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# StarHackIt React Frontend

A functional React based frontend starter kit:

* `react` for pure view layer, 100% stateless compoment.  
* `mobx` for state management.
* `emotion` for real-time styling.
* `universal-router` for the routing solution: code split, data fetching. 
* Internationalization with `i18next`
* Find bugs, enforce coding standards with `eslint` and its plugins: `react`, `promise`, `mocha`.
* Copy and paste detector with `jscpd`
* Display lint warnings and build errors to directly to the browser with `webpack-hud`
* Unit tests with `karma` and `mocha`
* Code coverage with `nyc`
* End to end tests with `nightwatch`
* Concatenation, minification, obfuscation and compression of javascript and css file
* Bundle size and dependencies size under control
* Configuration depending of the environment: dev, uat, prod etc ...
* *Hot reloading**: Webpack detects any change in the code, it rebuilds automatically and pushes the new change the browser, no manual browser refresh required.
* 100% results in [Lighthouse test](

## TOC

* [Npm scripts](docs/    
* [Unit testing](docs/    
* [End 2 End Testing](docs/    
* [Multi Application](docs/    
* [Production Build](docs/
* [Internationalization](docs/    
* [Cut and Paste detector](docs/   
* [Configuration](docs/   
* [Webpack](docs/    

### TL;DR

    $ cd client
    $ npm install
    $ npm start