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export default () => ({
  features: [
      img: require("./img/stack.svg").default,
      title: "Full Stack",
        "A complete frontend, backend and deployment solution to bootstrap your application",
      height: "100",
      img: require("./img/users.svg").default,
      title: "Authentication",
        "Account registration with username and password, or with identity provider such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub etc ..",
      height: "100",
      img: require("./img/protection.svg").default,
      title: "Authorization",
      text: "A group and permissions based authorization",
      height: "100",
      img: require("./img/database.svg").default,
      title: "Relational SQL Database",
        "The data are modeled with sequelize, an ORM which support PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and MSSQL",
      height: "100",
  frontend: [
      img: require("./img/react.svg").default,
      height: "100",
      title: "React",
      link: "",
      text: "A library for building user interfaces",
      img: require("./img/mobx.svg").default,
      title: "Mobx",
      height: "100",
      link: "",
      text: "Simple, scalable state management",
      img: require("./img/emotion.png").default,
      title: "Emotion",
      height: "150",
      link: "",
      text: "Style React Components with Style.",
      img: require("./img/i18next.svg").default,
      title: "i18next",
      width: "180",
      link: "",
      text: "Internationalisation matters",
  backend: [
      img: require("./img/nodejs.png").default,
      title: "Node.js",
      height: "120",
      link: "",
      text: "A scalable javascript application server.",
      img: require("./img/sequelize.svg").default,
      height: "120",
      title: "Sequelize",
      link: "",
        "Sequelize is a promise-based ORM for Node.js and io.js. It supports the dialects PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and MSSQL",
      img: require("./img/passportjs.png").default,
      title: "Passportjs",
      width: "64",
      link: "",
        "Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js, supports more than 300 authentication stragegies such as username and password, Facebook, google etc ...",
  tools: [
      img: require("./img/eslint.svg").default,
      title: "ESLint",
      height: "120",
      link: "",
        "The pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX, find errors and coding style violation.",
      img: require("./img/mocha.svg").default,
      title: "Mocha",
      height: "160",
      link: "",
      text: "A rich asynchronous test framework",
      img: require("./img/nightwatch.png").default,
      title: "Nightwatch",
      link: "",
        "Write End-to-End tests in Node.js quickly and effortlessly that run against a Selenium server.",
      img: require("./img/webpack.svg").default,
      title: "Webpack",
      height: "160",
      link: "",
        "A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets.",
      img: require("./img/nodemon.svg").default,
      title: "Nodemon",
      height: "160",
      link: "",
        "Monitors for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server",
      img: require("./img/travis.png").default,
      title: "Travis CI",
      height: "160",
      link: "",
      text: "A continuous integration platform.",
      img: require("./img/raml.png").default,
      title: "RAML",
      link: "",
        "RESTful API Modeling Language, model your API, generate html documentation, mock server for frontend, ensure the backend implements the API",

      img: require("./img/ansible.png").default,
      title: "Ansible",
      width: "128",
      link: "",
      text: "Deploy apps. Manage systems. DevOps made easy",
      img: require("./img/grucloud-logo.png").default,
      title: "GruCloud",
      width: "200",
      link: "",
      text: "Infrastructure as Code in Javascript",
      img: require("./img/docker.png").default,
      title: "Docker",
      link: "",
        "An open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins",