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<p><a href='AppendixA.html'>Previous</a> | <a href='Contents.html'>Contents</a> | <a href='AppendixC.html'>Next</a></p>
<li><a class="btitle" href="AppendixB.html#library"><b>Appendix B: </b>DLL/TLB Library Setup</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#library_intro">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#library_install">Library Installation</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#B.2.1">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#library_install_parameters">Parameters</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#library_install_options">Options</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#library_install_notes">Notes</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#library_install_examples">Example</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#library_uninstall">Library Uninstallation</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#B.3.1">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#library_uninstall_parameters">Parameters</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#library_uninstall_options">Options</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#library_uninstall_examples">Example</a></li>
<li><a href="AppendixB.html#library_vb6">Visual Basic 6 Run-Time Files</a></li>
<a name="library"></a><h1>Appendix B: DLL/TLB Library Setup</h1>
<a name="library_intro"></a><h2>B.1 Introduction</h2>

<p>The Library header file can be used to setup dynamic link libraries (DLL) and type libraries (TLB). If necessary, the following actions will be performed:</p>
<li>File copying</li><li>File copying on reboot</li><li>Version checks</li><li>Registration and unregistration</li><li>Registration and unregistration on reboot</li><li>Shared DLL counting</li><li>Windows File Protection checks</li></ul>

<p>The macros are stored in the header file Library.nsh, which should be included in scripts using this system:</p>
<pre>!include Library.nsh

<p>Note that the library macros are limited on non-Windows platforms. DLL version information is required when compiling on non-Windows platforms.</p>
<a name="library_install"></a><h2>B.2 Library Installation</h2>
<a name="B.2.1"></a><h3>B.2.1 Introduction</h3>

<p>The InstallLib macro allows you to install a library. It sets the error flag if something went wrong during library setup.</p>

<p>To ask the user for a reboot, if required, use the Modern UI with a Finish page or use <a href="Chapter4.html#ifrebootflag">IfRebootFlag</a> and make your own page or message box.</p>
<a name="library_install_parameters"></a><h3>B.2.2 Parameters</h3>
<pre>libtype shared install localfile destfile tempbasedir


<p>The type of the library</p>

<p>DLL - Dynamic link library (DLL)<br> REGDLL - DLL that has to be registered<br> REGEXE - EXE COM server that has to be registered using /regserver<br> TLB - Type library or DLL that contains a type library<br> REGDLLTLB - DLL that has to be registered and contains a type library<br></p>


<p>Specify whether the library is shared with other applications</p>

<p>NOTSHARED - The library is not shared<br> $VARNAME - Variable that is empty when the application is installed for the first time, which is when the shared library count will be increased.<br></p>


<p>Specify the installation method</p>

<li>Upgrade the library on reboot when in use (required for system files).</li><li>Upgrade the library if the file is not protected by Windows File Protection.</li></ul>

<li>Warns the user when the library is in use. The user will have to close applications using the library.</li><li>Upgrade the library if the file is not protected by Windows File Protection.</li></ul>

<li>Upgrade the library on reboot when in use (required for system files).</li><li>Upgrade the library without checking for Windows File Protection.</li></ul>

<li>Warns the user when the library is in use. The user will have to close applications using the library.</li><li>Upgrade the library without checking for Windows File Protection.</li></ul>


<p>Location of the library on the compiler system</p>


<p>Location to store the library on the user's system</p>


<p>Directory on the user's system to store a temporary file when the system has to be rebooted.</p>

<p>For Windows 9x/ME support, this directory should be on the same volume as the destination file (destfile). The Windows temp directory could be located on any volume, so you cannot use this directory.</p>
<a name="library_install_options"></a><h3>B.2.3 Options</h3>

<p><a href="Chapter5.html#define">Define</a> any of the following before inserting a InstallLib macro to modify its behavior as specified.</p>
<a name="B.2.3.1"></a><h4>B.2.3.1 LIBRARY_X64</h4>
<li>Installs a DLL built for Windows x64.</li><li><b>Warning:</b> This resets file system redirection.</li></ul>
<a name="B.2.3.2"></a><h4>B.2.3.2 LIBRARY_SHELL_EXTENSION</h4>
<li>Define this before inserting InstallLib macro to call SHChangeNotify with SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED after registration.</li><li>Use this to refresh the shell when installing a shell extension or when changing file associations.</li></ul>
<a name="B.2.3.3"></a><h4>B.2.3.3 LIBRARY_COM</h4>
<li>Define this before inserting InstallLib macro to call CoFreeUnusedLibraries after registration.</li><li>Use this for unloading all unnecessary libraries from memory when installing COM libraries.</li></ul>
<a name="B.2.3.4"></a><h4>B.2.3.4 LIBRARY_IGNORE_VERSION</h4>
<li>Define this before inserting InstallLib macro to ignore version information in the file and always install it, even if it already exists.</li><li>Use this when an older or specific version is required.</li><li>Not recommended for DLLs installed to $SYSDIR.</li></ul>
<a name="library_install_notes"></a><h3>B.2.4 Notes</h3>
<li>If you need to support Windows 9x/ME, you can only use short filenames (8.3).</li><li><b>Warning:</b> Always use redistributable files when deploying DLLs, never copy files from your system directory!</li></ul>
<a name="library_install_examples"></a><h3>B.2.5 Example</h3>
<a name="B.2.5.1"></a><h4>B.2.5.1 Unshared DLL</h4>
<pre> !insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED dllname.dll $SYSDIR\dllname.dll $SYSDIR
<a name="B.2.5.2"></a><h4>B.2.5.2 Shared DLL</h4>
<pre> ;Add code here that sets $ALREADY_INSTALLED to a non-zero value if the application is
 ;already installed. For example:

 IfFileExists &quot;$INSTDIR\MyApp.exe&quot; 0 new_installation ;Replace MyApp.exe with your application filename

 !insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL $ALREADY_INSTALLED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED dllname.dll $SYSDIR\dllname.dll $SYSDIR
<a name="library_uninstall"></a><h2>B.3 Library Uninstallation</h2>
<a name="B.3.1"></a><h3>B.3.1 Introduction</h3>

<p>The UnInstallLib macro allows you to uninstall a library. It sets the error flag if something went wrong during library removal.</p>
<a name="library_uninstall_parameters"></a><h3>B.3.2 Parameters</h3>
<pre>libtype shared uninstall file


<p>The type of the library</p>

<p>DLL - Dynamic link library (DLL)<br> REGDLL - DLL that has to be unregistered<br> REGEXE - EXE COM server that has to be unregistered using /unregserver<br> TLB - Type library or DLL that contains a type library<br> REGDLLTLB - DLL that has to be unregistered and contains a type library<br></p>


<p>Specify whether the library is shared with other applications</p>

<p>NOTSHARED - The library is not shared<br> SHARED - The library is shared and should be removed if the shared library count indicates that the file is not in use anymore..<br></p>


<p>Specify the uninstallation method</p>

<li>The library should not be removed. You should use this option for common or important system files such as the Visual Basic/C++/MFC runtimes.</li></ul>

<li>Remove the library on reboot when in use (required for system files).</li><li>Remove the library if the file is not protected by Windows File Protection.</li></ul>

<li>Warns the user when the library is in use. The user will have to close applications using the library.</li><li>Remove the library if the file is not protected by Windows File Protection.</li></ul>

<li>Remove the library on reboot when in use (required for system files).</li><li>Remove the library without checking for Windows File Protection.</li></ul>

<li>Warns the user when the library is in use. The user will have to close applications using the library.</li><li>Remove the library without checking for Windows File Protection.</li></ul>


<p>Location of the library</p>
<a name="library_uninstall_options"></a><h3>B.3.3 Options</h3>

<p><a href="Chapter5.html#define">Define</a> any of the following before inserting a UnInstallLib macro to modify its behavior as specified.</p>
<a name="B.3.3.1"></a><h4>B.3.3.1 LIBRARY_X64</h4>
<li>Uninstalls a DLL built for Windows x64.</li><li><b>Warning:</b> This resets <a href="Chapter4.html#setregview">SetRegView</a> and file system redirection.</li></ul>
<a name="B.3.3.2"></a><h4>B.3.3.2 LIBRARY_SHELL_EXTENSION</h4>
<li>Define this before inserting UninstallLib macro to call SHChangeNotify with SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED after unregistration. Use this to refresh the shell when uninstalling a shell extension or when changing file associations.</li></ul>
<a name="B.3.3.3"></a><h4>B.3.3.3 LIBRARY_COM</h4>
<li>Define this before inserting UninstallLib macro to call CoFreeUnusedLibraries after unregistration. Use this for unloading all unnecessary libraries from memory when uninstalling COM libraries.</li></ul>
<a name="library_uninstall_examples"></a><h3>B.3.4 Example</h3>
<pre> !insertmacro UnInstallLib REGDLL SHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED $SYSDIR\dllname.dll
<a name="library_vb6"></a><h2>B.4 Visual Basic 6 Run-Time Files</h2>

<p>A new VB6RunTime.nsh header file is available for the setup of the VB6 run-time files. To obtain the latest run-time files, download <a href="http://nsis.sourceforge.net/vb6runtime.zip">vb6runtime.zip</a> and extract this file.</p>
<pre> !include VB6RunTime.nsh

 Var AlreadyInstalled

 Section &quot;-Install VB6 run-time files&quot;

   ;Add code here that sets $AlreadyInstalled to a non-zero value if the application is already installed. For example:
   IfFileExists &quot;$INSTDIR\MyApp.exe&quot; 0 new_installation ;Replace MyApp.exe with your application filename
     StrCpy $AlreadyInstalled 1

   !insertmacro VB6RunTimeInstall C:\vb6runtimes $AlreadyInstalled ;Replace C:\vb6runtimes with the location of the files


 Section &quot;-un.Uninstall VB6 run-time files&quot;

   !insertmacro VB6RunTimeUnInstall


<li>You may have to install additional files for such Visual Basic application to work, such as OCX files for user interface controls.</li><li>Installation of the run-time files requires Administrator or Power User privileges. Use the Multi-User header file to verify whether these privileges are available.</li><li>Add a Modern UI finish page or another check (see <a href="Chapter4.html#ifrebootflag">IfRebootFlag</a>) to allow the user to restart the computer when necessary.</li></ul>
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