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Test Coverage
 * FluxorTestSupport
 *  Copyright (c) Morten Bjerg Gregersen 2020
 *  MIT license, see LICENSE file for details

#if canImport(Combine)
    import Combine
    import OpenCombine
import Fluxor
import Foundation
import XCTest

extension AnonymousAction: Equatable {
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        lhs.id == rhs.id

// swiftlint:disable large_tuple

 A `MockStore` is intended to be used in unit tests where you want to observe
 which `Action`s are dispatched and manipulate the `State` and `Selector`s.
public class MockStore<State, Environment>: Store<State, Environment> {
    /// All the `Action`s and state changes that has happened.
    public var stateChanges: [(action: Action, oldState: State, newState: State)] {

    /// All the `Action`s that has been dispatched.
    public var dispatchedActions: [Action] {

    private let setState = ActionTemplate(id: "Set State", payloadType: State.self)
    private var overridenSelectorValues = [UUID: Any]()
    private let testInterceptor = TestInterceptor<State>()

     Initializes the `MockStore` with an initial `State`.

     - Parameter initialState: The initial `State` for the `Store`
     - Parameter reducers: The `Reducer`s to register
     - Parameter effects: The `Effect`s to register
    override public init(initialState: State, environment: Environment, reducers: [Reducer<State>] = []) {
        let reducers = reducers + [Reducer(ReduceOn(setState) { state, action in state = action.payload })]
        super.init(initialState: initialState, environment: environment, reducers: reducers)
        super.register(interceptor: testInterceptor)

     Sets a new `State` on the `Store`.

     - Parameter newState: The new `State` to set on the `Store`
    public func setState(newState: State) {
        dispatch(action: setState(payload: newState))

     Overrides the `Selector` with a 'default' value.

     When a `Selector` is overriden it will always give the same value when used to select from this `MockStore`.

     - Parameter selector: The `Selector` to override
     - Parameter value: The value the `Selector` should give when selecting
    public func overrideSelector<Value>(_ selector: Fluxor.Selector<State, Value>, value: Value) {
        overridenSelectorValues[selector.id] = value

     Resets all overridden `Selector`s on this `MockStore`.
    public func resetOverriddenSelectors() {

    override public func select<Value>(_ selector: Fluxor.Selector<State, Value>) -> AnyPublisher<Value, Never> {
        guard let value = overridenSelectorValues[selector.id] as? Value else { return super.select(selector) }
        return $state.map { _ in value }.eraseToAnyPublisher()

    override public func selectCurrent<Value>(_ selector: Fluxor.Selector<State, Value>) -> Value {
        overridenSelectorValues[selector.id] as? Value ?? super.selectCurrent(selector)