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package io.fluentlenium.core.domain;

import io.fluentlenium.core.action.FluentActions;
import io.fluentlenium.core.conditions.FluentListConditions;
import io.fluentlenium.core.hook.HookControl;
import io.fluentlenium.core.label.FluentLabel;
import io.fluentlenium.core.proxy.FluentProxyState;
import io.fluentlenium.core.search.SearchControl;
import io.fluentlenium.core.search.SearchFilter;
import io.fluentlenium.core.wait.FluentWaitElementList;
import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

import java.util.List;

import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;

 * Wraps a list of {@link FluentWebElement}. It provides an enhanced API to control list of selenium elements.
 * @param <E> type of element
public interface FluentList<E extends FluentWebElement>
        extends List<E>, FluentActions<FluentList<E>, E>, FluentProxyState<FluentList<E>>, SearchControl<E>,
        HookControl<FluentList<E>>, FluentLabel<FluentList<E>> {

     * Retrieve the first element.
     * @return first element
    E first();

     * Retrieve the first element and checks is it exactly one element in the list
     * @return first element
    E single();

     * Retrieve the last element.
     * @return last element
    E last();

     * Retrieve an element at given index.
     * @param index position of the element to retrieve
     * @return element at given index
    E index(int index);

     * Creates a list of Selenium {@link WebElement} from this list
     * @return list of selenium elements
    default List<WebElement> toElements() {
        return stream().map(FluentWebElement::getElement).collect(toList());

     * Click on all elements on the list
     * Only the clickable elements are clicked
     * @return the current instance of FluentList to provide capability for chaining calls
    FluentList<E> click();

     * double click on all elements on the list
     * Only the clickable elements are clicked
     * @return the current instance of FluentList to provide capability for chaining calls
    FluentList<E> doubleClick();

     * context click on all elements on the list
     * Only the clickable elements are clicked
     * @return the current instance of FluentList to provide capability for chaining calls
    FluentList<E> contextClick();

     * Fill all elements on the list with the corresponding cell in the with array.
     * Only the visible elements are filled
     * If there are more elements on the list than in the with array, the last element of the table is repeated
     * @return the current instance of FluentList to provide capability for chaining calls
    FluentList<E> write(String... with);

     * submit on all elements on the list
     * Only the visible elements are submitted
     * @return the current instance of FluentList to provide capability for chaining calls
    FluentList<E> submit();

    default FluentList<E> hoverOver() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Hovering over a list of elements is not supported."
                + "It is supported only for single elements.");

     * Return the value of elements on the list
     * @return list of string values
    default List<String> values() {
        return stream().map(FluentWebElement::value).collect(toList());

     * Return the id of elements on the list
     * @return list of string values
    default List<String> ids() {
        return stream().map(FluentWebElement::id).collect(toList());

     * Return a custom attribute of elements on the list
     * @param attribute attribute name
     * @return list of string values
    default List<String> attributes(String attribute) {
        return stream().map(webElement -> webElement.attribute(attribute)).collect(toList());

     * Return the name of elements on the list
     * @return list of string values
    default List<String> names() {
        return stream().map(FluentWebElement::name).collect(toList());

     * Return the Dimension of elements on the list
     * @return list of Dimensions
    default List<Dimension> dimensions() {
        return stream().map(FluentWebElement::size).collect(toList());

     * Return the tag name of elements on the list
     * @return list of string values
    default List<String> tagNames() {
        return stream().map(FluentWebElement::tagName).collect(toList());

     * Return the texts of list elements
     * @return list of string values
    default List<String> texts() {
        return stream().map(FluentWebElement::text).collect(toList());

     * Return the text contents of list elements
     * @return list of string values
    default List<String> textContents() {
        return stream().map(FluentWebElement::textContent).collect(toList());

     * find elements into the children with the corresponding filters
     * @param selector element name
     * @param filters  set of filters
     * @return extended by FluentWebElement objects list
    FluentList<E> find(String selector, SearchFilter... filters);

     * find elements in the children with the corresponding filters
     * @param filters set of filters
     * @return extended by FluentWebElement objects list
    FluentList<E> find(SearchFilter... filters);

     * Count elements without actually loading the lazy list.
     * <p>
     * This method ignore defined hooks.
     * @return elements count
    int count();

     * Clear all elements on the list
     * <p>
     * Only the visible elements are cleared.
     * @return extended by FluentWebElement object
    FluentList<E> clearAll();

     * Clear all React elements on the list
     * <p>
     * Only the visible elements are cleared.
     * @return extended by FluentWebElement object
    FluentList<E> clearAllReactInputs();

     * Clear visible elements on the list
    void clear();

     * Calls {@link List#clear()} from underlying List implementation.
     * @see List#clear()
    void clearList();

     * Wrap all underlying elements in a component.
     * @param componentClass component class
     * @param <T>            type of component
     * @return fluent list of elements as components.
    <T extends FluentWebElement> FluentList<T> as(Class<T> componentClass);

     * Build a condition object on this element list that will match if each underlying element match.
     * @return a condition object
    FluentListConditions each();

     * Build a condition object on this element list that will match if one or more underlying element match.
     * @return a condition object
    FluentListConditions one();

     * Build a wait object to wait for a condition of this element list.
     * @return a wait object
    FluentWaitElementList await();

     * Build a condition object on this element list that will match if each underlying element match,
     * automatically waiting for condition to be verified.
     * @return a condition object
    FluentListConditions awaitUntilEach();

     * Build a condition object on this element list that will match if one or more underlying element match,
     * automatically waiting for condition to be verified.
     * @return a condition object
    FluentListConditions awaitUntilOne();