

0 mins
Test Coverage
package wire

import (

type idNotFoundError struct {
    id        string
    component component

func (err idNotFoundError) Error() string {
    return "wire: no " + err.component.value.Type().String() +
        " identified using \"" + + "\" found"

type duplicateError struct {
    previous component

func (err duplicateError) Error() string {
    return "wire: trying to connect component with same type and id. previosly declared here:\n\t" +

type tagMissingError struct {
    field reflect.StructField

func (err tagMissingError) Error() string {
    return "wire: field with nil interface or pointer without wire detected for " +
        err.field.Name + " with type " + err.field.Type.String() +
        ", perhaps you forgot? to ignore add `wire:\"-\"`"

type tagForgottenError struct {
    field reflect.StructField

func (err tagForgottenError) Error() string {
    return "wire: tag is missing for already connected type on " + err.field.Name + " with type " + err.field.Type.String() +
        ", perhaps you forgot? to ignore add `wire:\"-\"`"

type incompletedError struct{}

func (err incompletedError) Error() string {
    return "wire: trying to connect incompleted component as a value, use a reference instead"

type resolveParamError struct{}

func (err resolveParamError) Error() string {
    return "wire: resolve parameter must be a pointer"

type notAddressableError struct {
    id        string
    paramType reflect.Type
    component component

func (err notAddressableError) Error() string {
    return "wire: component with type " + err.paramType.String() + " identified by \"" + +
        "\" is not addressable, connect component using reference instead of value. declared here:\n\t" +

type typeNotFoundError struct {
    paramType reflect.Type

func (err typeNotFoundError) Error() string {
    return "wire: no component with type " + err.paramType.String() + " found"

type dependencyNotFound struct {
    id         string
    component  component
    dependency dependency

func (err dependencyNotFound) Error() string {
    return "wire: field " + + " of " + err.component.value.Type().String() +
        " requires " + err.dependency.typ.String() + " identified using \"" + +
        "\", but none was found. declared here:\n\t" + err.component.declaredAt

type ambiguousError struct {
    component  component
    dependency dependency

func (err ambiguousError) Error() string {
    return "wire: ambiguous connection found on field " + + " of " +
        err.component.value.Type().String() + ", multiple components satisfy " + err.dependency.typ.String() +
        " interface, consider using id. declared here:\n\t" + err.component.declaredAt

type requiresPointerError struct {
    component    component
    dependency   dependency
    depComponent component

func (err requiresPointerError) Error() string {
    return "wire: field " + + " of " + err.component.value.Type().String() +
        " requires " + err.dependency.typ.String() + " as pointer, connect " + err.dependency.typ.String() +
        " as a reference instead of a value. declared here:\n\t" + err.component.declaredAt +
        "\n\t" + err.depComponent.declaredAt