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<?php namespace F9\Application;

 * F9 (Formula 9) Personal PHP Framework
 * Copyright (c) 2010-2016, Greg Truesdell (<>)
 * License: MIT (reference:
 * Acknowledgements:
 *  - The code provided in this file (and in the Framework in general) may include
 * open sourced software licensed for the purpose, refactored code from related
 * packages, or snippets/methods found on sites throughout the internet.
 *  - All originator copyrights remain in force where applicable, as well as their
 *  licenses where obtainable.
 * @package Nine
 * @version 0.4.2
 * @author  Greg Truesdell <>

use F9\Exceptions\ApplicationBootSequenceError;
use F9\Exceptions\ApplicationProviderNotFoundException;
use F9\Exceptions\CannotAddNonexistentClass;
use F9\Support\Provider\ServiceProvider;
use Nine\Collections\Config;
use Nine\Collections\GlobalScope;
use Nine\Containers\ContainerInterface as Container;
use Nine\Contracts\ConfigInterface;
use Nine\Events\Events;
use Silex\Api\EventListenerProviderInterface;
use Silex\Application\FormTrait;
use Silex\Application\SecurityTrait;
use Silex\Application\TranslationTrait;
use Silex\Application\UrlGeneratorTrait;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface as EventDispatcher;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface;

 * The Application class is the pivotal object for configuring framework providers
 * and events, and initiating route or command handling.
 * The `F9\Application` class may only be created by `AppFactory` _**once**_ after booting.
 * Subsequent attempts will return the already existing `F9\Application` object in its
 * current state.
 * **To instantiate:**
 *      $app = F9\AppFactory::make().
 * **Note:**
 *      The `F9\Application` class inherits from the `Silex\Application` class, which itself
 *      inherits from the `Pimple\Container` class. In addition, the framework employs the
 *      `Forge` container object, which inherits from the `Illuminate\Container` class.
class Application extends \Silex\Application implements Container
    const VERSION = '0.4.2';

        /** `FormServiceProvider` */

        /** `SecurityServiceProvider` */

        /** `TranslationServiceProvider` */

        /** `UrlGeneratorServiceProvider` */

    /** @var static $app */
    protected $app;

    /** @var bool */
    protected $booting = FALSE;

    /** @var ConfigInterface $config */
    protected $config;

    /** @var Container $container */
    protected $container;

    /** @var EventDispatcher $events */
    protected $events;

    /** @var GlobalScope $globalScope */
    protected $globalScope;

    /** @var array $settings */
    protected $settings;

     * **The `F9\Application` object is constructed primarily by the `AppFactory` class.**
     * It is **highly** recommended to avoid directly instantiating this class unless
     * you are clearly aware of the requirements. _That's what the `AppFactory` is for._
     * @param Container              $container
     * @param Config|ConfigInterface $config
     * @param EventDispatcher        $events
     * @param GlobalScope            $globalScope
    public function __construct(Container $container, Config $config, EventDispatcher $events, GlobalScope $globalScope)
        $this->app = $this;
        $this->config = $config;
        $this->container = $container;
        $this->events = $events;
        $this->globalScope = $globalScope;
        $this->settings = $config['app'];

        // Silex\Application


     * **Add (bind) an to an implementation, with optional alias.**
     * This method completes the ContainerInterface requirement and operates
     * solely on the application|pimple container. It is a mirror of the Forge
     * method of the same name.
     *  Notes:<br>
     *      - `$abstract` is either `['<abstract>', '<alias>']`, `['<abstract>']` or `'<abstract>'`.<br>
     *      - `$concrete` objects that are not *anonymous functions* are added as **instances**.<br>
     *      - All other cases result in binding.<br>
     *    <br>
     *  *Order is important*.<br>
     *      - Correct: `add([Thing::class, 'thing'], ...)`<br>
     *      - Incorrect: `add(['thing', Thing::class], ...)`<br>
     *    <br>
     * @param string|string[] $abstract
     * @param mixed|callable  $concrete
     * @throws CannotAddNonexistentClass
    public function add($abstract, $concrete = NULL)
        $shared = true;

        // an array, we expect [<class_name>, <alias>]
        if (is_array($abstract)) {

            // validate the abstract
            list($abstract, $alias) = array_values($abstract);

            if ( ! class_exists($abstract)) {
                throw new CannotAddNonexistentClass(
                    "add(['$abstract', '$alias'],...) makes no sense. `$alias` must refer to an existing class."

            $this[$abstract] = $shared
                ? $concrete
                : $this->factory(function () use ($concrete) { return $concrete; });


        // `add` treats non-callable concretes as instances
        if ( ! is_callable($concrete)) {
            $this[$abstract] = $shared ? $concrete($this) : function () use ($concrete) { return $concrete; };


        $this[$abstract] = $concrete;

     * **Boot the `Application` all registered providers.**
     * Also handle subscribing to published service provider events.
    public function boot()
        if ($this->booted) {

        if ($this->booting) {
            throw new ApplicationBootSequenceError(
                'The Application `boot()` method must not be called while the application is booting.');

        $this->booting = TRUE;
        $this->booted = TRUE;

        // boots service providers and subscribes to provider events
        foreach ($this->providers as $provider) {

            if ($provider instanceof EventListenerProviderInterface) {
                $provider->subscribe($this, $this['dispatcher']);

            if (method_exists($provider, 'boot')) {

        $this->booting = FALSE;


     * **Boot a registered provider, or an array of registered providers, by class name.**
     * **Note:**
     *      If an array of provider class names is provided, and even one
     *      of them is found and booted, then this method returns TRUE. If
     *      any other provider(s) is not registered, then there will be no
     *      indication of which or how many were not found.
     * @param string|array $providerClass The registered provider class(es) to boot (if it exists.)
     * @return bool Returns FALSE
    public function bootProvider($providerClass) : bool
        // assume failure
        $booted = FALSE;

        /** @var ServiceProvider $provider */
        foreach ($this->getProviders() as $provider) {

            if (get_class($provider) === $providerClass and method_exists($provider, 'boot')) {


                $booted = TRUE;

        // true if at least one provider was booted/
        return $booted;

     * **Get current elapsed time in readable format.**
     * @return int
    public function elapsed_time() : int
        return (int) elapsed_time_since_request(TRUE);

     * **Flash a UI message or clear the flash list.**
     * @param        $message
     * @param string $type
    public function flash($message = NULL, $type = 'info')
        static $session;
        $session = $session ?: $this['session'];

            ? $session->getFlashBag()->add($type, $message)
            : $session->getFlashBag()->clear();

     * @return GlobalScope
    public function getGlobalScope()
        return $this->globalScope;

     * **Get a list of provider objects registered with the `Silex\Application`.**
     * @return array of registered provider objects.
    public function getProviders() : array
        return $this->providers;

     * **Get an array of application settings.**
     * **Note:**
     *      Application settings are pulled from the `config/app.php` config file
     *      by `AppFactory::make()`. It is also available as `$app['config']['app']`.
     *      Also note that each setting key is registered individually with the Application.
     *          ie: $app['title'] is the same as `$app['config']['app.title']`.
     * @return array of configuration settings.
    public function getSettings() : array
        return $this->settings;

     * **Determine if an abstract exists in the app container.**
     * **Note:**
     *      Unlike the `Forge`, which tests for entries in both the `Pimple` and `Illuminate` Containers,
     *      this method tests only for entries in the `Silex\Application` `Pimple` instance.
     *      The purpose of this is to separate the Application container from the support container
     *      when called on the Application instance. ( ie: `app()->has()` or `$app->has()` )
     *      Use static `Forge::contains()` or non-static `forge()->has()` to search for the alias|abstract
     *      keys in both containers.
     * @param string $abstract the abstract or alias.
     * @return bool TRUE if found.
    public function has($abstract) : bool
        return isset($this[$abstract]);

     * **Run the application with an optional Request.**
     * @param Request|NULL $request
     * @param int          $requestType
     * @throws \Exception
    public function run(Request $request = NULL, $requestType = HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST)
        if (NULL === $request) {
            $request = Request::createFromGlobals();

        // register the request
        $this['request'] = $request;
        $response = $this->handle($request, $requestType);
        $this->terminate($request, $response);

     * **Run a specific sub-request through the application.**
     * @param string $uri        the uri to visit
     * @param string $method     default: GET
     * @param array  $parameters optional parameters
     * @param array  $cookies
     * @param array  $files
     * @param array  $server
     * @param null   $content
    public function subRequest(
        string $uri,
        string $method = 'GET',
        array $parameters = [],
        array $cookies = [],
        array $files = [],
        array $server = [],
        $content = NULL)
        $this->run(Request::create($uri, $method, $parameters, $cookies, $files, $server, $content), HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST);

     * Configure the application.
     * @param Config|ConfigInterface $config
    protected function configure(Config $config)
        // use the Config object
        $this['config'] = function () use ($config) { return $config; };


     * assign customized application events
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    private function bootApplicationEvents()
        // override Symfony EventDispatcher::class with framework Events::class.
        $this['dispatcher_class'] = get_class($this->events);

     * Apply and register `Application` settings.
     * @throws CannotAddNonexistentClass
    private function bootSettings()
        // contextual use for routes and di
        $app = $this;

        // load the local environment
        setlocale(LC_ALL, $this['locale']);

        $this['nine.container'] = $this->container; # Forge::getInstance();
        $this[''] = function () { return $this->events; };

        // For DI, associate the Pimple\Container with this instance of F9\Application.
        $this->container->add([\Pimple\Container::class, Application::class], function () use ($app) { return $this; });

        // set native dependencies
        $this->container->has('config') ?: $this->container->add([get_class($this->config), 'config'], $this->config);
        $this->container->add([self::class, 'app'], $this);

     *  Register the aliases found in the 'aliases' array config setting.
    private function registerAliases()
        if ($this->config->has('aliases')) {
            foreach ($this->config['aliases'] as $alias => $class) {
                class_alias($class, $alias);

     * Register the loaded provider list (ie: from app.php)
    private function registerConfiguredProviders()
        // load and register all providers listed in config/app.php
        foreach ((array) $this->settings['providers'] as $provider) {

            if ( ! class_exists($provider)) {
                throw new ApplicationProviderNotFoundException("Provider '$provider' not found.");

            if (class_exists($provider)) {
                $this->register(new $provider($this));
