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# [DOMni Search](https://gitlab.com/GCSBOSS/domni-search)

A search bar component for filtering DOM nodes based on content.

## Get Started

Include the script:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/domni-search@0"></script>

Have a host input search element and a couple elements amongst which to search:

<input type="search" />
    <li>foo bar</li>
    <li>foo baz</li>
    <li>bar baz</li>

After the page is loades, construct an index of the searchable DOM elements:

var idx = new SearchIndex('div > li');
// Second parameter is a boolean for case sensitivity. Defaults to false (insensitive).

Optionally store some settings in an object:

var settings = {
    delay: 500, // ms to delay search after typing
    any: false // wether to look for elements that match any word

And then decorate your input as a Domni Search Bar:

var bar = new SearchBar('input[type=search]', idx, settings);

## Reporting Bugs
If you have found any problems with this module, please:

1. [Open an issue](https://gitlab.com/GCSBOSS/domni-search/issues/new).
2. Describe what happened and how.
3. Also in the issue text, reference the label `~bug`.

We will make sure to take a look when time allows us.

## Proposing Features
If you wish to get that awesome feature or have some advice for us, please:
1. [Open an issue](https://gitlab.com/GCSBOSS/domni-search/issues/new).
2. Describe your ideas.
3. Also in the issue text, reference the label `~proposal`.

## Contributing
If you have spotted any enhancements to be made and is willing to get your hands
dirty about it, fork us and
[submit your merge request](https://gitlab.com/GCSBOSS/domni-search/merge_requests/new)
so we can collaborate effectively.