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Test Coverage
import { Archetype, FireteamArchetypes, Ploy } from '../../../types/KillTeam2021'

const archetypes: FireteamArchetypes = {
  fireteams: {
    'Troupe Kill Team': [Archetype.SEEK_AND_DESTROY, Archetype.INFILTRATION, Archetype.RECON]

const strategicPloys: Ploy[] = [
    name: 'Rising Crescendo',
    cost: 1,
    description: `Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a friendly TROUPEđź’€ operative is activated:
  - It can perform **Dash** and **Charge** actions while within Engagement Range of enemy operatives.
  - Each time it performs a **Normal Move**, **Fall Back**, **Dash** or **Charge** action during that activation, it can move an additional â–˛`
  }, {
    name: 'Domino field',
    cost: 1,
    description: `Until the end of the Turning Point, while a friendly TROUPEđź’€ operative that has not made a shooting attack during the Turning Point is within â–˛ of a terrain feature that provides Cover,
                  enemy operatives always treat it as having a Conceal order, regardless of any other rules (e.g. Vantage Point).`
  }, {
    name: 'Prismatic Blur',
    cost: 1,
    description: `Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a friendly TROUPEđź’€ operative performs a **Normal Move**, **Fall Back** or **Charge** action, it is a prismatic blur. While it is a prismatic blur:
  - Each time a shooting attack is made against that operative, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your defence dice.
  - Each time that operative fights in combat, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat, each time your opponent strikes with a normal hit, you can roll one D6: on a 4+, treat that strike as a parry instead.`

const tacticalPloys: Ploy[] = [
    name: 'Murderous entrance',
    cost: 1,
    description: `Use this Tactical Ploy in the Resolve Successful Hits step of a combat, after a friendly TROUPEđź’€ operative that performed a **Charge** action during this activation strikes with a critical hit.
                  You can immediately select one of your remaining attack dice and strike with it.`
  }, {
    name: 'The curtain falls',
    cost: 1,
    description: `Use this Tactical Ploy in the Resolve Successful Hits step of a combat, after an active friendly TROUPEđź’€ operative strikes. Immediately end that combat and that friendly operative can
                  perform a **Fall Back** action for 1 AP even if it has performed an action during that activation that prevents it from performing a **Fall Back** action (e.g. a **Charge** action).`
  }, {
    name: 'Hero\'s Path',
    cost: 1,
    description: 'Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly TROUPEđź’€ operative is activated. Until the end of its activation, it can perform the following action:',
    action: {
      id: '03faa540-bdfc-423e-a173-035f96aa9fb1',
      name: 'Hero\'s path',
      cost: 3,
      description: 'Move this operative anywhere in the killzone that is more than ⬟ from enemy operatives.'

const data = {
  name: 'Troupe (Legends)' as const,

export default data