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Test Coverage
import { Archetype, FireteamArchetypes, Ploy, TacOp } from '../../../types/KillTeam2021'

const archetypes: FireteamArchetypes = {
  fireteams: {
    'Blooded Kill Team': [Archetype.SEEK_AND_DESTROY]

const strategicPloys: Ploy[] = [
    name: 'Overcharge Lasguns',
    cost: 1,
    description: `Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a las weapon is selected for a friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operative to shoot with
    (excluding a Sharpshooter's long-las), you can choose to overcharge it. If you do so, that weapon gains the AP1 and Hot special rules for 
    that shooting attack. A las weapon is a ranged weapon that includes 'las' in its name, e.g. lasgun, laspistol etc.`
    name: 'Glory Kill',
    cost: 1,
    description: `Select one enemy operative Visible to a friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operative. Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a friendly
    **BLOODEDđź’€** operative fights in combat with or makes a shooting attack against that enemy operative, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that
    combat or shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your attack dice.`
    name: 'Reckless Aspirants',
    cost: 1,
    description: `In the next Firefight phase, while a friendly **BLOODED💀** operative that does not have a Blooded token is within ⬟ of your
    opponent's drop zone, treat it as if it has a Blooded token.`
    name: 'Dirty Fighters',
    cost: 1,
    description: `Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operative fights in combat, in the Roll Attack Dice step
    of that combat, if another friendly operative is supporting them, you can retain one of your successful normal hits as a critical hit (excluding
    a normal hit retained as a result of a Blooded token).`

const tacticalPloys: Ploy[] = [
    name: 'Callous Disregard',
    cost: 1,
    description: `Use this Tactical Ploy when a **Shoot** action is declared for a friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operative. For that shooting attack:
  * Having other friendly operatives within Engagement Range of an enemy operative does not prevent that enemy operative from being selected as a valid target.
  * When determining Line of Sight, enemy operatives cannot use friendly operatives' bases as Cover.
  * In the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, failed hits are instead retained separately as successful normal hits.
  * In the Resolve Successful Hits step of that shooting attack, those retained hits inflict damage on one friendly operative within Engagement Range of the 
  target operative.`
    name: 'Moment of Repute',
    cost: 1,
    description: 'Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operative that is under the gaze of the gods is activated. Add 1 to its APL.'
    name: 'Reward Earned',
    cost: 1,
    description: `Use this Tactical Ploy when an enemy operative is incapacitated by a friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operative within â–  of it. Add 1 Blooded 
    token to your pool.`
    name: 'Dark Favour',
    cost: 1,
    description: `Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operative that has a Blooded token is selected as the target of a shooting attack.
    Select one other friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operative that:
  * Does not have a Blooded token.
  * Is within ⬤ of that friendly operative.
  * Is Visible to the active operative.
  Resolve that shooting attack against that other friendly operative instead (it is treated as a valid target).`

const tacOps: TacOp[] = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'Worthy Champion',
    description: `You can reveal this Tac Op in the Target Reveal step of any Turning Point.
  * If a friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operative that is under the gaze of the gods incapacitates one or more enemy operatives during the Turning Point, and is within 
  ⬟ of the centre of the killzone or your opponent's drop zone at the end of the Turning Point, you score 1VP.
  * If you achieve the first condition in any subsequent Turning Points, you score 1VP.`
    id: 2,
    name: 'Malign Command',
    description: `You can reveal this Tac op in the Target Reveal step of any Turning Point.
  * At the end of any Turning Point, if friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operatives control half or more of the objective markers, and each of those objective markers is
  controlled by one or more friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operatives that have a Blooded token, you score 1VP.
  * If you achieve the first condition in any subsequent Turning Points, you score 1VP.`
    id: 3,
    name: 'Bloodbath',
    description: `Reveal this Tac Op at the end of the battle.
  * If more than half of the enemy kill team has been incapacitated at the end of the battle, you score 1VP.
  * If more than three quarters of the enemy kill team has been incapacitated at the end of the battle, you score 1VP.`

const blooded = {
  // TODO: Replace with a Wahapedia link when available
  name: 'Blooded',
  wahapediaUrl: '#',
  description: `
  A link to Wahapedia with a full description of the Blooded ability will be added once available
  Keep a pool of Blooded tokens. Add a Blooded token to your pool as follows:
* At the start of each Initiative phase.
* The first time an enemy operative is incapacitated in each Turning Point.
* The first time a friendly operative is incapacitated within ⬟ of an enemy operative in each Turning Point.

Once in each Strategy phase, when it is your turn to use a Strategic Ploy or pass, you can assign any or all of your Blooded
tokens from your pool to friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operatives in the killzone. Each operative can have no more than one Blooded token.

In each Strategy phase, after assigning your Blooded tokens (if any), if four or more friendly operatives in the killzone have 
Blooded tokens, you can select one of them to be **under the gaze of the gods** until the end of the Turning Point.

Each time a friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operative that has a Blooded token fights in combat or makes a shooting attack, in the Roll
Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, before rolling your attack dice, you can retain one as a successful normal
hit without rolling it. If that friendly **BLOODEDđź’€** operative is under the gaze of the gods, you can retain one as a 
successful critical hit instead.

const data = {
  name: 'Blooded' as const,

export default data