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# How to run

Cattaz is impletened with JavaScript.
You can run it in many ways.

## Local

Install [Node 14]( and [yarn](

yarn install
yarn start

Now you can visit `http://localhost:8080/` to view the application.

Default port is 8080. To change port number, use `PORT=12345 yarn start` instead of `yarn start`.

## Docker

docker build . -t cattaz # --build-arg http_proxy= --build-arg https_proxy=
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 cattaz

Now you can visit `http://localhost:8080/` to view the application.

To change port numbers, refer the example below:

docker build . -t cattaz --build-arg PORT=12345
docker run -it -p 12345:8080 cattaz

### Docker Compose

# export http_proxy=
# export https_proxy=
docker-compose up

Now you can visit `http://localhost:8080/` to view the application.

To change ports to be used, use `PORT=12345 docker-compose up` instead of `docker-compose up`.

## Amazon EC2 Container Service

See `aws-ecs.yaml` in the source tree.