* ******************************************************************************
* Copyright 2011-2017 DANTE Ltd. and GÉANT on behalf of the GN3, GN3+, GN4-1
* and GN4-2 consortia
* License: see the web/copyright.php file in the file structure
* ******************************************************************************
namespace core;
use \Exception;
use \SoapFault;
class CertificationAuthorityEduPkiServer extends EntityWithDBProperties implements CertificationAuthorityInterface
private $locationRaCert;
private $locationRaKey;
private $locationWebRoot;
private $eduPkiRaId;
private $eduPkiCertProfileBoth;
private $eduPkiCertProfileIdp;
private $eduPkiCertProfileSp;
private $eduPkiRaPkeyPassphrase;
private $eduPkiEndpointPublic;
private $eduPkiEndpointRa;
* sets up the environment so that we can talk to eduPKI
* @throws Exception
public function __construct()
if ( \config\ConfAssistant::eduPKI['testing'] === true ) {
$this->locationRaCert = ROOT . "/config/SilverbulletClientCerts/edupki-test-ra.pem";
$this->locationRaKey = ROOT . "/config/SilverbulletClientCerts/edupki-test-ra.clearkey";
$this->locationWebRoot = ROOT . "/config/SilverbulletClientCerts/eduPKI-webserver-root.pem";
$this->eduPkiRaId = 700;
$this->eduPkiCertProfileBoth = "Radius Server SOAP";
$this->eduPkiCertProfileIdp = "Radius Server SOAP";
$this->eduPkiCertProfileSp = "Radius Server SOAP";
$this->eduPkiRaPkeyPassphrase = "...";
$this->eduPkiEndpointPublic = "";
$this->eduPkiEndpointRa = "";
} else {
$this->locationRaCert = ROOT . "/config/SilverbulletClientCerts/edupki-prod-ra.pem";
$this->locationRaKey = ROOT . "/config/SilverbulletClientCerts/edupki-prod-ra.clearkey";
$this->locationWebRoot = ROOT . "/config/SilverbulletClientCerts/eduPKI-webserver-root.pem";
$this->eduPkiRaId = 100;
$this->eduPkiCertProfileBoth = "eduroam IdP and SP";
$this->eduPkiCertProfileIdp = "eduroam IdP";
$this->eduPkiCertProfileSp = "eduroam SP";
$this->eduPkiRaPkeyPassphrase = "...";
$this->eduPkiEndpointPublic = "";
$this->eduPkiEndpointRa = "";
$this->databaseType = "INST";
if (stat($this->locationRaCert) === FALSE) {
throw new Exception("RA operator PEM file not found: " . $this->locationRaCert);
if (stat($this->locationRaKey) === FALSE) {
throw new Exception("RA operator private key file not found: " . $this->locationRaKey);
if (stat($this->locationWebRoot) === FALSE) {
throw new Exception("CA website root CA file not found: " . $this->locationWebRoot);
* Creates an updated OCSP statement. Nothing to be done here - eduPKI have
* their own OCSP responder and the certs point to it. So we are not in the
* loop.
* @param string $serial serial number of the certificate. Serials are 128 bit, so forcibly a string.
* @return string a dummy string instead of a real statement
public function triggerNewOCSPStatement($serial): string
unset($serial); // not needed
return "EXTERNAL";
* signs a CSR and returns the certificate (blocking wait)
* @param array $csr the request metadata
* @param integer $expiryDays how many days should the certificate be valid
* @return array the certificate with some meta info
* @throws Exception
public function signRequest($csr, $expiryDays): array
if ($csr["CSR_STRING"] === NULL) {
throw new Exception("This CA needs the CSR in a string (PEM)!");
$revocationPin = common\Entity::randomString(10, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789");
$soapReqnum = $this->sendRequestToCa($csr, $revocationPin, $expiryDays);
// now, get the actual cert from the CA
$returnValue = $this->pickupFinalCert($soapReqnum, TRUE);
if ($returnValue === FALSE) {
throw new Exception("We wanted to wait, but still got no cert!");
return $returnValue;
* sends the request to the CA and asks for the certificate. Does not block
* until the certificate is issued, it needs to be picked up separately
* using its request number.
* @param array $csr the CSR to sign. The member $csr['CSR'] must contain the CSR in *PEM* format
* @param string $revocationPin a PIN to be able to revoke the cert later on
* @param int $expiryDays how many days should the certificate be valid
* @return int the request serial number
* @throws Exception
public function sendRequestToCa($csr, $revocationPin, $expiryDays): int
// initialise connection to eduPKI CA / eduroam RA and send the request to them
try {
if (in_array("eduroam IdP", $csr["POLICIES"]) && in_array("eduroam SP", $csr["POLICIES"])) {
$profile = $this->eduPkiCertProfileBoth;
} elseif (in_array("eduroam IdP", $csr["POLICIES"])) {
$profile = $this->eduPkiCertProfileIdp;
} elseif (in_array("eduroam SP", $csr["POLICIES"])) {
$profile = $this->eduPkiCertProfileSp;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unexpected policies requested.");
$altArray = [# Array mit den Subject Alternative Names
"email:" . $csr["USERMAIL"]
foreach ($csr["ALTNAMES"] as $oneAltName) {
$altArray[] = "DNS:" . $oneAltName;
$soapPub = $this->initEduPKISoapSession("PUBLIC");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "FIRST ACTUAL SOAP REQUEST (Public, newRequest)!\n");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "PARAM_1: " . $this->eduPkiRaId . "\n");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "PARAM_2: " . $csr["CSR_STRING"] . "\n");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "PARAM_3: ");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, $altArray);
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "PARAM_4: " . $profile . "\n");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "PARAM_5: " . sha1("notused") . "\n");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "PARAM_6: " . $csr["USERNAME"] . "\n");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "PARAM_7: " . $csr["USERMAIL"] . "\n");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "PARAM_8: " . ProfileSilverbullet::PRODUCTNAME . "\n");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "PARAM_9: false\n");
$soapNewRequest = $soapPub->newRequest(
$this->eduPkiRaId, # RA-ID
$csr["CSR_STRING"], # Request im PEM-Format
$altArray, # altNames
$profile, # Zertifikatprofil
sha1($revocationPin), # PIN
$csr["USERNAME"], # Name des Antragstellers
$csr["USERMAIL"], # Kontakt-E-Mail
ProfileSilverbullet::PRODUCTNAME, # Organisationseinheit des Antragstellers
false # Veröffentlichen des Zertifikats?
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, $soapPub->__getLastRequest());
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, $soapPub->__getLastResponse());
if ($soapNewRequest == 0) {
throw new Exception("Error when sending SOAP request (request serial number was zero). No further details available.");
$soapReqnum = intval($soapNewRequest);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// PHP 7.1 can do this much better
if (is_soap_fault($e)) {
throw new Exception("Error when sending SOAP request: " . "{$e->faultcode}: {
throw new Exception("Something odd happened while doing the SOAP request:" . $e->getMessage());
try {
$soap = $this->initEduPKISoapSession("RA");
// tell the CA the desired expiry date of the new certificate
$expiry = new \DateTime();
$expiry->modify("+$expiryDays day");
$expiry->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$soapExpiryChange = $soap->setRequestParameters(
$soapReqnum, [
"RaID" => $this->eduPkiRaId,
"Role" => $profile,
"Subject" => $csr['SUBJECT'],
"SubjectAltNames" => $altArray,
"NotBefore" => (new \DateTime())->format('c'),
"NotAfter" => $expiry->format('c'),
if ($soapExpiryChange === FALSE) {
throw new Exception("Error when sending SOAP request (unable to change expiry date).");
// retrieve the raw request to prepare for signature and approval
// this seems to come out base64-decoded already; maybe PHP
// considers this "convenience"? But we need it as sent on
// the wire, so re-encode it!
$soapCleartext = $soap->getRawRequest($soapReqnum);
$this->loggerInstance->debug(2, "Actual received SOAP response for getRawRequest was:\n\n");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(2, $soap->__getLastResponse());
// for obnoxious reasons, we have to dump the request into a file and let pkcs7_sign read from the file
// rather than just using the string. Grr.
$tempdir = \core\common\Entity::createTemporaryDirectory("test");
file_put_contents($tempdir['dir'] . "/content.txt", $soapCleartext);
// retrieve our RA cert from filesystem
// the RA certificates are not needed right now because we
// have resorted to S/MIME signatures with openssl command-line
// rather than the built-in functions. But that may change in
// the future, so let's park these two lines for future use.
// $raCertFile = file_get_contents(ROOT . "/config/SilverbulletClientCerts/edupki-test-ra.pem");
// $raCert = openssl_x509_read($raCertFile);
// $raKey = openssl_pkey_get_private("file://" . ROOT . "/config/SilverbulletClientCerts/edupki-test-ra.clearkey");
// sign the data, using cmdline because openssl_pkcs7_sign produces strange results
// -binary didn't help, nor switch -md to sha1 sha256 or sha512
$this->loggerInstance->debug(2, "Actual content to be signed is this:\n $soapCleartext\n");
$execCmd = \config\Master::PATHS['openssl'] . " smime -sign -binary -in " . $tempdir['dir'] . "/content.txt -out " . $tempdir['dir'] . "/signature.txt -outform pem -inkey " . $this->locationRaKey . " -signer " . $this->locationRaCert;
$this->loggerInstance->debug(2, "Calling openssl smime with following cmdline: $execCmd\n");
$output = [];
$return = 999;
exec($execCmd, $output, $return);
if ($return !== 0) {
throw new Exception("Non-zero return value from openssl smime!");
// and get the signature blob back from the filesystem
$detachedSig = trim(file_get_contents($tempdir['dir'] . "/signature.txt"));
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "Request for server approveRequest has parameters:\n");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, $soapReqnum . "\n");
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, $soapCleartext . "\n"); // PHP magically encodes this as base64 while sending!
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, $detachedSig . "\n");
$soapIssueCert = $soap->approveRequest($soapReqnum, $soapCleartext, $detachedSig);
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "approveRequest Request was: \n" . $soap->__getLastRequest());
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "approveRequest Response was: \n" . $soap->__getLastResponse());
if ($soapIssueCert === FALSE) {
throw new Exception("The locally approved request was NOT processed by the CA.");
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
throw new Exception("SoapFault: Error when sending or receiving SOAP message: " . "{$e->faultcode}: {$e->faultname}: {$e->faultstring}: {$e->faultactor}: {$e->detail}: {$e->headerfault}\n");
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception("Exception: Something odd happened between the SOAP requests:" . $e->getMessage());
return $soapReqnum;
* Polls the CA regularly until it gets the certificate for the request at hand. Gives up after 5 minutes.
* @param int $soapReqnum the certificate request for which the cert should be picked up
* @param bool $wait whether to wait until the cert is issued or return immediately
* @return array|false the certificate along with some meta info, or false if we did not want to wait or got a timeout
* @throws Exception
public function pickupFinalCert($soapReqnum, $wait)
try {
$soap = $this->initEduPKISoapSession("RA");
$counter = 0;
$parsedCert = FALSE;
$x509 = new common\X509();
while ($parsedCert === FALSE && $counter < 300) {
$soapCert = $soap->getCertificateByRequestSerial($soapReqnum);
if (strlen($soapCert) > 10) { // we got the cert
$parsedCert = $x509->processCertificate($soapCert);
} elseif ($wait) { // let's wait five seconds and try again
$counter += 5;
} else {
return FALSE; // don't wait, abort without result
// we should now have an array
if ($parsedCert === FALSE) {
throw new Exception("We did not actually get a certificate after waiting for 5 minutes.");
// let's get the CA certificate chain
$caInfo = $soap->getCAInfo();
$certList = $x509->splitCertificate($caInfo->CAChain[0]);
// find the root
$theRoot = "";
foreach ($certList as $oneCert) {
$content = $x509->processCertificate($oneCert);
if ($content['root'] == 1) {
$theRoot = $content;
if ($theRoot == "") {
throw new Exception("CAInfo has no root certificate for us!");
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
throw new Exception("SoapFault: Error when sending or receiving SOAP message: " . "{$e->faultcode}: {$e->faultname}: {$e->faultstring}: {$e->faultactor}: {$e->detail}: {$e->headerfault}\n");
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception("Exception: Something odd happened between the SOAP requests:" . $e->getMessage());
return [
"CERT" => openssl_x509_read($parsedCert['pem']),
"SERIAL" => $parsedCert['full_details']['serialNumber'],
"ISSUER" => $theRoot,
"ROOT" => $theRoot,
* revokes a certificate
* @param string $serial the serial, as a string because it is a 128 bit number
* @return void
* @throws Exception
public function revokeCertificate($serial): void
try {
$soap = $this->initEduPKISoapSession("RA");
$soapRevocationSerial = $soap->newRevocationRequest(["Serial", $serial], "");
if ($soapRevocationSerial == 0) {
throw new Exception("Unable to create revocation request, serial number was zero.");
// retrieve the raw request to prepare for signature and approval
$soapRawRevRequest = $soap->getRawRevocationRequest($soapRevocationSerial);
if (strlen($soapRawRevRequest) < 10) { // very basic error handling
throw new Exception("Suspiciously short data to sign!");
// for obnoxious reasons, we have to dump the request into a file and let pkcs7_sign read from the file
// rather than just using the string. Grr.
$tempdir = \core\common\Entity::createTemporaryDirectory("test");
file_put_contents($tempdir['dir'] . "/content.txt", $soapRawRevRequest);
// retrieve our RA cert from filesystem
// sign the data, using cmdline because openssl_pkcs7_sign produces strange results
// -binary didn't help, nor switch -md to sha1 sha256 or sha512
$this->loggerInstance->debug(5, "Actual content to be signed is this:\n$soapRawRevRequest\n");
$execCmd = \config\Master::PATHS['openssl'] . " smime -sign -binary -in " . $tempdir['dir'] . "/content.txt -out " . $tempdir['dir'] . "/signature.txt -outform pem -inkey " . $this->locationRaKey . " -signer " . $this->locationRaCert;
$this->loggerInstance->debug(2, "Calling openssl smime with following cmdline: $execCmd\n");
$output = [];
$return = 999;
exec($execCmd, $output, $return);
if ($return !== 0) {
throw new Exception("Non-zero return value from openssl smime!");
// and get the signature blob back from the filesystem
$detachedSig = trim(file_get_contents($tempdir['dir'] . "/signature.txt"));
$soapIssueRev = $soap->approveRevocationRequest($soapRevocationSerial, $soapRawRevRequest, $detachedSig);
if ($soapIssueRev === FALSE) {
throw new Exception("The locally approved revocation request was NOT processed by the CA.");
} catch (Exception $e) {
// PHP 7.1 can do this much better
if (is_soap_fault($e)) {
throw new Exception("Error when sending SOAP request: " . "{$e->faultcode}: {$e->faultstring}\n");
throw new Exception("Something odd happened while doing the SOAP request:" . $e->getMessage());
* sets up a connection to the eduPKI SOAP interfaces
* There is a public interface and an RA-restricted interface;
* the latter needs an RA client certificate to identify the operator
* @param string $type to which interface should we connect to - "PUBLIC" or "RA"
* @return \SoapClient the connection object
* @throws Exception
private function initEduPKISoapSession($type)
// set context parameters common to both endpoints
$context_params = [
'http' => [
'timeout' => 60,
'user_agent' => 'Stefan',
'protocol_version' => 1.1
'ssl' => [
'verify_peer' => true,
'verify_peer_name' => true,
// below is the CA "/C=DE/O=Deutsche Telekom AG/OU=T-TeleSec Trust Center/CN=Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2"
'cafile' => $this->locationWebRoot,
'verify_depth' => 5,
'capture_peer_cert' => true,
$url = "";
switch ($type) {
case "PUBLIC":
$url = $this->eduPkiEndpointPublic;
$context_params['ssl']['peer_name'] = '';
case "RA":
$url = $this->eduPkiEndpointRa;
$context_params['ssl']['peer_name'] = '';
throw new Exception("Unknown type of eduPKI interface requested.");
if ($type == "RA") { // add client auth parameters to the context
$context_params['ssl']['local_cert'] = $this->locationRaCert;
$context_params['ssl']['local_pk'] = $this->locationRaKey;
// $context_params['ssl']['passphrase'] = SilverbulletCertificate::EDUPKI_RA_PKEY_PASSPHRASE;
// initialise connection to eduPKI CA / eduroam RA
$soap = new \SoapClient($url, [
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
'trace' => TRUE,
'exceptions' => TRUE,
'connection_timeout' => 5, // if can't establish the connection within 5 sec, something's wrong
'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
'user_agent' => 'eduroam CAT to eduPKI SOAP Interface',
'stream_context' => stream_context_create($context_params),
'typemap' => [
'type_ns' => '',
'type_name' => 'integer',
'from_xml' => 'core\CertificationAuthorityEduPkiServer::soapFromXmlInteger',
'to_xml' => 'core\CertificationAuthorityEduPkiServer::soapToXmlInteger',
return $soap;
* a function that converts integers beyond PHP_INT_MAX to strings for
* sending in XML messages
* taken and adapted from
* @param string $x the integer as an XML fragment
* @return array the integer in array notation
public function soapFromXmlInteger($x)
$y = simplexml_load_string($x);
return array(
* a function that converts integers beyond PHP_INT_MAX to strings for
* sending in XML messages
* @param array $x the integer in array notation
* @return string the integer as string in an XML fragment
public function soapToXmlInteger($x)
return '<' . $x[0] . '>'
. htmlentities($x[1], ENT_NOQUOTES | ENT_XML1)
. '</' . $x[0] . '>';
* generates a CSR which eduPKI likes (DC components etc.)
* @param \OpenSSLAsymmetricKey $privateKey a private key
* @param string $fed name of the federation, for C= field
* @param string $username username, for CN= field
* @return array the CSR along with some meta information
* @throws Exception
public function generateCompatibleCsr($privateKey, $fed, $username): array
$tempdirArray = \core\common\Entity::createTemporaryDirectory("test");
$tempdir = $tempdirArray['dir'];
// dump private key into directory
$outstring = "";
openssl_pkey_export($privateKey, $outstring);
file_put_contents($tempdir . "/pkey.pem", $outstring);
// PHP can only do one DC in the Subject. But we need three.
$execCmd = \config\Master::PATHS['openssl'] . " req -new -sha256 -key $tempdir/pkey.pem -out $tempdir/request.csr -subj /DC=test/DC=test/DC=eduroam/C=$fed/O=" . \config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['name'] . "/OU=$fed/CN=$username/emailAddress=$username";
$this->loggerInstance->debug(2, "Calling openssl req with following cmdline: $execCmd\n");
$output = [];
$return = 999;
exec($execCmd, $output, $return);
if ($return !== 0) {
throw new Exception("Non-zero return value from openssl req!");
$newCsr = file_get_contents("$tempdir/request.csr");
// remove the temp dir!
if ($newCsr === FALSE) {
throw new Exception("Unable to create a CSR!");
return [
"CSR_STRING" => $newCsr, // a string
"USERNAME" => $username,
"FED" => $fed
* generates a private key eduPKI can handle
* @return \OpenSSLAsymmetricKey the key
* @throws Exception
public function generateCompatiblePrivateKey()
$key = openssl_pkey_new(['private_key_bits' => 2048, 'private_key_type' => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA, 'encrypt_key' => FALSE]);
if ($key === FALSE || is_resource($key)) {
throw new Exception("Unable to generate a private key / not a PHP8 object.");
return $key;
* CAs don't have any local caching or other freshness issues
* @return void
public function updateFreshness()
// nothing to be done here.