// Note that we're using inject() in the functions because we can't create an injectable class...
// Doing so prevents us from using optionsToArgs() and optionsToFlags() at startup
import type { Command } from '@oclif/core';
import { inject } from '@forestadmin/context';
import { Flags as oflags } from '@oclif/core';
/** Option which can be used both as flag or prompt */
export type CommandOptions<T = Record<string, unknown>> = {
[name: string]: {
type?: 'string' | 'boolean';
exclusive?: string[];
choices?: Array<{ name: string; value: unknown }>;
when?: (v: T) => boolean;
validate?: (v: string) => boolean | string;
default?: unknown | ((v: T) => unknown);
oclif: { char?: string; description: string };
prompter?: { question: string; description?: string };
function optionToInquirer(name: string, option: CommandOptions[string]): unknown {
const { os } = inject() as any; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
// Use rawlist on windows because of
const listType = /^win/.test(os.platform()) ? 'rawlist' : 'list';
const inputType = name.match(/(password|secret)/i) ? 'password' : 'input';
let type = option.choices ? listType : inputType;
if (option.type === 'boolean') type = 'confirm';
const result: Record<string, unknown> = { name, type, message: option.prompter.question };
if (option.prompter.description) result.description = option.prompter.description;
if (option.choices) result.choices = option.choices;
if (option.validate) result.validate = option.validate;
if (option.default !== undefined) result.default = option.default;
if (option.when)
// Make sure that the first question when() is evaluated after one tick (see hack below)
result.when = async (args: Record<string, unknown>) => {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0));
return option.when(args);
return result;
/** Query options interactively */
export async function getInteractiveOptions<T>(
options: CommandOptions,
values: Record<string, unknown> = {},
): Promise<T> {
const { inquirer } = inject() as any; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const questions = Object.entries(options)
([name, option]) =>
option.prompter && // Has a prompter
values[name] === undefined && // Not already set
(option.exclusive ?? []).every(e => values[e] === undefined), // Not exclusive with another option
.map(([name, option]) => optionToInquirer(name, option));
const promise = inquirer.prompt(questions);
// Passing answers we already have to inquirer is not supported in the legacy version we use
// To work around this, we inject them in the inquirer ui object that is conveniently accessible
// from the promise.
// To fix this, we should upgrade to a newer version of inquirer.
// Note that the if condition is always true, but not having it breaks the tests which are all
// based on an inquirer.mock that returns a value (instead of a promise).
if (promise?.ui?.answers) Object.assign(promise.ui.answers, values);
return promise;
/** Get options that were passed in the command line */
export async function getCommandLineOptions<T>(instance: Command): Promise<T> {
const { options } = instance.constructor as unknown as { options: CommandOptions };
// Parse the command line arguments and flags.
// @ts-expect-error: calling the argument parser from oclif is protected.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const { args, flags } = (await instance.parse(instance.constructor)) as any;
const optionsFromCli = { ...args, ...flags };
Object.entries(options).forEach(([k, v]) => {
// Replace choices with their value
const choice = v.choices?.find(c => === optionsFromCli[k]);
if (choice) optionsFromCli[k] = choice.value;
// Validate
const error = optionsFromCli[k] !== undefined && v.validate?.(optionsFromCli[k]);
if (typeof error === 'string') throw new Error(`Invalid value for ${k}: ${error}`);
// Query missing options interactively
const optionsFromPrompt = await getInteractiveOptions<T>(options, optionsFromCli);
return { ...optionsFromCli, ...optionsFromPrompt };
/** Convert generic options to oclif flags */
export function optionsToFlags(options: CommandOptions) {
// Not using Object.fromEntries() for compatibility with node 10
const result = {};
Object.entries(options).forEach(([key, value]) => {
const constructor = value.type === 'boolean' ? oflags.boolean : oflags.string;
const flag = {
char: value.oclif?.char as 'a',
description: value.oclif.description,
exclusive: value.exclusive,
required: false,
options: value.choices?.map(c =>,
result[key] = constructor(flag);
return result;