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namespace FrankProjects\UltimateWarfare\Entity;

use DateTime;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Serializable;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\EquatableInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;

class User implements UserInterface, PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface, EquatableInterface, Serializable
    private const string ROLE_DEFAULT = 'ROLE_USER';
    public const string ROLE_ADMIN = 'ROLE_ADMIN';

    private int $id;
    private string $username = '';
    private string $email = '';
    private mixed $avatar = '';
    private bool $enabled = false;
    private string $password = '';
    private string $plainPassword = '';
    private ?DateTime $lastLogin;
    /** Random string sent to the user email address in order to verify it */
    private ?string $confirmationToken = null;
    private ?DateTime $passwordRequestedAt = null;

     * @var array<int, string>
    private array $roles;
    private DateTime $signup;
    private bool $active = true;
    private bool $adviser = false;
    private bool $forumBan = false;

    /** @var Collection<int, Player> */
    private Collection $players;

    /** @var Collection<int, Topic> */
    private Collection $topics;

    /** @var Collection<int, Topic> */
    private Collection $topicsEdited;

    /** @var Collection<int, Topic> */
    private Collection $topicsLastPost;

    /** @var Collection<int, Post> */
    private Collection $posts;

    /** @var Collection<int, Post> */
    private Collection $postsEdited;

    public function __construct()
        $this->roles = [];
        $this->players = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->topics = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->topicsEdited = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->topicsLastPost = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->posts = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->postsEdited = new ArrayCollection();

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getRoles(): array
        $roles = $this->roles;
        $roles[] = User::ROLE_DEFAULT;

        return array_unique($roles);

     * @param array<int, string> $roles
    public function setRoles(array $roles): void
        $this->roles = $roles;

    public function hasRole(string $role): bool
        return in_array(strtoupper($role), $this->getRoles(), true);

    public function addRole(string $role): void
        $role = strtoupper($role);
        if ($role === User::ROLE_DEFAULT) {

        if (!in_array($role, $this->roles, true)) {
            $this->roles[] = $role;


    public function removeRole(string $role): void
        $key = array_search(strtoupper($role), $this->roles, true);
        if ($key !== false) {

    public function getPassword(): string
        return $this->password;

    public function setPassword(string $password): void
        $this->password = $password;

    public function getPlainPassword(): string
        return $this->plainPassword;

    public function setPlainPassword(string $plainPassword): void
        $this->plainPassword = $plainPassword;

     * @return null
    public function getSalt()
        return null;

    public function getUsername(): string
        return $this->username;

    public function setUsername(string $username): void
        $this->username = $username;

    public function eraseCredentials(): void
        $this->plainPassword = '';

    public function isEqualTo(UserInterface $user): bool
        if (!$user instanceof User) {
            return false;

        if ($this->password !== $user->getPassword()) {
            return false;

        if ($this->username !== $user->getUsername()) {
            return false;

        return true;

    public function isEnabled(): bool
        return $this->enabled;

    public function getId(): int
        return $this->id;

    public function setId(int $id): void
        $this->id = $id;

    public function getEmail(): string
        return $this->email;

    public function setEmail(string $email): void
        $this->email = $email;

    public function getAvatar(): mixed
        return $this->avatar;

    public function setAvatar(mixed $avatar): void
        $this->avatar = $avatar;

    public function hasAvatar(): bool
        $stats = fstat($this->avatar);
        if ($stats !== false) {
            return $stats['size'] > 0;
        return false;

    public function getLastLogin(): ?DateTime
        return $this->lastLogin;

    public function setLastLogin(DateTime $lastLogin): void
        $this->lastLogin = $lastLogin;

    public function getConfirmationToken(): ?string
        return $this->confirmationToken;

    public function setConfirmationToken(?string $confirmationToken): void
        $this->confirmationToken = $confirmationToken;

    public function getPasswordRequestedAt(): ?DateTime
        return $this->passwordRequestedAt;

    public function setPasswordRequestedAt(DateTime $passwordRequestedAt): void
        $this->passwordRequestedAt = $passwordRequestedAt;

    public function setEnabled(bool $enabled): void
        $this->enabled = $enabled;

    public function setSignup(DateTime $signup): void
        $this->signup = $signup;

    public function getSignup(): DateTime
        return $this->signup;

    public function setActive(bool $active): void
        $this->active = $active;

    public function getActive(): bool
        return $this->active;

    public function setAdviser(bool $adviser): void
        $this->adviser = $adviser;

    public function getAdviser(): bool
        return $this->adviser;

    public function setForumBan(bool $forumBan): void
        $this->forumBan = $forumBan;

    public function getForumBan(): bool
        return $this->forumBan;

     * @return Collection<int, Player>
    public function getPlayers(): Collection
        return $this->players;

     * @param Collection<int, Player> $players
    public function setPlayers(Collection $players): void
        $this->players = $players;

     * @return Collection<int, Topic>
    public function getTopics(): Collection
        return $this->topics;

     * @param Collection<int, Topic> $topics
    public function setTopics(Collection $topics): void
        $this->topics = $topics;

     * @return Collection<int, Topic>
    public function getTopicsEdited(): Collection
        return $this->topicsEdited;

     * @param Collection<int, Topic> $topicsEdited
    public function setTopicsEdited(Collection $topicsEdited): void
        $this->topicsEdited = $topicsEdited;

     * @return Collection<int, Topic>
    public function getTopicsLastPost(): Collection
        return $this->topicsLastPost;

     * @param Collection<int, Topic> $topicsLastPost
    public function setTopicsLastPost(Collection $topicsLastPost): void
        $this->topicsLastPost = $topicsLastPost;

     * @return Collection<int, Post>
    public function getPosts(): Collection
        return $this->posts;

     * @param Collection<int, Post> $posts
    public function setPosts(Collection $posts): void
        $this->posts = $posts;

     * @return Collection<int, Post>
    public function getPostsEdited(): Collection
        return $this->postsEdited;

     * @param Collection<int, Post> $postsEdited
    public function setPostsEdited(Collection $postsEdited): void
        $this->postsEdited = $postsEdited;

    public function getUserIdentifier(): string
        return $this->username;

    public function __serialize(): array
        return [
            'id' => $this->id,
            'username' => $this->username,
            'enabled' => $this->enabled,
            'email' => $this->email,
            'password' => $this->password,

     * @param array<string|int|bool> $data
    public function __unserialize(array $data): void
        $this->id = (int) $data['id'];
        $this->username = (string) $data['username'];
        $this->enabled = (bool) $data['enabled'];
        $this->email = (string) $data['email'];
        $this->password = (string) $data['password'];

     * @deprecated
    public function serialize()
        return serialize($this->__serialize());

     * @deprecated
    public function unserialize(string $data)