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Test Coverage
# flake8: noqa

        'AUTH_SECRET_MISSING': 'Your Forest authSecret seems to be missing. Can you check that you properly set a Forest authSecret in the Forest initializer?',
        'SECRET_AND_RENDERINGID_INCONSISTENT': 'Cannot retrieve the project you\'re trying to unlock. The envSecret and renderingId seems to be missing or inconsistent.',
        'SERVER_DOWN': 'Cannot retrieve the data from the Forest server. Forest API seems to be down right now.',
        'SECRET_NOT_FOUND': 'Cannot retrieve the data from the Forest server. Can you check that you properly copied the Forest envSecret in your settings?',
        'UNEXPECTED': 'Cannot retrieve the data from the Forest server. An error occurred in Forest API.',
        'INVALID_STATE_MISSING': 'Invalid response from the authentication server: the state parameter is missing',
        'INVALID_STATE_FORMAT': 'Invalid response from the authentication server: the state parameter is not at the right format',
        'INVALID_STATE_RENDERING_ID': 'Invalid response from the authentication server: the state does not contain a renderingId',
        'MISSING_RENDERING_ID': 'Authentication request must contain a renderingId',
        'INVALID_RENDERING_ID': 'The parameter renderingId is not valid',
        'REGISTRATION_FAILED': 'The registration to the authentication API failed, response: ',
        'OIDC_CONFIGURATION_RETRIEVAL_FAILED': 'Failed to retrieve the provider\'s configuration.',
        'TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED': 'Two factor authentication required',
        'AUTHORIZATION': 'Error while authorizing the user on Forest Admin'