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# [deprecated]hexo-infinite-scroll@1.0.0

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> 💮 A fake infinite loading plugin for hexo.

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## Installation & Usage

Check `head.ejs`(or `head.swig`) in the theme folder and add below:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

#### Tips

- This library depends on `jQuery`, please make sure `jQuery` has been loaded.
- In case not working, please check `_config.yml` and set all the `per_page` to 0 to disable pagination.
- To abandon animation, simply set `loading.enabled` to `false` and leave the css file.

## General Options

| key      | description               | default                                            | type   |
| :------- | ------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------ |
| item     | target item className     | `.post`                                            | string |
| pageSize | show num at a time        | 3                                                  | number |
| time     | load time(ms)             | 400                                                | number |
| loading  | loading animation options | { enabled: true, style: 'wave', color: '#f78769' } | object |

## Loading Options

| key     | values                   | default   | type    |
| :------ | ------------------------ | --------- | ------- |
| enabled | true, false              | true      | boolean |
| style   | `wave`, `line`, `circle` | `wave`    | string  |
| color   | ...                      | `#f78769` | string  |

#### Style Preview

- wave


- line


- circle
