* *****************************************************************************
* Contributions to this work were made on behalf of the GÉANT project, a
* project that has received funding from the European Union’s Framework
* Programme 7 under Grant Agreements No. 238875 (GN3) and No. 605243 (GN3plus),
* Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreements No.
* 691567 (GN4-1) and No. 731122 (GN4-2).
* On behalf of the aforementioned projects, GEANT Association is the sole owner
* of the copyright in all material which was developed by a member of the GÉANT
* project. GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered with the Chamber of
* Commerce in Amsterdam with registration number 40535155 and operates in the
* UK as a branch of GÉANT Vereniging.
* Registered office: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* UK branch address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK
* License: see the web/ file in the file structure or
* <base_url>/copyright.php after deploying the software
* This file contains the TestModule class
* This is a very basic example of using the CAT API.
* The module contains two files
* in the Files directory. They will illustrate the use of the {@link DeviceConfig::copyFile()} method.
* One file will be copied without the name change, for the second we will provide a new name.
* The API also contains a similar {@link DeviceConfig::translateFile()} method, which is special to Windows installers and not used in this example.
* This module will collect all certificate files stored in the database for a given profile and will copy them to the working directory.
* If, for the given profile, an information file is available, this will also be copied to the working directory.
* The installer will collect all available configuration attributes and save them to a file in the form of the PHP print_r output.
* Finally, the installer will create a zip archive containing all above files and this file
* will be sent to the user as the configurator file.
* Go to the {@link DeviceTestModule} and {@link DeviceConfig} class definitions to learn more.
* @package ModuleWriting
namespace devices\test_module;
* This is the main implementation class of the module
* The name of the class must the the 'Device' followed by the name of the module file
* (without the '.php' extension), so in this case the file is "TestModule.php" and
* the class is DeviceTestModule.
* The class MUST define the constructor method and one additional
* public method: {@link writeInstaller()}.
* All other methods and properties should be private. This example sets zipInstaller method to protected, so that it can be seen in the documentation.
* It is important to understand how the device module fits into the whole picture, so here is s short description.
* An external caller (for instance {@link GUI::generateInstaller()}) creates the module device instance and prepares
* its environment for a given user profile by calling {@link DeviceConfig::setup()} method.
* this will:
* - create the temporary directory and save its path as $this->FPATH
* - process the CA certificates and store results in $this->attributes['internal:CAs'][0]
* $this->attributes['internal:CAs'][0] is an array of processed CA certificates
* a processed certifincate is an array
* 'pem' points to pem feromat certificate
* 'der' points to der format certificate
* 'md5' points to md5 fingerprint
* 'sha1' points to sha1 fingerprint
* 'name' points to the certificate subject
* 'root' can be 1 for self-signed certificate or 0 otherwise
* - save the info_file (if exists) and put the name in $this->attributes['internal:info_file_name'][0]
* Finally, the module {@link DeviceConfig::writeInstaller ()} is called and the returned path name is used for user download.
* @package ModuleWriting
class DeviceTestModule extends \core\DeviceConfig {
* Constructs a Device object.
* It is CRUCIAL that the constructor sets $this->supportedEapMethods to an array of methods
* available for the particular device.
* @final not to be redefined
final public function __construct() {
* prepare a zip archive containing files and settings which normally would be used inside the module to produce an installer
* @return string installer path name
public function writeInstaller() {
$this->loggerInstance->debug(4, "Test Module Installer start\n");
// create certificate files and save their names in $cAfiles array
$cAfiles = $this->saveCertificateFiles('der');
if ($cAfiles === []) {
$this->loggerInstance->debug(2, "copying of certificates failed\n");
// copy a fixed file from the module Files directory
if (!$this->copyFile('Module.howto')) {
$this->loggerInstance->debug(2, "copying of Module.howto failed\n");
// copy a fixed file from the module Files directory and saveunde a different name
if (!$this->copyFile('test_file', 'copied_test_file')) {
$this->loggerInstance->debug(2, "copying of Module.howto to copied_test_file failed\n");
return $this->zipInstaller();
* prepare module description and usage information
* @return string HTML text to be displayed in the information window
public function writeDeviceInfo() {
$ssidCount = count($this->attributes['internal:SSID']);
$out = "<p>";
$out .= sprintf(_("This installer is an example only. It produces a zip file containing the IdP certificates, info and logo files (if such have been defined by the IdP administrator) and a dump of all available attributes. The installer is called with %d SSIDs to configure."), $ssidCount);
return $out;
* zip files and return the archive name
* @return string
private function zipInstaller() {
// one can always access $this->attributes to check things
$fileName = $this->installerBasename . '.zip';
$output = system('zip -q ' . $fileName . ' *');
if ($output === FALSE) {
$this->loggerInstance->debug(2, "unable to zip the installer\n");
return $fileName;