const timeoutError = require('../utils/timeout-error');
class ApimapSender {
constructor({ forestUrl, logger, superagentRequest }) {
this.forestUrl = forestUrl;
this.superagentRequest = superagentRequest;
this.logger = logger;
handleResult(result) {
if (!result) return;
if ([200, 202, 204].includes(result.status)) {
if (result.body && result.body.warning) {
} else if (result.status === 0) {
this.logger.warn('Cannot send the apimap to Forest. Are you online?');
} else if (result.status === 404) {
this.logger.error('Cannot find the project related to the envSecret you configured. Can you check on Forest that you copied it properly in the Forest initialization?');
} else if (result.status === 503) {
this.logger.warn('Forest is in maintenance for a few minutes. We are upgrading your experience in the forest. We just need a few more minutes to get it right.');
} else {
this.logger.error('An error occured with the apimap sent to Forest. Please contact for further investigations.');
_send(envSecret, data, path) {
const url = `${this.forestUrl}/${path}`;
return this.superagentRequest
.set('forest-secret-key', envSecret)
.catch((error) => {
const message = timeoutError(url, error);
if (message) {
throw new Error(message);
} else {
throw error;
.then((result) => {
return result;
send(envSecret, apimap) {
return this._send(envSecret, apimap, 'forest/apimaps');
checkHash(envSecret, schemaFileHash) {
return this._send(envSecret, { schemaFileHash }, 'forest/apimaps/hashcheck');
module.exports = ApimapSender;