const _ = require('lodash');
const prettyPrint = (json, indentation = '') => {
let result = '';
if (_.isArray(json)) {
result += '[';
const isSmall = json.length < 3;
const isPrimaryValue = json.length && !_.isArray(json[0]) && !_.isObject(json[0]);
_.each(json, (item, index) => {
if (index === 0 && isPrimaryValue && !isSmall) {
result += `\n${indentation} `;
} else if (index > 0 && isPrimaryValue && !isSmall) {
result += `,\n${indentation} `;
} else if (index > 0) {
result += ', ';
result += prettyPrint(item, isPrimaryValue ? `${indentation} ` : indentation);
if (isPrimaryValue && !isSmall) {
result += `\n${indentation}`;
result += ']';
} else if (_.isObject(json)) {
result += '{\n';
let isFirst = true;
Object.keys(json).forEach((key) => {
const value = json[key];
if (!isFirst) {
result += ',\n';
} else {
isFirst = false;
result += `${indentation} "${key}": `;
result += prettyPrint(value, `${indentation} `);
result += `\n${indentation}}`;
} else if (_.isNil(json)) {
result += 'null';
} else if (_.isString(json)) {
// NOTICE: Escape invalid characters (see:
// Also, JSON spec precise that '/' doesn't need to be escaped.
// (see:
const escapedJsonString = json
.replace(/[\\]/g, '\\\\')
.replace(/["]/g, '\\"')
.replace(/[\b]/g, '\\b')
.replace(/[\f]/g, '\\f')
.replace(/[\n]/g, '\\n')
.replace(/[\r]/g, '\\r')
.replace(/[\t]/g, '\\t');
result += `"${escapedJsonString}"`;
} else {
result += `${json}`;
return result;
exports.prettyPrint = prettyPrint;