weapon does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for the target being at long range,,,,,,Y,,,,,
"a model firing this weapon does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for the target being at long range. this weapon wounds on a 2+. each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to any other damage",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"a model firing this weapon does not suffer the penalty to its hit rolls for the target being at long range. if you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. if a psyker loses any wounds as a result of this weapon's attacks, after all of this weapon's attacks have been resolved that model suffers perils of the warp",,,,,,Y,,,,,
a model with a brute shield has a 4+ invulnerable save,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,4
a model with a dispersion shield has a 4+ invulnerable save,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,4
a model with a forceshield has a 4+ invulnerable save,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,4
a model with a grapnel launcher can climb any distance vertically (up or down) when it makes a normal move - do not measure the distance moved in this way,,,,Y,,,,,,,
"a model with a grav-chute never suffers falling damage, and never falls on another model. if it would, instead place this model as close as possible to the point where it would have landed. this can bring it within 1"" of an enemy model",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"a model with a shield generator has a 4+ invulnerable save. in addition, each time a model with a shield generator loses a wound, roll a d6; on a 5+ the model does not lose that wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,4
a model with a target lock does not suffer the penalty to their hit rolls for advancing and firing assault weapons,,,,,,Y,,,,,
a model with a tempestus command rod may use the voice of command ability twice in each battle round. resolve the effect of the first order before issuing the second order,,,,,,Y,,,,,
a model with an extended carapace has a save characteristic of 4+ but loses the swift and deadly ability,,,,,,Y,Y,,,4,
a model with an xv8-02 crisis iridium battlesuit has a save characteristic of 2+,,,,,,Y,Y,,,2,
a model with this ability can be chosen to fight in the hammer of wrath section of the fight phase even if they have not charged in that battle round,,,,,,,Y,,,,
"a tactical support turret is set up within 2"" of the model it accompanies when that model is set up on the battlefield. it is treated as a separate model, but cannot move for any reason. if this model is more than 2"" from the model it accompanies at any point, it is removed from the battlefield. it does not count as having been taken out of action. tactical support turrets may not be specialists, are not part of a fire team (pg 204) and do not gain experience",,Y,,,,,,,,,
"add 1 to advance and charge rolls made for bloodletters within 6"" of any models equipped with an instrument of khorne",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"add 1 to advance and charge rolls made for daemonettes within 6"" of any friendly models equipped with an instrument of slaanesh",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"add 1 to advance and charge rolls made for horrors within 6"" of any friendly models equipped with an instrument of tzeentch",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"add 1 to advance and charge rolls made for plaguebearers within 6"" of any friendly models equipped with an instrument of nurgle",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"add 1 to advance and charge rolls made for tzaangors within 6"" of any friendly models equipped with a brayhorn",,,,Y,,,,,,,
add 1 to hit and wound rolls made for this model in the fight phase when targeting an adeptus astartes model,,,,,,,Y,,,,
add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by this model that target a model that has any flesh wounds,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by this model that target a model which is obscured or when there is intervening terrain,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
add 1 to hit rolls for shooting attacks made by a model with a gitfinda squig,,,,,,Y,,,,,
add 1 to hit rolls for this model's ranged attacks that target a model that can fly,,,,,,Y,,,,,
add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when targeting a model that is obscured,,,,,,Y,,,,,
add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when targeting a model that is obscured,,,,,,Y,,,,,
"add 1 to hit rolls of attacks made by drone model's within 6"" of any friendly models (other than shaken models) with a drone controller",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"add 1 to injury rolls made for this model. however, this model can never suffer flesh wounds (any flesh wound result this model suffers has no effect)",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"add 1 to injury rolls made for this model.each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an ap of -4",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"add 1 to saving throws for this model if the attack has a damage characteristic of 1. in addition, the -1 modifier to hit rolls for moving and shooting heavy weapons does not apply to rubric marine gunners or scarab occult gunners",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"add 1 to the attacks characteristic of commanders within 3"" of any friendly models with this ability",,,,,,,Y,,,,
add 1 to the attacks characteristic of this model during and turn in which it made a successful charge,,,,,,,Y,,,,
add 1 to the attacks characteristic of this model in a battle round in which it charged,,,,,,,Y,,,,
"add 1 to the leadership characteristic of models within 6"" of any friendly models equipped with an icon of vengeance",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"add 1 to the leadership characteristic of models within 6"" of any friendly models equipped with an infiltrator comms array",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"add 1 to the leadership characteristic of this model whilst it is within 6"" of elucia vhane",,,,,,,,Y,,,
add 1 to the strength and attacks characteristics of this model in a battle round in which it charges,,,,Y,,,Y,,,,
"add 1"" to the range of a dark apostle's aura tactics for each friendly dark disciple that is within 1"" of that dark apostle",,,,,,,,,,,
"add 2 to hit rolls made for this weapon. in addition, this weapon can target models that are not visible to the bearer. if the target is not visible to the bearer, a 6 is required for a successful hit roll, irrespective of the firing model’s ballistic skill or any modifiers",,,,,,Y,,,,,
add 2 to saving throws made against attacks that target a model with a slab shield,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
add 2 to the damage of a close combat attack made by a klaivex if the wound roll for the attack is 6+,,,,,,,Y,,,,
"add 6"" to this model's move characteristic in the movement phase in which it advances, instead of rolling a dice",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"after a model on this mount makes its close combat attacks, you can attack with its mount. make 1 additional attack, using this weapon profile",,,,,,,Y,,1,,
"after deployment but before the first battle round, roll a d6 for this model. on a 5+ this model can immediately move up to 6""",,Y,,,,,,,,,
"after this model has shot in the shooting phase, roll a d6. on a 6, this model can immediately shoot again, but can only target the nearest enemy model",,,,,,Y,,,,,
all wound rolls of 6+ have an ap of -4,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"ammo runts cannot be specialists. each ammo runt (if they are not shaken) can supply one friendly model within 2"" with ammo once per shooting phase. when they do, you can re-roll one hit roll for a shooting attacks made by that model",,,,,,Y,,,,,
any attacks with a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon have a damage characteristic of 2 instead of 1,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
any wound rolls of 6+ in the fight phase for a model with toxin sacs cause 1 additional damage,,,,,,,Y,,,,
"as long as this model is not shaken, subtract 1 from hit rolls made for attacks with ranged weapons that target this model",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"at the beginning of each battle round, this model recovers 1 wound lost earlier in the battle",,,Y,,,,,,,,
"at the beginning of each battle round, this model regains d3 lost wounds",,,Y,,,,,,,,
"at the beginning of the fight phase, you can pick a single enemy model within 1"" of this model. roll a d6; on a roll of 6, the enemy model suffers a mortal wound",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"at the end of the movement phase, as long as this model is not shaken or readied and did not fall back or make a charge attempt this phase, choose a friendly elucidian starstriders model that has any flesh wounds and is within 1"" of this model. roll a d6; on a 4+ one flesh wound is removed from that model",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"at the start of each battle round, this model regains 1 lost wound",,,Y,,,,,,,,
"at the start of each battle round, you can pick one astra militarum model from your kill team that is within 6"" of this model. that model can ignore the penalty to hit rolls from any flesh wounds it has suffered until the end of that battle round",,,Y,,,Y,Y,,,,
"at the start of each fight phase, you must choose a combat stance for this model to adopt for the duration of that phase - either the sword strike stance or the blade shield stance. if you choose the sword strike stance, add 1 to wound rolls for the model's attacks for that phase. if you choose the blade shield stance, add 1 to this model's saving throws for that phase",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"at the start of each shooting phase you can chose another skitarii model within 3"" of a friendly model equipped with an omnispex that is not shaken. that model does not suffer penalties to their hit or injury rolls due to their target being obscured",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"at the start of the movement phase, you can pick one other gretchin model that is within 3"" of this model and roll one d6. on a 1, that model suffers 1 mortal wound. on a 2-6, treat that model as being armed with stikkbombs in addition to its other wargear until the end of the battle",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"at the start of the movement phase, you can pick one traitor guardsman model from your kill team that is within 6"" of this model. add 2 to the advance and charge rolls made for that model until the end of the phase",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"at the start of the shooting phase, you can choose a pathfinder from your kill team within 6"" of a friendly recon drone. until the end of the phase, that model does not suffer penalties to their hit and injury rolls due to their target being obscured",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"at the start of the shooting phase, you can choose another adeptus astartes model within 3"" of a friendly model equipped with an auspex that is not shaken. that model does not suffer penalties to their hit or injury rolls due to their target being obscured",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"at the start of the shooting phase, you can choose another adeptus astartes model within 3"" of a friendly model equipped with an auspex that is not shaken. that model does not suffer penalties to their hit or injury rolls due to their target being obscured",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"this weapon can be used as a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. when making shooting attacks or firing overwatch with this weapon, use the ranged profile; when making close combat attacks use the melee profile",,,,Y,,Y,Y,,,,
"at the start of the shooting phase, you can select one enemy model that is within 24"" of and visible to this model. until the end of the phase, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by adeptus mechanicus models from your kill team that are within 6"" of this model that target the selected enemy model",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"at the start of your turn in the psychic phase, roll a d6 for each model from your kill team equipped with an icon of flame. on a 6 inflict 1 mortal wound on the closest enemy model within 12"" of the model being rolled for",,,,,Y,,,,,,
"at the start of your turn in the psychich phase, roll a d6 for each model from your kill team equipped with an icon of tzeentch. on a 6 inflict 1 mortal wound of the closest enemy model within 12"" of the model being rolled for",,,,,Y,,,,,,
"attacks from this weapon that target enemies at 8"" or less are resolved with an ap of -4 and a damage of d3",,,,,,Y,,,,,
attacks made with this weapon do not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for the target being obscured,,,,,,Y,,,,,
"autarch with swooping hawk wings only. at the beginning of each fight phase, you can pick a single enemy model within 1"" of this model and roll a d6. on a roll of 6, that model suffers a mortal wound",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"before firing this weapon, roll once to determine the strength of all its shots. if the result is 11+, do not make wound rolls - instead, each attack that hits causes d3 mortal wounds",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"children of baharroth: autarch with swooping hawk wings only. during deployment, you can set up this model in the skies instead of placing it on the battlefield. at the end of any movement phase this model can descend - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9"" away from enemy models",,Y,,Y,,,,,,,
"cursemites cannot be specialists, are not part of a fire team and cannot gain experience",,,,,,,,,,,
"dire avenger models within 2"" of a friendly model with a shimmershield have a 5+ invulnerable save",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
each demolition charge can only be used once per battle,,,,,,Y,,,,,
"each foul blightspawn carries a single unholy death's head grenade. once per battle, a foul blightspawn can throw an unholy death's head grenade instead of a blight grenade. when they do so, change that weapon's type to grenade 2d6",,,,,,Y,,,,,
each hit roll of 6+ made for this weapon automatically results in a wound (do not make a wound roll for that attack),,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
each hit roll of 6+ made with this weapon scores 3 hits,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
each hit roll of 6+ with this weapon causes 3 hits rather than 1,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each servo-arm can only be used to make one attack each time this model fights. when a model attacks with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"each time a model with a cybork body loses a wound, roll a d6. on a 6 that wound is not lost",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time a model with an attack squig fights, it can make 2 additional attacks with this weapon",,,,,,,Y,,2,,
"each time a model with this ability loses a wound, roll a d6, on a 5+ the model does not lose that wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time a model with this ability loses a wound, roll a d6, on a 5+ the model does not lose that wound.",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time a model with this ability loses a wound, roll a d6; on a 5+ the model does not lose that wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time a model with this ability loses a wound, roll a d6; on a 5+ the model does not lose that wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time an infantry model is slain by an attack made with this weapon, roll a d6 for each enemy model within 2"" of that model. on a roll of 4+ the model being rolled for suffers a mortal wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time the bearer fights with this weapon, it can make one additional attack with this weapon",,,,,,,Y,,1,,
"each time the bearer fights, before the bearer makes any other attacks it can make one (and only one) attack with this weapon. if the attack hits, you can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by the bearer that target the same model until the end of the phase",,,,,,,Y,,1,,
"each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon",,,,,,,Y,,1,,
"each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon",,,,,,,Y,,1,,
"each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon unless it is also equipped with a storm shield",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon.",,,,,,,Y,,1,,
"each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. in addition, this weapon wounds on a 2+",,,,,,,Y,,1,,
"each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. this weapon always wounds on a roll of 4+",,,,,,,Y,,1,,
"each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. you can re-roll failed hit rolls for this weapon",,,,,,,Y,,1,,
"each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. you can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon",,,,,,,Y,,1,,
"each time the bearer fights, it can make one additional attack with this weapon",,,,,,,Y,,1,,
"each time the bearer fights, they may make d6 additional attacks with this weapon",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"each time this model loses a wound, roll a d6; on a 5+ the model does not lose that wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time this weapon is fired, roll a d3 to determine its ap for those attacks. for example, if you rolled a 1, this weapon would have an ap of -1. this weapon automatically hits its target",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved at ap -2 instead",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with a damage of 2",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with a damage of 3",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an ap of -1",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an ap of -3",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an ap of -4",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an ap of -4 instead of -1",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you make a wound roll of 6+ with this weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound instead of the normal damage",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you make a wound rolll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an ap of -3",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you make an unmodified wound roll of 6 for one of this model's melee weapons, improve the ap of that attack by 1 (e.g. ap -2 becomes ap -3)",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"each time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for this weapon when targeting a psyker or daemon, the target suffers a mortal wound instead of the normal damage",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon , the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you roll an unmodified hit roll of 6 when making a close combat attack for a striking scorpion exarch, that model can immediately make another close combat attack using the same weapon against the same target. these extra attacks cannot generate any additional attacks",,,,,,,Y,,,,
each unmodified hit roll of 6 made for an attack with this weapon scores 3 hits rather than 1,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each unmodified hit roll of 6 made for this weapon inflicts 3 hits on the target, instead of 1",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
each unmodified hit roll of 6 made for this weapon's attacks automatically results in a wound (do not make a wound roll for that attack),,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
each unmodified hit roll of 6 made with this weapon scores 2 hits,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
each unmodified hit roll of 6 with this weapon causes 3 hits,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"enemy models beginning a charge move within 12"" of any grav-inhibitor drones reduce their charge distance by d3""",,,,Y,,,,,,,
enemy models cannot react when they are a target of this model's charge,,,,Y,,,,,,,
"enemy models must subtract 1 from their leadership characteristic if they are within 3"" of any reiver models",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"enemy models must subtract 1 from their leadership if they are within 3"" of any reiver models",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"enemy models must subtract 1 from their leadership if they are within 3"" of any reiver or reiver sergeant models",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"enemy models that are set up on the battlefield from reserve cannot be set up within 7"" of this model",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"eyestinger swarms cannot be specialists, are not part of a fire team and cannot gain experience",,,,,,,,,,,
"for each wound roll of 6+ for attacks made by this weapon, the target suffers d3 mortal wounds instead of the normal damage",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"for each wound roll of 6+ made for this weapon, the target model suffers 1 mortal wound in addition to the normal damage",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"for each wound roll of 6+ made for this weapon, the target model suffers a mortal wound in addition to the normal damage",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"friendly astra militarum units within 6"" of this model - whilst it is within 1"" of an enemy model and not shaken - automatically pass nerve tests",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"friendly elucidian starstriders models that are within 6"" of this model have a 5+ invulnerable save",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"friendly traitor guardsman models within 6"" of this model can use this model's leadership characteristic instead of their own",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"from the end of a phase in which a friendly commander is taken out of action, until the end of the battle, this model's weapon skill characteristic becomes 4+ and its attacks characteristic becomes 4",,,,,,,Y,,,,
hit rolls for this model's ranged attacks do not suffer any penalty for the target being obscured,,,,,,Y,,,,,
"i this model has a rod of office, add 3"" to the range of its aura abilities",,,,,,,,,,,
"if a model has adrenal glands, add 1"" to the distance it can move when it advances or charges",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"if a model is armed with an auxiliary grenade launcher, increase the range of any grenade weapons they have to 30"". this model's grenade weapons are affected by the long range rule",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if a model is armed with two nemesis falchions, each time it fights it can make 1 additional attack with them",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"if a model is hit by one or more phantasm grenade launchers, subtract 1 from its leadership characteristic until the end of the battle round",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if a model is hit by this weapon, roll 2d6 - if the result is equal to or greater than the target model's leadership, it suffers a mortal wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"if a model with this ability makes an attack in the fight phase which targets an imperium model, each time you roll a hit roll of 6+ you may make an additional attack with the same weapon against the same target. these attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"if an enemy model is taken out of action by an attack made with this model's liberator autostubs, then until the end of the phase, re-roll hit rolls of 1 for models in your kill team whilst they are within 6"" of this model",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if an infantry model within 1"" of any enemy models with this ability would fall back, the controlling players roll off. the model that would fall back can only do so if the player controlling it wins the roll-off",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"if any enemy models are setup within 12"" of this model during a phase, and this model is not shaken, then at the end of the phase this model may immediately shoot at one of those models as if it were your shooting phase, but you must subtract 1 from these hit rolls when resolving these shots",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"if target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if the  target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if the bearer is taken out of action in the fight phase before it has made its attacks in that phase, it may immediately fight before being removed from the battlefield",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"if the target has a save characteristic of 3+ or better, this weapon has a damage characteristic of d3",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"if the target has a save characteristic of 3+ or better, this weapon has a damage of d3",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"if the target is within 1"" of a terrain feature, add 1 to this weapon's strength and damage characteristics",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"if the target is within 6"" of the bearer, this weapon has a type of pistol 1, an ap of -3 and a damage of d3",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if the target is within half range of this weapon, its attacks are resolved with a damage of 2",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if the target is within half range of this weapon, its attacks are resolved with a strength of 9 and an ap of -3",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if the target is within half range, add 1 to the weapon's strength",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if the target is within half range, add 1 to this weapon's strength",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if the target is within half range, add 1 to this weapon's strength characteristic",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if this fighter is within 1"" of an enemy model at the beginning of the fight phase, it is considered to have charged",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"if this model attacks any daemons in the fight phase, you can re-roll failed wound rolls for those attacks",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"if this model has a null rod, it cannot be targeted or affected by psychic powers. in addition, whilst any models from your kill team that are equipped with a null rod are within 18"" of a psyker, subtract 1 from psychic tests and deny the witch tests taken for that model",,,,,Y,,,,,,
"if this model is armed with a storm shield, it has a 3+ invulnerable save instead of a 5+ invulnerable save",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,3
"if this model is obscured when it is the target of a shooting attack, improve its save characteristic to 3+ until that attack has been resolved",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if this model is taken out of action in the fight phase, roll a d6; on a 6 the enemy model that made the attack that took this model out of action suffers 1 mortal wound after it has made all of its attacks",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"if this model is taken out of action in the fight phase, you can immediately fight with them before removing the model from the battlefield, even if they have already been chosen to fight in that phase",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"if this model is taken out of action, roll a d6 before removing it from the battlefield. on a 6, each model within 3"" suffers 1 mortal wound unless it has the nurgle keyword",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"if this model is taken out of action, roll a dice before removing it from the battlefield; on a 5+ the warp energies contained within it burst out, and each model within 3"" suffers 1 mortal wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"if this model moves or advances in its movement phase, weapons (excluding heavy weapons) are used as if the model had remained stationary",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if this model takes an enemy model out of action in the fight phase, its invulnerable save is improved to 3+ for the remainder of the mission",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"if this weapon inflicts any damage on an enemy model, until the end of the battle round that model and enemy models within 2"" of that model cannot make shooting attacks",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if you make a wound roll of 6+ for an attack made by a daemonette whilst they are within 6"" of any friendly models equipped with an icon of slaanesh, that attack inflicts 1 mortal wound in addition to is normal damage",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"if you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"if you make one or more unmodified hit rolls of 1, the bearer suffers a mortal wound after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"if you select the plant traps strategy during the scouting phase, you can booby-trap up to d3+1 pieces of terrain instead of up to d3",Y,,,,,,,,,,
"if you select the plant traps strategy during the scouting phase, you can boobytrap up to d3+1 pieces of terrain instead of up to d3",Y,,,,,,,,,,
"if your kill team is battle-forged, and you have a tallyman on the battlefield that is not shaken, roll 2d6 each time you spend command points to use a death guard tactic. if the result is 7, the command points spent to use that tactic are immediately refunded",,,,,,,,,,,
ignore penalties to this model's hit rolls from one flesh wound this model has suffered,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
ignore the penalty to this model's hit rolls from flesh wounds.,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
ignore the penalty to this model's hit rolls from one flesh wound it has suffered,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
ignore the penalty to this model’s hit rolls from one flesh wound it has suffered,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
ignore the penalty to this model’s hit rolls from one flesh wound it has suffered.,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"each time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for this weapon when targeting a psyker or daemon, the target suffers a mortal wound instead of the normal damage",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"immediately after making a shooting attack with rein or raus (other than firing overwatch), the firing model can move as if it were the movement phase (though it cannot advance as part of this move)",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"improve the ap characteristic of this model's ranged weapons by 1 (e.g. an ap 0 becomes ap -1, an ap -1 becomes ap -2)",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"in addition, models with this ability can attempt to deny one psychic power in each psychic phase in the same manner as a psyker. when making this attempt, roll one d6 instead of 2d6; the psychic power is resisted if the roll is greater than the result of the psychic test that manifested the power",,,,,Y,,,,,,
"in the fight phase, after this model has fought in that phase for the first time, when it is your turn to pick a model to fight with later in the same phase, this model can be selected to fight for a second time if it is within 3"" of any enemy models",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"in your turn in the movement phase, a model from your kill team with a haywire mine that has not been primed can prime it. if they do, at any point during that model’s move, place the primed haywire mine within 1"" of it, and more than 3"" away from any enemy models. if an enemy model moves within 2"" of that primed haywire mine, roll one d6; on a 4+ each model within 2"" of the primed haywire mine suffers 1 mortal wound. that primed haywire mine is then removed from play",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"instead of shooting this phase, the ordered model immediately makes an advance move as if it were the movement phase",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"make d3 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon, instead of 1",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"models do not suffer any penalty to their nerve tests for a friendly dark disciple being out of action. dark disciples cannot be specialists, are not part of a fire team and cannot gain experience",,,,,,,,Y,,,
models do not suffer any penalty to their nerve tests for a friendly familiar being out of action,,,,,,,,Y,,,
models with this ability have a 6+ invulnerable save,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,6
"on an unmodified hit roll of 1, the beaer is taken out of action after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"on an unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"on an unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain once all of this weapon's shots have been resolved",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"on an unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer is taken out of action",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"on an unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer is taken out of action after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"on an unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer is taken out of action after all of this weapon’s shots have been resolved",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"on an unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer of this weapon is taken out of action after all this weapon's shots have been resolved.",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"on an unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers a mortal wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"on an unmodified roll of 1, the bearer is taken out of action",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"once in each psychic phase, you can attempt to re-roll any number of dice used for this model's attempt to manifest or deny a psychic power",,,,,Y,,,,,,
"once per battle round, if your leader or an officer from your kill team is on the battlefield and not shaken, you can pick one of these models to issue an order to other members of your kill team at the start of the shooting phase. to issue an order, pick another friendly astra militarum model (other than a shaken or commander model) within 12"" of your leader or officer and choose which order you wish to issue from the list opposite. a model may only be affected by one order per battle round",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"once per battle, at the end of the movement phase, this mode can activate an ancient archeotech device. if he does so, select one of the following effects",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"once per battle, at the start of the fight phase, pick an enemy model within 1"" of this model and roll a dice; on a 4+ the enemy model suffers d3 mortal wounds",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"psykers suffer perils of the warp on any psychic roll of a double that is made for them, instead of just double 1 or 6, while they are within 12"" of any enemy models with this ability",,,,,Y,,,,,,
raus can climb any distance vertically (up or down) when he makes a normal move – do not measure the distance moved in this way,,,,Y,,,,,,,
re-roll failed charge rolls for a unit with this ability,,,,Y,,,,,,,
re-roll failed hit rolls for this model's shooting attacks when it fires overwatch,,,,Y,,,,,,,
re-roll failed wound rolls for attacks made with this model,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
re-roll hit rolls of 1 for the ordered model until the end of this phase,,,,,,Y,,,,,
re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the shooting phase for this model if it targets more than one model when it uses a ranged weapon,,,,,,Y,,,,,
re-roll wound rolls of 1 for the ordered model until the end of the phase,,,,,,Y,,,,,
re-roll wound rolls of 1 for this weapon,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"reduce the toughness characteristic of enemy models by 1 whilst they are within 1"" of one or more models with this ability",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
roll a d3 when attacking when this model is selected to attack in the fight phase. the result is the attacks characteristic of this model until the end of the phase,,,,,,,Y,,,,
"roll a d6 each time a commander is hit by a ranged or melee weapon whilst they are within 3"" of any friendly models with this ability. on a 2+, choose one of those models to be hit instead - resolve the remainder of the attack sequence against that model",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"roll a d6 each time a commander loses a wound whilst they are within 3"" of any friendly models with this ability; on a 2+ choose one of those models to intercept that hit - the commander does not lose a wound but the model you chose suffers a mortal wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"roll a d6 each time a model suffers damage from this weapon; if you roll higher than the model's remaining number of wounds, it is instantly taken out of action. when attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"roll a d6 each time a model suffers damage from this weapon; on a 2+ the model suffers a mortal wound and roll another d6. this time, the model suffers a mortal wound on a 3+. keep rolling a d6, increasing the score required to cause a mortal wound by 1 each time, until the model's wounds are reduced to 0 or the roll is failed",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"roll a d6 each time a traitor commisar from your kill team loses a wound whilst it is within 3"" of this model; on a 3+ the traitor commisar does not lose a wound, but this model suffers 1 mortal wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"roll a d6 each time you use the look out, sir! commander tactic on this model. on a 2+, you gain a command point.",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"roll a d6 whenever this model suffers a mortal wound, adding 3 to the roll if the mortal wound was inflicted as the result of the psyker suffering perils of the warp. on a 5+ that wound is not lost",,,,,Y,Y,Y,,,,
"roll a dice each time a commander loses a wound whilst they are within 3"" of any friendly models with this ability; on a 2+ choose one of these models to intercept that hit - the commander does not lose a wound but the model you chose suffers a mortal wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"roll a dice each time a leader from your kill team loses a wound whilst they are within 3"" of any friendly models with this ability; on a 2+ choose one of those models to intercept that hit - the leader does not lose a wound but the model you chose suffers a mortal wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"roll off if an infantry model within 1"" of any enemy models with this ability would fall back. the model that would fall back can only do so if the player controlling it wins the roll-off",,,,Y,,,,,,,
see markerlight rules,,,,,,,,,,,
"select one adeptus mechanicus model from your kill team that is within 3"" of this model. that model regains 1 lost wound",,,,,,,,,,,
"select one enemy model within 3"" of this model. that model suffers 1 mortal wound",,,,,,,,,,,
"sludge-grubs cannot be specialists, are not part of a fire team and cannot gain experience",,,,,,,,,,,
"subract 1 from any psychic tests made for enemy pskyers within 18"" of a model with this ability. tyranids psykers are not affected",,,,,Y,,,,,,
"subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model. in addition, this model has a 5+ invulnerable save",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,5
"subtract 1 from the leadership characteristic of daemon models whilst they are within 6"" of any models equipped with a brazier of holy fire. in addition, once per battle, when a model equipped with a brazier of holy fire shoots or fires overwatch, that model can instead unleash holy fire. when it does, select one enemy model that is within 12"" of this model and visible to it (if firing overwatch, this must be the charging model) and up to 2 other enemy models that are within 2"" of that model and visible to the shooting model. each selected enemy models suffers 1 mortal wound (if the model is a deamon it instead suffers 2 mortal wounds)",,,,Y,,Y,,Y,,,
"subtract 1 from the leadership characteristic of enemy models whilst they are within 3"" of one or more models with this ability",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"subtract 1 from the leadership characteristic of enemy models within 6"" of any models equipped with an icon of despair",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"subtract 1 from the leadership characteristic of enemy models within 6"" of any models equipped with an icon of nurgle",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"subtract 1 from the leadership characteristic of models whilst they are within 6"" of any enemy models with this ability",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"subtract 1 from the leadership characteristics of enemy models whilst they are within 3"" of boss snikrot",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"subtrat 1 from hit rolls made for attacks which target this model. in addition, this model automatically passes falling tests",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"the bearer can only make a single attack with this weapon each time it fights. you can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. each time you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, the target suffers d3 mortal wounds in addition to any other damage",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"the death to the false emperor ability of models within 6"" of any friendly models equipped with an icon of excess takes effect on hit rolls of 5+ rather than 6+",,,,,,,Y,,,,
the ordered model can shoot even if it advanced in the previous movement phase,,,,,,Y,,,,,
the ordered model can shoot this phase even if it fell back in the movement phase,,,,,,Y,,,,,
"the primed haywire mine is represented by the primed haywire mine model, but does not count as a model for any rules purposes",,,,,,,,,,,
"the shield of faith ability grants a 5+ invulnerable save instead of a 6+ to models from your kill team, whilst they are within 6"" of any friendly models with a simulacrum imperialis",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
the voice of command ability has no effect on sly marbo,,,,,,Y,,,,,
the voice of command ability has no effect on this model,,,,,,Y,,,,,
the weapon always wounds on a roll of 2+,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"the weapon can be fired within 1"" of an enemy model, and can target enemy models within 1"" of friendly models",,,,,,Y,,,,,
this mode has a 5+ invulnerable save,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,5
this model automatically passes nerve tests,,,,,,,,Y,,,
this model can shoot or react even if it fell back or retreated earlier in this battle round,,,,Y,,Y,,,,,
"this model cannot be targeted or affected by psychic powers. when a psychic test or a deny the witch test is taken for an enemy model, subtract 1 from the total for each model in your kill team with this ability that is within 18"" of that model (to a maximum of -4)",,,,,Y,,,,,,
this model cannot gain experience,,,,,,,,,,,
"this model does not suffer the penalty for moving and firing heavy weapons, or for advancing and firing assault weapons. the model can also advance and fire rapid fire weapons, but you must subtract 1 from hit rolls when it does so",,,,,,Y,,,,,
this model does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for moving and firing heavy weapons,,,,,,Y,,,,,
this model does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for the target being obscured,,,,,,Y,,,,,
this model does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for the target being obscurred,,,,,,Y,,,,,
"this model has a 2+ invulnerable save, which cannot be re-rolled for any reason. the first time this invulnerable save is failed the shadowfield ceases to function for the remainder of the battle",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,2
this model has a 3+ invulnerable save,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,3
this model has a 4+ invulnerable save,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,4
this model has a 4+ invulnerable save and can move across models and terrain as if they were not there,,,,Y,,Y,Y,,,,4
this model has a 4+ invulnerable save in the fight phase,,,,,,,Y,,,,
"this model has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far it advances",,,,Y,,Y,Y,,,,4
this model has a 4+ invulnerable save.,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,4
this model has a 5+ invulnerable save,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,5
"this model has a 5+ invulnerable save. after this model has charged, choose one of the target models within 1"" and roll a d6. on a 6 that target model suffers 1 mortal wound",,,,Y,,Y,Y,,,,5
"this model has a 5+ invulnerable save. each time you roll an unmodified saving throw of 6 for this model in the fight phase, and this model is not shaken, the enemy model that made the attack suffers 1 mortal wound after it has made all of its attacks",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,5
"this model has a 5+ invulnerable save. in addition, at the beginning of each battle round, this model regains d3 lost wounds",,,Y,,,Y,Y,,,,5
"this model has a 5+ invulnerable save. in addition, roll a d6 each time a model with this ability suffers a mortal wound in the psychic phase. on a 6 that mortal wound is ignored",,,,,Y,Y,Y,,,,5
"this model has a 5+ invulnerable save. when this model finishes a charge move within 1"" of an enemy model, pick an enemy model within 1"" and roll a d6. on a roll of 6 the enemy model suffers a mortal wound",,,,Y,,Y,Y,,,,5
this model has a 6+ invulnerable save,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,6
this model has an invulnerable save of 4+. blue horrors instead have an invulnerable save of 5+. pairs of brimstone horrors instead have an invulnerable save of 6+,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,4
"this model is always a specialist, but this does not count towards the maximum number of specialists in your kill team",,,,,,,,,,,
this model is not treated as a model in your kill team for the purposes of canticles of the omnissiah,,,,,,,,,,,
"this model may take a hover drone. if it does, its move characteristic is increased to 8"" and it gains the jet pack and fly keywords",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"this model never suffers falling damage, and never falls on another model. if it would, instead place this model as close as possible to the point where it would have landed. this can bring it within 1"" of an enemy model",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
this model only receives the benefit of its disgustingly resilient ability against attacks with a damage characteristic of 1,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"this model's move characteristic is increased to 10"" and it gains the fly keyword",,,,Y,,,,,,,
this model's shooting attacks do not suffer any penalty to their hit rolls for the target model being obscured,,,,,,Y,,,,,
"this order can only be issued to a model within 1"" of an enemy model. the ordered model immediately fights as if it were the fight phase",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"this weapon always wounds on a 2+. if a commander loses any wounds from this weapon, roll a d6 for it after all of this model's attacks have been resolved. if the result is higher than the wounds characteristic of the commander, it suffers d3 mortal wounds",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
this weapon always wounds on a 4+,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
this weapon always wounds on a roll of 2+,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"this weapon always wounds on a roll of 2+. furthermore, each time you make a wound roll of 6+ with this weapon, that hit is resolved with an ap of -4",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"this weapon always wounds on a roll of 2+. if a model is taken out of action by an attack made by this weapon, roll a d6 for each model within 2"" of that model. on a roll of 5+, that model suffers a mortal wound",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
this weapon always wounds on a roll of 4+,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
this weapon automatically hits its target,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
this weapon automatically hits its target. roll to determine the strength of this weapon after selecting its target(s). you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for this weapon,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
this weapon automatically hits its targets,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"this weapon can be fired at models that are not visible to the bearer. if the target is not visible to the bearer, a 6 is required for a successful hit roll, irrespective of the firing model’s ballistic skill or any modifiers",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"this weapon can be fired at models that are not visible to the bearer. it the target is not visible to the bearer, a 6 is required for a successful hit roll, irrespective of the firing model's ballistic skill or any modifiers",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"this weapon can be supercharged by the bearer before firing. if they do so, increase the strength and damage of the weapon by 1 this turn. on any unmodified hit rolls of 1 when firing supercharge, the bearer is taken out of action after all of the weapon's shots have been resolved",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"this weapon can be supercharged bythe bearer before firing. if they do so, increase the strength and damage of the weapon by 1. on any unmodified hit rolls of 1 when firing supercharge, the bearer is taken out of action, after all of the weapon's shots have been resolved",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"this weapon can be used as a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. when making shooting attacks or firing overwatch with this weapon, use the ranged profile; when making close combat attacks use the melee profile",,,,Y,,Y,Y,,,,
"this weapon can be used as a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. when making shooting attacks or firing overwatch with this weapon, use the ranged profile; when making close combat attacks, use the melee profile",,,,Y,,Y,Y,,,,
"this weapon can be used as a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. when making shooting attacks or firing overwatch, use the ranged profile; when making close combat attacks, use the melee profile",,,,Y,,Y,Y,,,,
this weapon can only be fired once per battle,,,,,,Y,,,,,
"this weapon can target models that are not visible to the bearer. if the target is not visible to the bearer, a 6 is required for a successful hit roll, irrespective of the firing model's ballistic skill or any modifiers",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"this weapon cannot be fired if the firing model moved during the movement phase. a model firing a transuranic arquebus does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for the target being at long range. each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to the normal damage",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"this weapon does not inflict any damage. if an enemy infantry model is hit by any shock grenades, it is stunned until the end of the next battle round; that model cannot fire overwatch or be readied, and your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls made for the model",,,,,,Y,,,,,
this weapon does not inflict any damage. your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls made for infantry models that have suffered any hits from photon grenades until the end of the battle round,,,,,,Y,,,,,
this weapon wounds on a 2+,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
this weapon wounds on a 4+,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"this weapon's damage characteristic is 2 in a battle round in which this model charged, was charged or performed a sudden strike",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"tyranids models automatically pass nerve tests while they are within 12"" of any friendly models with this ability",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"unless this model is within 24"" of a friendly synapse model, you must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for it when shooting any target other than the nearest visible enemy model, and subtract 2 from any charge rolls made for it if it declares a charge against any model other than the nearest enemy model",,,,Y,,Y,,,,,
"when a model attacks with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when a model fires this weapon, it makes a number of shots equal to its attacks characteristic",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when a model makes a hit roll for a shooting attack that targets a model equipped with with a camo cloak, and that model is obscured, that hit roll suffers an additional -1 modifier",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when an enemy play makes a hit roll for a shooting attack that targets this model, and this model is obscured, that hit roll suffers an additional -1 modifier",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when an enemy player makes a hit roll for a shooting attack that targets this model, and this model is obscured, that hit roll suffers an additional -1 modifier",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when an enemy player makes a hit roll for a shooting attack that targets this model, and this model is obscurred, that hit roll suffers and additional -1 modifier",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when an injury roll is made for this model, on an unmodified roll of 6 the model is not taken out of action and does not suffer a flesh wound.  instead it is restored to 1 wound remaining with no flesh wounds",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when an opponent makes a hit roll for a shooting attack that targets a model equipped with a camo cloak, and that model is obsucred, that hit roll suffers an additional -1 modifier",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when an opponent makes a hit roll for a shooting attack that targets rein or raus, and the target model is obscured, that hit roll suffers an additional -1 modifier",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when an opponent makes a hit roll for a shooting attack that targets this model, and this model is obscured, that hit roll suffers an additional -1 modifier",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when an opponent makes a hit roll for a shooting attack that targets this model, and this model is obscurred, that hit roll suffers an additional -1 modifier",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when attacking an infantry model, re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when attacking with this weapon, choose one of its profiles below",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an ap of -3",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of its profiles below. if you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls made with this weapon",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. if you choose both subract 1 from all hit rolls made with this weapon",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. if you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls made for this weapon",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when attacking with this weapon, choose one or more of the profiles. if you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls made for this weapon",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when attacking with this weapon, subtract 1 from the hit roll",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. each time you make a wound roll of 6+ with this weapon, that hit is resolved with a damage of 6",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. if a model is armed with two killsaws, add 1 to its attacks characteristic",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"when attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit rolls",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when inflicting damage on this model, reduce the damage of the attack by 1 to a minimum of 1",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when making a shooting attack with a web weapon, you can either use the strength or toughness characteristic of the target to determine the wound roll - whichever is lowest",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when making attacks with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when making close combat attacks, use the melee profile",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"when making shooting attacks or firing overwatch with this weapon, use the ranged profile",,,,Y,,Y,,,,,
"when resolving an attack made by this model against a psyker model, you can re-roll the wound roll",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when resolving an attack made with this weapon against a model which has a leadership characteristic of 7 or less, add one to the wound roll",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when resolving an attack made with this weapon against a psyker, this weapon has a damage characteristic of d3",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when resolving an attack made with this weapon against a unit that is within half range, roll two d6 when inflicting damage with it and discard one of the results",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when resolving an attack made with this weapon, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when resolving an attack made with this weapon, subtract 1 from the hit roll",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"when the bearer makes a shooting attack with this weapon in the shooting phase, increase that attack's damage characteristic to 3 if they remained stationary iduring the previous movement phase",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when the model manifests the psybolt psychic power it has a range of 12"". if psybolt is successfully manifested, and the target model is a daemon, the target suffers d3 mortal wounds even if the result of the psychic test was not 11+",,,,,Y,,,,,,
"when this model attempts to manifest the psybolt psychic power, select an enemy model within 12"" of and visible to it before making the psychic test – if there are none, it cannot attempt to manifest psybolt this phase. if the power is successfully manifested, the model you chose suffers the mortal wounds, even if another enemy model is closer to this model",,,,,Y,,,,,,
"when this model fights, you can choose to use this weapon. after this model fights, you can make two additional attacks using this weapon",,,,,,,Y,,2,,
"when this model fires a guardian spear, absolvor bolt pistol, bolt pistol, master-crafted auto bolt rifle or master-crafted stalker bolt rifle, you can choose one kind of ammunition from the table above, and apply the corresponding modifier",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when this model fires an auto bolt rifle, bolt carbine, bolt pistol, bolt rifle, combi-flamer (boltgun profile only), combi-melta (boltgun profile only), combi-plasma (boltgun profile only), heavy bolt pistol, stalker bolt rifle, stalker pattern boltgun or storm bolter you can choose one kind of ammunition from the table above, and apply the corresponding modifier",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when this model fires an auto bolt rifle, bolt carbine, bolt pistol, bolt rifle, combi-melta (boltgun profile only), combi-plasma (boltgun profile only), heavy bolt pistol, stalker bolt rifle, stalker pattern boltgun or storm bolter you can choose one kind of ammunition from the table above, and apply the corresponding modifier",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"when this model fires overwatch, they successfully hit on a roll of 5 or 6",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"when this model piles in and consolidates, they can move up to 3"" towards the nearest enemy leader or commander even if it is not the nearest enemy model, so long as they finish this move within 1"" of an enemy model",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"when you make an unmodified roll of 6 for a nerve test taken for a model within 3"" of a friendly model with this ability, that nerve test is passed",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"when you pick this model to move in the movement phase, roll a d6. on a 6, you can add 2"" to this model's move characteristic until the end of the phase, and this model regains 1 lost wound",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"when you set up this model during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9"" away from any enemy deployment zone",,Y,,,,,,,,,
"whenever this model piles in or condolidates, it can move up to 6""",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"while this model is on the battlefield, add 1 to hit rolls and subtract 1 from nerve tests for models in your kill team if every model in your kill team is a gretchin",,,,,,Y,Y,Y,,,
"whilst a t'au empire infantry model is within 3"" of a friendly pulse accelerator drone, increase the range characteristic of that model's pulse pistol, pulse carbine or pulse rifle by 6""",,,,,,Y,,,,,
"whilst this model is on the battlefield and not shaken, you can re-roll any rolls of 1 when rolling for a model's cult ambush ability. in addition, if your kill team is battle-forged, then as long as this models is on the battlefield and not shaken, roll a dice each time a player spends one or more command points. on a roll of 6, you gain 1 command point",,Y,,,,,,,,,
"x-101 has a weapon skill and ballistic skill characteristic of 4+, and a leadership characteristic of 9, whilst it is within 6"" of any tech-priests from your kill team",,,,,,Y,Y,Y,,,
"you can add 1 to deny the witch tests you take for this model against enemy psykers within 12""",,,,,Y,,,,,,
you can add 1 to the attacks and strength characteristics of a model with this ability in a battle round in which they charged,,,,,,,Y,,,,
you can add 1 to the attacks characteristic of this model in the fight phase of any battle round in which it charged. this ability may only be used the first time this model fights each battle round,,,,,,,Y,,,,
"you can re-roll advance and charge rolls for friendly sister repentia models that are within 6"" of this model when the dice are rolled. in addition, you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made with melee weapons by friendly sister repentia models that are within 6"" of this model",,,,Y,,,Y,,,,
"you can re-roll any dice rolls of 1 when taking a psychic test for this model. however, this model suffers perils of the warp on any psychic test roll of a double, not just double 1 or double 6",,,,,Y,,,,,,
"you can re-roll charge rolls for bloodletters within 6"" of any friendly models equipped with an icon of khorne",,,,Y,,,,,,,
"you can re-roll charge rolls for khorne models within 6"" of any friendly models equipped with an icon of wrath",,,,Y,,,,,,,
you can re-roll failed charge rolls for a black shield,,,,Y,,,,,,,
you can re-roll failed charge rolls for this model,,,,Y,,,,,,,
"you can re-roll failed charge rolls for this model. in addition, whenever this model piles in or consolidates, it can move up to 6""",,,,Y,,,Y,,,,
you can re-roll failed hit and wound rolls when shooting with rein’s sniper rifle if the target is also visible to raus,,,,,,Y,,,,,
you can re-roll failed hit rolls for attacks made by this model in a battle round in which it charged or was charged,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
you can re-roll failed hit rolls for this model if the target is an enemy commander,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
you can re-roll failed hit rolls for this model in a battle round in which it charged or was charged by an enemy model,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"you can re-roll failed hit rolls in the fight phase for this model in a battle round in which it charges or is charged by a slaanesh model. however, you must add 1 to nerve tests for this model if it is within 3"" of any slaanesh models",,,,,,,Y,Y,,,
you can re-roll failed hit rolls when attacking with this weapon,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
you can re-roll failed hit rolls with this weapon,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
you can re-roll failed nerve tests for astra militarum models while a friendly model with a vox caster is on the battlefield and not shaken,,,,,,,,Y,,,
"you can re-roll failed nerve tests for friendly models that are within 6"" of this model",,,,,,,,Y,,,
you can re-roll failed nerve tests for skitarii models while a friendly model with an enhanced data-tether is on the battlefield and not shaken,,,,,,,,Y,,,
you can re-roll failed nerve tests for this model,,,,,,,,Y,,,
"you can re-roll failed nerve tests for this model whilst it is within 6"" of a heretic astartes model from your kill team",,,,,,,,Y,,,
you can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"you can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. if a model is armed with two lightning claws, each time it attacks it can make one additional attack with them",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"you can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. if a model is armed with two lightning claws, each time it fights it can make 1 additional attack with them",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"you can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. in addition, each time you make a wound roll of 6+, that hit is resolved with an ap of -6 and damage of 3",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"you can re-roll hit and wound rolls in the fight phase for any of deathleaper's attacks that target enemy commanders. in addition, deathleaper can make a charge attempt when it is set up from reserve, though if it does so you may only roll a single d6 (rather than 2d6) for the charge roll",,,,Y,,,Y,,,,
you can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for this model's attacks that target necron models,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
you can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by a model with this ability in any battle round in which it charged or was charged,,,,,,,Y,,,,
"you can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for models within 6"" of a friendly model with a cult icon in the fight phase",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"you can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. if the bearer has more than one pair of scything talons, it can made 1 additional attack with them each time it fights",,,,,,,Y,,,,
"you can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. if the bearer has more than one pair of scything talons, it can make 1 additional attack with them each time it fights",,,,,,,Y,,,,
you can re-roll the first failed psychic test you make for this model. this ability can only be used once per battle,,,,,Y,,,,,,
you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for this weapon,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for this weapon. each wound roll of 6+ made for this weapon inflicts a mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for this weapon. make d3 hit rolls each time you attack with this weapon,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for this weapon. this weapon automatically hits its target,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for this weapon. when attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
"you can subtract 1 from nerve tests for breacher shas'las or breacher shas'uis from your kill team within 3"" of any other friendly models with this ability that are not shaken",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"you can subtract 1 from nerve tests for pathfinders, pathfinder gunners or pathfinder shas'uis from your kill team within 3"" of any other friendly models with this ability that are not shaken",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"you can subtract 1 from nerve tests for shas'las or shas'uis from your kill team within 3"" of any other friendly models with this ability that are not shaken",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"you can subtract 1 from nerve tests for stealth shas'uis or stealth shas'vres from your kill team within 3"" of any other friendly models with this ability that are not shaken",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"you can subtract 1 from nerve tests for xv8 crisis shas'uis or xv8 crisis shas'vres from your kill team within 3"" of any other friendly models with this ability that are not shaken",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"your opponent must add 1 to nerve tests taken for models that are within 3"" of any models with this ability",,,,,,,,Y,,,
your opponent must re-roll successful invulnerable saves for wounds caused by this weapon,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls for attacks that target this model,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,
your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for ranged weapons that target this model,,,,,,Y,,,,,
"your opponents must add 1 to nerve tests taken for enemy models within 3"" of any models with this ability",,,,,,,,Y,,,
"your opponents must add 1 to nerve tests taken for models that are within 3"" of any enemy models with this ability",,,,,,,,Y,,,
your opponents must subtract 1 from hit rolls in the fight phase that target a howling banshee exarch,,,,,,,Y,,,,