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25 mins
Test Coverage
import typing
from copy import copy

from .form_parser import FieldList

class Filter:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__operations: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, Filter]] = []

    def __and__(self, other):
        self.__operations.append(('and', other))
        return self

    def __or__(self, other):
        self.__operations.append(('or', other))
        return copy(self)

    def filter(self, fields: FieldList) -> FieldList:
        filtered_fields = self._filter(fields)
        for operation, other in self.__operations:
            if operation == 'and':
                filtered_fields = other.filter(filtered_fields)
            if operation == 'or':

        return filtered_fields

    def _filter(self, fields: FieldList) -> FieldList:
        raise NotImplementedError

class Pages(Filter):
    Restricts the fields to the given pages.

    Note that page numbers start with 0, so 0 represents the first page, 1 the second page etc.

    :param pages: List of pages to take into account (starts with 0)
    def __init__(self, pages: typing.List[int]):
        super(Pages, self).__init__()
        self.__pages = pages

    def _filter(self, fields: FieldList) -> FieldList:
        filtered_fields = []
        for field in fields:
            if field.page in self.__pages:

        return filtered_fields

class Page(Pages):
    Restricts the fields to a single page.

    Note that page numbers start with 0, so 0 represents the first page, 1 the second page etc.

    :param page: Page to take into account
    def __init__(self, page: int):
        super(Page, self).__init__([page])

class Location(Filter):
    Restricts the fields to a given location on a page.

    Restrictions are indicated as ratios in the range [0.0, 1.0], so the tuple (.0, 1.0) would indicate the full
    range and (.5, 1.0) the right/bottom half and (.0, 0.5) the left/upper half.

    If a dimension is None, it is not checked (and equal to the full range (.0, 1.0)).

    :param horizontal: Horizontal range to take into account (left, right), default None
    :param vertical: Vertical range to take into account (top, bottom), default None
    optional_dimension = typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[float, float]]

    def __init__(self, horizontal: optional_dimension = None, vertical: optional_dimension = None):
        super(Location, self).__init__()
        self.__horizontal = horizontal
        self.__vertical = vertical

    def _filter(self, fields: FieldList) -> FieldList:
        filtered_fields = []
        for field in fields:
            tx_field = field.field
            if (self.__horizontal is None or self.__horizontal[0] < tx_field.geometry.boundingBox.left <
                self.__horizontal[1]) and \
                    (self.__vertical is None or self.__vertical[0] < tx_field.geometry.boundingBox.top <

        return filtered_fields

class Selected(Filter):
    Restricts the fields to those that are selected (i.e. have a checked checkbox).
    def _filter(self, fields: FieldList) -> FieldList:
        filtered_fields = []
        for field in fields:
            tx_field = field.field
            if tx_field.value is not None and tx_field.value.text == 'SELECTED':

        return filtered_fields