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"a company commander may use the voice of command ability twice each battle round. resolve the effects of the first order before issuing the second order.models in your kill team are considered to be obscured to enemy models that target them if they are more than 12"" away from those models.",,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by models in your kill team for each other model in your kill team that has taken an enemy model out of action with an attack in this phase.,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
"add 1 to the leadership characteristic of all models in your kill team. in addition, models in your kill team can still shoot in a battle round in which they retreated or fell back, but if they do, a 6 is always required for a successful hit roll, irrespective of the firing model's ballistic skill or any modifiers.",,,,,,Y,,Y,,,,1,,
"add 1 to the leadership characteristic of models in your kill team. in addition, models in your kill team can shoot rapid fire weapons as if they were assault weapons in the shooting phase of a battle round in which they advanced (e.g. a rapid fire 1 weapon would be used as if it were assault 1).",,,,,,Y,,Y,,,,1,,
"add 1 to the leadership characteristic of models in your kill team. in addition, you can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for shooting attacks made by models in your kill team.",,,,,,Y,,Y,,,,1,,
"add 1 to the leadership characteristic of models in your kill team. in addition, you can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for shuriken weapons used by models in your kill team. a shuriken weapon is any weapon profile whose name includes the word 'shuriken' (e.g. shuriken pistol, avenger shuriken catapult, etc.). the ranged profile of a scorpion's claw is also a shuriken weapon.",,,,,,Y,,Y,,,,1,,
"add 1 to the move characteristic of models in your kill team and add 1 to advance and charge rolls made for them. in addition, these models do not suffer the penalty to their hit rolls for shooting assault weapons during a battle round in which they advanced.",,,,Y,,Y,,,1,,,,,
"add 1 to the strength characteristic of models in your kill team. in addition, add 1 to the leadership characteristic of models in your kill team if they are within 6"" of a friendly catachan officer.",,,,,,,Y,Y,,1,,,,
"add 1 to the strength characteristic of models in your kill team. in addition, when a model in your kill team advances add an additional 2"" to the distance it can move.when it is your turn to choose a psyker from your kill team to attempt to manifest psychic powers in this phase, you can choose up to two models from your kill team to do so. resolve all of one model’s attempts before choosing the next model. in addition, you can add 1 to psychic tests and deny the witch tests for models in your kill team.when you make a nerve test for a model in your kill team, subtract 1 from the result. in addition, when a model in your kill team is taken out of action, roll a d6 before removing that model; on a 4+, that model can make a shooting attack with one weapon as if it were the shooting phase, or make a single attack as if it were the fight phase.",,,,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,,1,,,,
"at the start of each fight phase roll 2 dice and discard the highest result. until the end of the phase, each time an opponent targets a model in your kill team and makes a hit roll that, before modifiers, exactly matches your dice result, that hit roll fails.",,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,
"each time you make an unmodified hit roll of 6 for an attack with a melee weapon made by a model in your kill team, immediately make an additional hit roll against the same target with the same weapon. these additional hit rolls cannot themselves generate any further hit rolls.",,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,
"each time you randomly determine which canticle of the omnissiah is being chanted, roll two dice instead of one. models in your kill team receive the benefit of both results, instead of just the result of the first dice (if a duplicate is rolled, no additional canticle is chanted this turn).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"gretchin cannot be drawn from a clan, but can be included in an orks kill team without preventing other models in that kill team from getting a clan kultur. note, however, that gretchins can never themselves benefit from a clan kultur.you can re-roll charge rolls for models in your kill team.",,,,Y,,,,,,,,,,
"if a model from your kill team targets an enemy model that is within range and not at long range when making a shooting attack, it can make an extra shot with the same weapon, at the same target, for each unmodified hit roll of 6.",,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
"if a model in your kill team advances, you can re-roll the d6 to determine the increase to that model's move characteristic. in addition, if a model in your kill team advances, it can move across models and terrain as if they were not there.",,,,Y,,,,,,,,,,
"if a model in your kill team does not move in the movement phase, for the remainder of the battle round it is considered to be obscured to enemy models that target it.",,,,Y,,Y,,,,,,,,
"if the base of a model in your kill team is touching the base of at least two other friendly mordian models, add 1 to that model's leadership characteristic, and when that model fires overwatch they successfully hit on a roll of 5 or 6.",,,,Y,,,,Y,,,,,,
"if this model takes an enemy model out of action in the shooting phase, the controlling player must add 1 to nerve tests they make in the morale phase that turn.",,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,
"in any battle round in which a model from your kill team charged, was charged or made a pile-in move granted by the heroic intervention commander tactic, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by that model in the fight phase. in addition, you can use the heroic intervention commander tactic if there are any enemy models within 6"" (rather than 3"") of your commander, and when you do so they can make a pile-in move of 6"", rather than 3"".",,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,
"in any battle round in which a model from your kill team charged, was charged or made a pile-in move granted by the heroic intervention commander tactic, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by that model in the fight phase.",,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,
"increase the strength characteristic of models from your kill team by 1. in addition, when you take a nerve test for a model in your kill team, subtract 1 from the result.",,,,,,,Y,Y,,1,,,,
"models in your kill team (other than models that can fly) are considered to be obscured to enemy models that target them. if the model advances or charges, however, it loses this benefit until the end of the battle round.",,,,Y,,Y,,,,,,,,
"models in your kill team are considered to be obscured to enemy models that target them if they are more than 12"" away from those models.",,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
"models in your kill team are considered to be obscured to enemy models that target them if they are more than 12"" away from those models. in addition, models in your kill team can shoot even if they fell back in the same battle round.",,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
"models in your kill team are considered to be obscured to enemy models that target them if they are more than 12"" away from those models.models in your kill team firing rapid fire weapons double the number of attacks they make if all of their targets are within 18"" (instead of half the weapon's range characteristic).",,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
"models in your kill team can move an additional d6"" when they fall back. in addition, they can consolidate up to 6"".",,,,Y,,,Y,,,,,,,
"models in your kill team can shoot in the shooting phase even if they advanced in the same battle round (with the exception of heavy weapons). in addition, these models do not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for shooting assault weapons during a battle round in which they advanced.",,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
models in your kill team can shoot ranged weapons as if they were assault weapons in the shooting phase of a battle round in which they advanced (e.g. a rapid fire 1 weapon would be used as if it were an assault 1 weapon).,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
"models in your kill team can shoot rapid fire weapons as if they were assault weapons in the shooting phase of a battle round in which they advanced (e.g. a rapid fire 1 weapon would be used as if it were an assault 1 weapon). in addition, models in your kill team do not suffer the penalty to their hit rolls for shooting assault weapons during a battle round in which they advanced.",,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
"models in your kill team can shoot rapid fire weapons as if they were assault weapons in the shooting phase of a battle round in which they advanced (e.g. a rapid fire 1 weapon would be used as if it were an assault 1 weapon). in addition, these models do not suffer the penalty to their hit rolls for shooting assault weapons during a battle round in which they advanced.when it is your turn to choose a psyker from your kill team to attempt to manifest psychic powers in this phase, you can choose up to two models from your kill team to do so. resolve all of one model's attempts before choosing the next model. in addition, the ranges of all psychic powers manifested by models in your kill team are increased by 3"".you can re-roll charge rolls for models in your kill team.",,,,Y,Y,Y,,,,,,,,
models in your kill team count the current battle round as being 1 higher than it actually is when determining what bonuses they get from their power from pain ability. models in your kill team that do not have the power from pain ability instead gain the inured to suffering bonus.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
models in your kill team do not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for the target of their attacks being obcured or because of intervening terrain.,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
models in your kill team do not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for their attacks that target enemy models at long range.,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
"models in your kill team do not suffer the penalty to injury rolls for the target of their attacks being obscured and within 1"" of a model or piece of terrain that is between the two models.",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
"models in your kill team have a 6+ invulnerable save, unless they already have an invulnerable save. in addition, you can re-roll a single failed hit roll and a single failed wound roll in each phase, as long as the attack was made by a model in your kill team.",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,6
"models in your kill team have a 6+ invulnerable save. models in your kill team that already have an invulnerable save instead improve their invulnerable save by 1 (to a maximum of 3+). in addition, models in your kill team do not suffer the penalty to their hit rolls for moving and shooting heavy weapons.",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,6
"models in your kill team treat all pistol weapons they are equipped with as assault 1 weapons during a battle round in which they advanced. in addition, these models do not suffer the penalty to their hit rolls for shooting assault weapons during a battle round in which they advanced.",,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
models in your kill team with the insensible to pain ability have an invulnerable save of 4+ (instead of 5+).,,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
"models with the following keywords cannot be drawn from a regiment. however, their presence in your kill team does not prevent you using a regimental doctrine, as long as the models in the kill team that can be drawn from a regiment are all drawn from the same regiment. note, however, that models with the following keywords can never themselves benefit from a regimental doctrine.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"models with the militarum tempestus keyword cannot be drawn from a regiment. however, their presence in your kill team does not prevent you using a regimental doctrine, as long as the models in the kill team that can be drawn from a regiment are all drawn from the same regiment. note, however, that models with the militarum tempestus keyword can never themselves benefit from a regimental doctrine, unless every model (other than advisors and auxilla, see opposite) in that kill team has the militarum tempestus keyword (in which case you will use the storm troopers regimental doctrine).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"only models with the khorne keyword can be drawn from this legion. you can make one additional attack in the fight phase with a model in your kill team if it charged, was charged or made a pile-in move granted by the heroic intervention commander tactic in that battle round.if a model in your kill team targets an enemy model that is within range and not at long range when making a shooting attack, improve the armour penetration characteristic of the weapon's attack by 1 (i.e. an armour penetration characteristic of '0' becomes '-1'; an armour penetration characteristic of '-1' becomes '-2', etc.).",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
"only models with the slaanesh keyword can be drawn from this legion. if a model in your kill team is wiithn 1"" of an enemy model at the beginning of the fight phase, the model in your kill team is considered to have charged.",,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,
"re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for shooting attacks made by models in your kill team that target an enemy model that is within 6"" of the firing model.",,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
re-roll unmodified hit rolls of 1 for attacks made with ranged weapons by models in your kill team (including when firing overwatch) that have not moved in this battle round.,,,,Y,,Y,,,,,,,,
re-roll unmodified hit rolls of 1 in the shooting phase for models in your kill team if they have not moved in this battle round.,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
"re-roll unmodified hit rolls of 1 in the shooting phase for models in your kill team if they have not moved in this battle round. if a model in your kill team is issued the 'take aim' order and it has not moved in this battle round, re-roll all failed hit rolls for that model until the end of the phase instead.",,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
"re-roll wound rolls of 1 made for melee weapons and poisoned weapons used by models in your kill team. for the purposes of this obsession, a poisoned weapon is any weapon that wounds on a particular roll (e.g. on a 4+).",,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,
"roll a d6 each time a model in your kill team loses a wound whilst it is within 6"" of a friendly synapse model. on a 6, the damage is ignored and the model does not lose a wound. in addition, models in your kill team that are within 6"" of a friendly synapse model do not suffer the penalty to their hit rolls from one flesh wound they have suffered.",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
"roll a dice each time a model in your kill team is reduced to 0 wounds. on a roll of 6 they are restored to 1 wound remaining. in addition, models in your kill team pass nerve tests on an unmodified roll of 6 (as well as an unmodified roll of 1). however, models in your kill team cannot retreat or fall back unless there is a commander from your kill team on the battlefield.",,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,,,,,,
"roll a dice each time a model in your kill team loses a wound. on a 6 the would is not lost. if a model already has a similar ability, choose which effect applies, and re-roll 1s when making these rolls.",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
"roll a dice each time a model in your kill team loses a wound. on a 6, the damage is ignored and the model does not lose a wound. if a model already has a similar ability, choose which effect applies, and re-roll 1s when making these rolls.",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
"roll a dice each time a model in your kill team loses a wound. on a 6, the damage is ignored and the model does not lose a wound. if a model already has a similar ability, choose which effect applies, and re-roll 1s when making these rolls.models in your kill team do not suffer the penalty to their hit rolls for shooting heavy weapons during a battle round in which they moved, or for shooting assault weapons during a battle round in which they advanced. in addition, models in your kill team firing rapid fire weapons double the number of attacks they make if all of their targets are within 18"" (rather than half the weapon's range characteristic).at the beginning of the first battle round, choose a datasheet to be your kill team’s priority target (e.g. tyranid warrior). you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made by models in your kill team that target a model from the datasheet that is your kill team’s priority target (so if you chose tyranid warrior, this ability would apply to attacks that targeted tyranid warriors and tyranid warrior gunners).improve the armour penetration characteristic of all melee weapons used by your kill team by 1. for example, an armour penetration characteristic of 0 becomes -1; an armour penetration characteristic of -1 becomes -2, and so on.",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
"subtract 1 from the leadership characteristic of enemy models while they are within 3"" of any models in your kill team. in addition, whenever an opponent takes a nerve test for a model that is within 3"" of any models in your kill team, they must roll two dice and discard the lowest result.",,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,
"the invulnerable save of models in your kill team is improved by 1 (to a maximum of 3+).when a model in your kill team fires overwatch, they successfully hit on a roll of 5 or 6.",,,,Y,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
"this weapon can be used as a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. when making shooting attacks or firing overwatch with this weapon, use the ranged profile; when making close combat attacks, use the melee profile.",,,,Y,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
"triarch praetorians cannot be drawn from a dynasty, but can be added to a necrons kill team without preventing other models in the kill team from gaining a dynastic code. note, however, that triarch praetorians cannot themselves benefit from a dynastic code.re-roll unmodified hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by models in your kill team in the shooting phase.",,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
"when a model from your kill team advances, add an additional 2"" to the distance it can move. in addition, if a model in your kill team started the movement phase within 1"" of an enemy model, but when you pick it to move there are no enemy models within 1"", that model can make a charge attempt instead of falling back or remaining stationary.models in your kill team do not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for their attacks that target enemy models at long range.",,,,Y,,Y,,,,,,,,
"when a model from your kill team advances, roll three d6 instead of one and pick the highest roll to add to the move characteristic of that model for that movement phase. in addition, if a model from your kill team started the movement phase within 1"" of an enemy model, but when you pick it to move there are no enemy models within 1"", that model can make a charge attempt instead of falling back or remaining stationary.",,,,Y,,,,,,,,,,
"when a model in your kill team uses their for the greater good ability, or when they fire overwatch whilst they are within 6"" of a friendly model, they successfully hit on a roll of 5 or 6.",,,,Y,,,,,,,,,,
"when an opponent takes a nerve test for a model from their kill team, they must add 1 to the roll for each of your models (rather than shaken models) that is within 3"" of that model.",,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,
"when an opponent takes a nerve test for a model from their kill team, they must add 1 to the test for each of our models (other than shaken models) that is within 3"" of that model.",,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,
"when making saving throws for models in your kill team, treat enemy attacks with an armour penetration characteristic of -1 as haing an armour penetration characteristic of 0.",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
"when making saving throws for models in your kill team, treat enemy attacks with an armour penetration characteristic of -1 as having an armour penetration characteristic of 0.",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
"when this model targets an enemy model that is obscured in the shooting phase, treat is as if it were not obscured.models with the chaos cultist keyword cannot be drawn from a legion. however, their presence in your kill team does not prevent you using a legion trait, as long as the model in the kill team that can be drawn from a legion are all drawn from the same legion. note, however, that models with the chaos cultist keyword can never themselves benefit from a legion trait.",,,,,,Y,,,,,,,,
"when you take a nerve test for a model in your kill team, roll a d3 (instead of a d6).",,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,
"when you take a nerve test for a model in your kill team, roll a d3 (instead of a d6). in addition, models in your kill team can shoot in a battle round in which they retreated or fell back, but if they do a 6 is always required for a successful hit roll, irrespective of the firing model's ballistic skill or any modifiers.",,,,,,Y,,Y,,,,,,
"when you take a nerve test for models in your kill team, roll a d3 (instead of a d6).",,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,
"you can make one additional attack in the fight phase with a model in your kill team if it charged, was charged or made a pile-in move granted by the heroic intervention commander tactic in that battle round.",,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,
"you can make one additional attack in the fight phase with a model in your kill team if it charged, was charged or performed a pile-in move granted by the heroic intervention commander tactic in this battle round.",,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,
"you can re-roll a single hit roll and a single wound roll in each phase, as long as the attack was made by a model in your kill team.",,,,,,Y,Y,,,,,,,
you can re-roll charge rolls for models in your kill team.,,,,Y,,,,,,,,,,
you can re-roll charge rolls for models in your kill team.add 1 to cult ambush rolls made for models in your kill team.,,Y,,Y,,,,,,,,,,
"you can re-roll failed hit rolls in the fight phase for attacks made by a model in your kill team if it charged, was charged, or made a pile-in move granted by the heroic intervention commander tactic in that battle round.",,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,
"you can re-roll failed hit rolls in the fight phase for attacks made by a model in your kill team if it charged, was charged, or made a pile-in movede granted by the heroic interventtion commander tactic in that battle round.",,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,
you can re-roll failed nerve tests for models in your kill team.,,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,
"you can re-roll hit rolls in the fight phase for attacks made by models in your kill team that target an enemy that is within 1"" of another model from your kill team.",,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,
you can re-roll wound rolls for 1 in the fight phase for attacks made by models in your kill team.,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,
you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 in the fight phase for attacks made by models in your kill team.,,,,,,,Y,,,,,,,