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A Ruby gem to fetch YouTube annotations

Yt::Annotations is a Ruby library to fetch annotations, cards and end screens of YouTube videos.

The **source code** is available on [GitHub](https://github.com/fullscreen/yt-annotations) and the **documentation** on [RubyDoc](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/fullscreen/yt-annotations/Yt/Annotations).

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How to use

Simply call `Yt::Annotations.for` with the ID of a YouTube video:

annotations = Yt::Annotations.for 'MESycYJytkU'
# => [#<Yt::Annotations::Featured …>]
# => "Suggested by Fullscreen: What is Fullscreen?"
# => 76.0
# => 86.0
# {url: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeMlqbX2Ifg", new_window: true, type: :video}

How to install

Yt::Annotations requires **Ruby 2.2.2 or higher**.

To include in your project, add `gem 'yt-annotations', ~> '1.0'` to the `Gemfile` file of your Ruby project.

How to contribute

Contribute to the code by forking the project, adding the missing code,
writing the appropriate tests and submitting a pull request.

In order for a PR to be approved, all the tests need to pass and all the public
methods need to be documented and listed in the guides. Remember:

- to run all tests locally: `bundle exec rspec`
- to generate the docs locally: `bundle exec yard`
- to list undocumented methods: `bundle exec yard stats --list-undoc`