const OPTIONS = {
Intent: [
['-a','action','Specify the intent action, such as android.intent.action.VIEW. You can declare this only once. '],
['-d','data_uri','Specify the intent data URI, such as content://contacts/people/1. You can declare this only once. '],
['-t','mime_type','Specify the intent MIME type, such as image/png. You can declare this only once. '],
['-c','category','Specify an intent category, such as android.intent.category.APP_CONTACTS. '],
['-n','component','Specify the component name with package name prefix to create an explicit intent, such as '],
['-f','flags','Add flags to the intent, as supported by setFlags(). '],
['--esn','extra_key','Add a null extra. This option is not supported for URI intents. '],
['--es','extra_key extra_string_value','Add string data as a key-value pair. '],
['--ez','extra_key extra_boolean_value','Add boolean data as a key-value pair. '],
['--ei','extra_key extra_int_value','Add integer data as a key-value pair. '],
['--el','extra_key extra_long_value','Add long data as a key-value pair. '],
['--ef','extra_key extra_float_value','Add float data as a key-value pair. '],
['--eu','extra_key extra_uri_value','Add URI data as a key-value pair. '],
['--ecn','extra_key extra_component_name_value','Add a component name, which is converted and passed as a ComponentName object. '],
['--eia','extra_key extra_int_value[,extra_int_value...]','Add an array of integers. '],
['--ela','extra_key extra_long_value[,extra_long_value...]','Add an array of longs. '],
['--efa','extra_key extra_float_value[,extra_float_value...]','Add an array of floats. '],
// passed a extra opts
['--grant-read-uri-permission','','Include the flag FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION. '],
['--grant-write-uri-permission','','Include the flag FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION. '],
['--debug-log-resolution','','Include the flag FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION. '],
['--exclude-stopped-packages','','Include the flag FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES. '],
['--include-stopped-packages','','Include the flag FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES. '],
['--activity-brought-to-front','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT. '],
['--activity-clear-top','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP. '],
['--activity-clear-when-task-reset','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET. '],
['--activity-exclude-from-recents','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS. '],
['--activity-launched-from-history','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY. '],
['--activity-multiple-task','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK. '],
['--activity-no-animation','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION. '],
['--activity-no-history','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY. '],
['--activity-no-user-action','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION. '],
['--activity-previous-is-top','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP. '],
['--activity-reorder-to-front','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT. '],
['--activity-reset-task-if-needed','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED. '],
['--activity-single-top','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP. '],
['--activity-clear-task','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK. '],
['--activity-task-on-home','','Include the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME. '],
['--receiver-registered-only','','Include the flag FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY. '],
['--receiver-replace-pending','','Include the flag FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING. '],
['--selector','','Requires the use of -d and -t options to set the intent data and type. ']
class Intent
static OPTIONS = OPTIONS.Intent;
constructor(pOptions = null){
this.action = null;
this.data_uri = null;
this.mime_type = null;
this.category = null;
this.flags = null;
this.extra_keys = null;
this.extra_opts = null;
console.log("[DEV :: Intent] TODO : Extra keys are not yet handled");
// generic init
for(let i in pOptions){
if(this[i] !== undefined)
this[i] = pOptions[i];
// extra keys init
if(this.extra_keys != null){
static getOptions(){
return Intent.OPTIONS;
let str = '';
// only once is authorized
if(this.action !== null && this.action.length > 0) str+= ` -a ${this.action} `;
if(this.data_uri !== null && this.data_uri.length > 0) str+= ` -d ${this.data_uri} `;
if(this.mime_type !== null && this.mime_type.length > 0) str+= ` -t ${this.mime_type} `;
// several category is supported by android
if(this.category !== null){
if(typeof this.category == "array"){>{ str+= ` -c ${x} `; });
}else if(this.category.length >0){
str+= ` -c ${this.category} `;
if(this.flags !== null && this.flags.length >0) str+= ` -f ${this.flags} `;
if(this.extra_keys !==null){
//>{ str+=; });
if(this.extra_opts !== null && this.extra_opts.length > 0) str+= ' '+this.extra_opts;
return str;
class IntentCommandFactory
static BINARY = 'am';
static listTypes(){
return [
constructor(type, pApplication=null, extra_opts=null){
this.requester = null;
this.extra_opts = extra_opts; = pApplication;
case 'start_activity':
this.requester = this.startActivityIntent;
case 'broadcast':
this.requester = this.broadcastIntent;
case 'start_service':
this.requester = this.startServiceIntent;
throw new Error("[INTENT FACTORY] Type unknow");
startServiceIntent(pIntent, extra_opts=null){
return `${IntentCommandFactory.BINARY} startservice ${pIntent.buildCommand()} ${}`;
startActivityIntent(pIntent, extra_opts=null){
return `${IntentCommandFactory.BINARY} start ${pIntent.buildCommand()} ${}`;
broadcastIntent(pIntent, extra_opts=null){
return `${IntentCommandFactory.BINARY} broadcast ${pIntent.buildCommand()} ${}`;
return this.requester(pIntent, this.extra_opts);
module.exports = {
IntentCommandFactory: IntentCommandFactory,
Intent: Intent