* *****************************************************************************
* Contributions to this work were made on behalf of the GÉANT project, a
* project that has received funding from the European Union’s Framework
* Programme 7 under Grant Agreements No. 238875 (GN3) and No. 605243 (GN3plus),
* Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreements No.
* 691567 (GN4-1) and No. 731122 (GN4-2).
* On behalf of the aforementioned projects, GEANT Association is the sole owner
* of the copyright in all material which was developed by a member of the GÉANT
* project. GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered with the Chamber of
* Commerce in Amsterdam with registration number 40535155 and operates in the
* UK as a branch of GÉANT Vereniging.
* Registered office: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* UK branch address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK
* License: see the web/copyright.inc.php file in the file structure or
* <base_url>/copyright.php after deploying the software
// called by ocsp_update.sh (which in turn should run via cron every minute)
* This script will first trigger an update of all issued certificates which
* have not expired yet and whose stored OCSP statement is older than a week.
* It works on two CAs, the RSA and ECDSA variant. There is a separate temp
* subdir for both ( temp_ocsp_RSA and temp_ocsp_ECDSA ).
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/config/_config.php";
/* If the RADIUS server is supposed to generate meaningful (temporally stable,
* per user, per SP identifiers, then it needs to compute them on the username,
* not just the opaque individual certificate CN.
* So let's regularly export the mapping cert -> username for the RADIUS server
* to import and use as a basis for CUI.
* The export uses a hash of username rather than cleartext because knowledge
* of actual cleartext is not required for the RADIUS server - it just needs
* to see the same value for the same user.
* Pushing this regularly (and on user creation) avoids blocking dependencies on
* the web server part (RADIUS server cluster has and needs higher availability
* guarantees than web)
$dbConn = core\DBConnection::handle("INST");
$query = $dbConn->exec("SELECT c.cn as cn, u.username as username FROM silverbullet_user u, silverbullet_certificate c WHERE c.silverbullet_user_id = u.id AND c.revocation_status = 'NOT_REVOKED' AND c.expiry > NOW()");
$radiusDbs = core\DBConnection::handle("RADIUS"); // is an array of server conns
foreach (mysqli_fetch_all(/** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ $query, MYSQLI_NUM) as $oneRow) {
$cn = $oneRow[0];
$user = $oneRow[1];
foreach ($radiusDbs as $dbIndex => $oneRadiusDb) {
$res = $oneRadiusDb->exec("INSERT IGNORE INTO radcheck (username, attribute, op, value) VALUES (?, 'CUI-Source-Username', ':=', ?)", "ss", $cn, $user);
if ($res === TRUE) {
echo "Created correlation pair $cn -> $user on $dbIndex.\n";