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Test Coverage

`chai-jq` is an alternate plugin for the [Chai]( assertion
library to provide jQuery-specific assertions.

## Usage

You can install `chai-jq` with the following package managers:

* [NPM]( `npm install chai-jq`
* [Bower]( `bower install chai-jq`

The [integration notes](#integration) discuss how to properly patch Chai with
the plugin in different environments (browser, AMD, Node.js). The
[API documentation](#plugin-api) is a good starting point to learn how to use
`chai-jq` assertions in your tests.
The site's own test suites also provide a decent introduction to the API:

* [Basic Tests](./test/test.html)
* [AMD Tests](./test/test-amd.html)

## Assertions

### Integration

`chai-jq` works in your browser, with AMD/RequireJS, and in Node.js with

**Standard Browser**: To use in a standard HTML page, include `chai-jq.js`
after Chai.

<script src="chai.js"></script>
<script src="chai-jq.js"></script>

**AMD Browser**: To use in a RequireJS/AMD page, require in `chai-jq` and
inject it into Chai before your test imports / runners begin:

require(["chai", "chai-jq"], function (chai, plugin) {
  // Inject plugin.

  // Rest of your test code here...

**Node.js / JsDom**: To use in Node.js/JsDom, require in `chai-jq` and
inject it into Chai before your test imports / runners begin:

var chai    = require("chai");
var plugin  = require("chai-jq");

// Inject plugin.

// Rest of test code here...

### Object Context Changes

One slight difference from how assertions in `chai-jq` work from Chai and other
plugins is the switching of object context for certain assertions, currently:

* `$attr`
* `$prop`

In general usage, the object under test (e.g., the thing wrapped in an
`expect()`) remains the current context, so you can do something like:

var $elem = $("<div id=\"hi\" foo=\"bar time\" />");

  // Assertion object is `$elem`
  .to.have.$attr("id", "hi").and
  // Assertion object is still `$elem`
  .to.contain.$attr("foo", "bar");

In the above example, the jQuery object `$elem` remains the object under
assertion for both `$attr` calls. However, in the special case for one of the
enumerated assertions above where:

* There is no **expected** assertion value given; **and**,
* There are no negations (e.g., `not`) used in a chain.

Then, the object under assertion switches to the **value** of the effective
method called. So, taking our example again, and calling `$attr()` without
an expected value, we would have:

var $elem = $("<div id=\"hi\" foo=\"bar time\" />");

  // Assertion object is `$elem`
    // Assertion object now changed to `$attr()` value: `"bar time"`
    .to.equal("bar time").and

In the above example here, the object under assertion becomes the string
`"bar time"` immediately after the call to `$attr("foo")` with no expected

## Plugin API

* [`$visible`](#-visible)
* [`$hidden`](#-hidden)
* [`$val(expected, [message])`](#-val-expected-message-)
* [`$class(expected, [message])`](#-class-expected-message-)
* [`$attr(name, [expected], [message])`](#-attr-name-expected-message-)
* [`$data(name, [expected], [message])`](#-data-name-expected-message-)
* [`$prop(name, [expected], [message])`](#-prop-name-expected-message-)
* [`$html(expected, [message])`](#-html-expected-message-)
* [`$text(expected, [message])`](#-text-expected-message-)
* [`$css(expected, [message])`](#-css-expected-message-)

### `$visible`

Asserts that the element is visible.

*Node.js/JsDom Note*: JsDom does not currently infer zero-sized or
hidden parent elements as hidden / visible appropriately.


See: [](

### `$hidden`

Asserts that the element is hidden.

*Node.js/JsDom Note*: JsDom does not currently infer zero-sized or
hidden parent elements as hidden / visible appropriately.

expect($("<div style=\"display: none\" />"))$hidden;

See: [](

### `$val(expected, [message])`
* **expected** (`String|RegExp`) value
* **message** (`String`) failure message (_optional_)

Asserts that the element value matches a string or regular expression.

expect($("<input value='foo' />"))

See: [](

### `$class(expected, [message])`
* **expected** (`String`) class name
* **message** (`String`) failure message (_optional_)

Asserts that the element has a class match.

expect($("<div class='foo bar' />"))

See: [](

### `$attr(name, [expected], [message])`
* **name** (`String`) attribute name
* **expected** (`String`) attribute content (_optional_)
* **message** (`String`) failure message (_optional_)
* **_returns_** current object or attribute string value

Asserts that the target has exactly the given named attribute, or
asserts the target contains a subset of the attribute when using the
`include` or `contain` modifiers.

expect($("<div id=\"hi\" foo=\"bar time\" />"))
  .to.have.$attr("id", "hi").and
  .to.contain.$attr("foo", "bar");

Changes context to attribute string *value* when no expected value is

expect($("<div id=\"hi\" foo=\"bar time\" />"))
    .to.equal("bar time").and

See: [](

### `$data(name, [expected], [message])`
* **name** (`String`) data-attribute name
* **expected** (`String`) data-attribute content (_optional_)
* **message** (`String`) failure message (_optional_)
* **_returns_** current object or attribute string value

Asserts that the target has exactly the given named
data-attribute, or asserts the target contains a subset
of the data-attribute when using the
`include` or `contain` modifiers.

expect($("<div data-id=\"hi\" data-foo=\"bar time\" />"))
  .to.have.$data("id", "hi").and
  .to.contain.$data("foo", "bar");

Changes context to data-attribute string *value* when no
expected value is provided:

expect($("<div data-id=\"hi\" data-foo=\"bar time\" />"))
    .to.equal("bar time").and

See: [](

### `$prop(name, [expected], [message])`
* **name** (`String`) property name
* **expected** (`Object`) property value (_optional_)
* **message** (`String`) failure message (_optional_)
* **_returns_** current object or property string value

Asserts that the target has exactly the given named property.

expect($("<input type=\"checkbox\" checked=\"checked\" />"))
  .to.have.$prop("checked", true).and
  .to.have.$prop("type", "checkbox");

Changes context to property string *value* when no expected value is

expect($("<input type=\"checkbox\" checked=\"checked\" />"))

See: [](

### `$html(expected, [message])`
* **expected** (`String`) HTML content
* **message** (`String`) failure message (_optional_)

Asserts that the target has exactly the given HTML, or
asserts the target contains a subset of the HTML when using the
`include` or `contain` modifiers.


See: [](

### `$text(expected, [message])`
* **expected** (`String`) text content
* **message** (`String`) failure message (_optional_)

Asserts that the target has exactly the given text, or
asserts the target contains a subset of the text when using the
`include` or `contain` modifiers.

expect($("<div><span>foo</span> bar</div>"))
  .to.have.$text("foo bar").and

See: [](

### `$css(expected, [message])`
* **expected** (`String`) CSS property content
* **message** (`String`) failure message (_optional_)

Asserts that the target has exactly the given CSS property, or
asserts the target contains a subset of the CSS when using the
`include` or `contain` modifiers.

*Node.js/JsDom Note*: Computed CSS properties are not correctly
inferred as of JsDom v0.8.8. Explicit ones should get matched exactly.

*Browser Note*: Explicit CSS properties are sometimes not matched
(in contrast to Node.js), so the plugin performs an extra check against
explicit `style` properties for a match. May still have other wonky
corner cases.

*PhantomJS Note*: PhantomJS also is fairly wonky and unpredictable with
respect to CSS / styles, especially those that come from CSS classes
and not explicity `style` attributes.

expect($("<div style=\"width: 50px; border: 1px dotted black;\" />"))
  .to.have.$css("width", "50px").and
  .to.have.$css("border-top-style", "dotted");

See: [](

## Contributions

Please see the [Contributions Guide](./ for how to help out
with the plugin.

We test all changes with [Travis CI][trav], report internal test coverage
with [Coveralls][cov] and check complexity / static analysis with
[Code Climate][cc]. Here is the status for our
[build][trav_site], [coverage][cov_site], and [complexity][cc_site]:

[![Build Status][trav_img]][trav_site]
[![Coverage Status][cov_img]][cov_site]
[![Code Climate][cc_img]][cc_site]

We also do multi-browser testing of the frontend code using [Sauce Labs][sauce].
Here's our [build matrix][sauce_site]:

[![Sauce Test Status][sauce_img]][sauce_site]


## Licenses
All code not otherwise specified is Copyright 2013 Ryan Roemer.
Released under the [MIT](./LICENSE.txt) License.

This repository contains various libraries from other folks, and are licensed
as follows:

* [jQuery][jquery] is Copyright jQuery Foundation and licensed under the
  [MIT]( license.

* [Mocha][mocha] is Copyright TJ Holowaychuk and licensed under the
  [MIT]( license.

* [Chai][chai] is Copyright Jake Luer and licensed under the
  [BSD]( license.

* [Sinon.JS][sinon] is Copyright Christian Johansen and licensed under the
  [BSD]( license.

* [Mocha-PhantomJS][mocha-phantom] is Copyright Ken Collins and licensed under the

* [Pure][pure] is Copyright Yahoo! and licensed under the
