* *****************************************************************************
* Contributions to this work were made on behalf of the GÉANT project, a
* project that has received funding from the European Union’s Framework
* Programme 7 under Grant Agreements No. 238875 (GN3) and No. 605243 (GN3plus),
* Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreements No.
* 691567 (GN4-1) and No. 731122 (GN4-2).
* On behalf of the aforementioned projects, GEANT Association is the sole owner
* of the copyright in all material which was developed by a member of the GÉANT
* project. GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered with the Chamber of
* Commerce in Amsterdam with registration number 40535155 and operates in the
* UK as a branch of GÉANT Vereniging.
* Registered office: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* UK branch address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK
* License: see the web/copyright.inc.php file in the file structure or
* <base_url>/copyright.php after deploying the software
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . "/config/_config.php";
$auth = new \web\lib\admin\Authentication();
$languageInstance = new \core\common\Language();
$uiElements = new web\lib\admin\UIElements();
$validator = new \web\lib\common\InputValidation();
// where did the user come from? Save this...
// the user can come only from overview_user or overview_federation
// to prevent HTTP response slitting attacks, pick and rewrite the destination URL
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] != "") && preg_match("/overview_federation/", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
$dest = "../overview_federation.php";
} else { // not from fed admin page? destination is overview_user
$dest = "../overview_user.php";
$my_inst = $validator->existingIdP($_GET['inst_id']);
$user = new \core\User($_SESSION['user']);
$mgmt = new \core\UserManagement();
// either the operation is done by federation operator himself
$isFedAdmin = $user->isFederationAdmin($my_inst->federation);
// or an admin of the IdP with federation admin blessings
$is_admin_with_blessing = $my_inst->isPrimaryOwner($_SESSION['user']);
// if none of the two, send the user away
if (!$isFedAdmin && !$is_admin_with_blessing) {
echo sprintf(_("You do not have the necessary privileges to alter administrators of this %s. In fact, you shouldn't have come this far!"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant);
// okay... we are indeed entitled to "do stuff"
if (isset($_POST['submitbutton'])) {
switch ($_POST['submitbutton']) {
case web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_DELETE:
if (isset($_POST['admin_id'])) {
$ownermgmt = new \core\UserManagement();
$admin = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'admin_id')));
$ownermgmt->removeAdminFromIdP($my_inst, $admin);
// if the user deleted himself, go back to overview page. Otherwise, just stay here and display the remaining owners
// we don't decide about that here; it's done by JS magic in the calling button
if ($_POST['admin_id'] == $_SESSION['user']) {
header("Location: $dest");
} else {
echo "Fatal Error: asked to delete an administrator, but no administrator ID was given!";
case web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_TAKECONTROL:
if ($isFedAdmin) {
$ownermgmt = new \core\UserManagement();
$ownermgmt->addAdminToIdp($my_inst, $_SESSION['user']);
} else {
echo "Fatal Error: you wanted to take control over an " . \config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['nomenclature_participant'] . ", but are not a " . \config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['nomenclature_federation'] . " operator!";
<?php printf(_("Administrators for IdP '%s'"), $my_inst->name); ?>
if (isset($_GET['invitation'])) {
echo "<div class='ca-summary' style='position:relative;'><table>";
$counter = $validator->integer($_GET['successcount']);
if ($counter === FALSE) {
$counter = 1;
switch ($_GET['invitation']) {
case "SUCCESS":
$cryptText = "";
switch ($_GET['transportsecurity']) {
$cryptText = ngettext("It was sent with transport security (encryption).", "They were sent with transport security (encryption).", $counter);
case "CLEAR":
$cryptText = ngettext("It was sent in clear text (no encryption).", "They were sent in clear text (no encryption).", $counter);
case "PARTIAL":
$cryptText = _("A subset of the mails were sent with transport encryption, the rest in clear text.");
throw new Exception("Error: unknown encryption status of invitation!?!");
echo $uiElements->boxRemark(ngettext("The invitation email was sent successfully.", "All invitation emails were sent successfully.", $counter) . " " . $cryptText, _("Sent successfully."));
case "FAILURE":
echo $uiElements->boxError(_("No invitation email could be sent!"), _("Sending failure!"));
case "PARTIAL":
$cryptText = "";
switch ($_GET['transportsecurity']) {
$cryptText = ngettext("The successful one was sent with transport security (encryption).", "The successful ones were sent with transport security (encryption).", $counter);
case "CLEAR":
$cryptText = ngettext("The successful one was sent in clear text (no encryption).", "The successful ones were sent in clear text (no encryption).", $counter);
case "PARTIAL":
$cryptText = _("A subset of the successfully sent mails were sent with transport encryption, the rest in clear text.");
throw new Exception("Error: unknown encryption status of invitation!?!");
echo $uiElements->boxWarning(sprintf(_("Some invitation emails were sent successfully (%s in total), the others failed."), $counter) . " " . $cryptText, _("Partial success."));
echo $uiElements->boxError(_("The invitation email address was malformed, no invitation was sent!"), _("The invitation email address was malformed, no invitation was sent!"));
echo $uiElements->boxError(_("Error: unknown result code of invitation!?!"), _("Unknown result!"));
echo "</table></div>";
if ($isFedAdmin) {
echo "<div class='ca-summary' style='position:relative;'><table>";
echo $uiElements->boxRemark(sprintf(_("You are the %s administrator. You can invite new administrators, who can in turn appoint further administrators on their own."), $uiElements->nomenclatureFed), sprintf(_("%s Administrator"), $uiElements->nomenclatureFed));
echo "</table></div>";
if (!$isFedAdmin && $is_admin_with_blessing) {
echo "<div class='ca-summary' style='position:relative;'><table>";
echo $uiElements->boxRemark(sprintf(_("You are an administrator who was directly appointed by the %s administrator. You can appoint further administrators, but these can't in turn appoint any more administrators."), $uiElements->nomenclatureFed), _("Directly Appointed Administrator"));
echo "</table></div>";
<th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("User"); ?></th>
<th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Actions"); ?></th>
$owners = $my_inst->listOwners();
foreach ($owners as $oneowner) {
$ownerinfo = new \core\User($oneowner['ID']);
$ownername = $ownerinfo->getAttributes("user:realname");
if (count($ownername) > 0) {
$prettyprint = $ownername[0]['value'];
} else {
$prettyprint = _("User without name");
if ($oneowner['MAIL'] != "SELF-APPOINTED") {
$invite = sprintf(_("(originally invited as %s)"), $oneowner['MAIL']);
} else {
$invite = _("(self-appointed)");
<strong><?php echo $prettyprint ?></strong>
<?php echo $invite; ?>
<form action='inc/manageAdmins.inc.php?inst_id=<?php echo $my_inst->identifier ?>' method='post' <?php echo ( $oneowner['ID'] != $_SESSION['user'] ? "onsubmit='popupRedirectWindow(this); return false;'" : "" ); ?> accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<input type='hidden' name='admin_id' value='<?php echo $oneowner['ID']; ?>'></input>
<button type='submit' name='submitbutton' class='delete' value='<?php echo web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_DELETE; ?>'><?php echo _("Delete Administrator") ?></button>
if ($oneowner['MAIL'] == "SELF-APPOINTED") {
echo "<td><a href='overview_org.php?inst_id=".$my_inst->identifier."' target='_blank'>"._("Enter Organisation")."</td>";
$pending_invites = $mgmt->listPendingInvitations($my_inst->identifier);
$loggerInstance = new \core\common\Logging();
$loggerInstance->debug(4, "Displaying pending invitations for $my_inst->identifier.\n");
if (count($pending_invites) > 0) {
echo "<strong>" . _("Pending invitations for this IdP") . "</strong>";
echo "<table>";
foreach ($pending_invites as $invitee) {
echo "<tr><td>" . $invitee['mail'] . "</td><td>" . sprintf(_("(expires %s)"), $invitee['expiry']) . "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
<img alt='Loading ...' src='../resources/images/icons/loading51.gif' id='spin' style='position:absolute;left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-100px, -50px); display:none;'>
<form action='inc/sendinvite.inc.php?inst_id=<?php echo $my_inst->identifier; ?>' method='post' onsubmit='popupRedirectWindow(this); return false;' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<?php echo _("New administrator's email address(es) (comma-separated):"); ?><input type="text" name="mailaddr"/><button type='submit' name='submitbutton' onclick='document.getElementById("spin").style.display = "block"' value='<?php echo web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_SAVE; ?>'><?php echo _("Invite new administrator"); ?></button>
if ($isFedAdmin) {
$is_admin_himself = FALSE;
foreach ($owners as $oneowner) {
if ($oneowner['ID'] == $_SESSION['user']) {
$is_admin_himself = TRUE;
if (!$is_admin_himself) {
echo "<form action='inc/manageAdmins.inc.php?inst_id=$my_inst->identifier' method='post' onsubmit='popupRedirectWindow(this); return false;' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<button type='submit' name='submitbutton' value='" . web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_TAKECONTROL . "'>" . sprintf(_("Take control of this %s"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant) . "</button>
<form action='inc/manageAdmins.inc.php?inst_id=<?php echo $my_inst->identifier; ?>' method='post' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<button type='submit' name='submitbutton' value='<?php echo web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_CLOSE; ?>' onclick='removeMsgbox(); return false;'><?php echo _("Close"); ?></button>