

0 mins
Test Coverage
 * *****************************************************************************
 * Contributions to this work were made on behalf of the GÉANT project, a 
 * project that has received funding from the European Union’s Framework 
 * Programme 7 under Grant Agreements No. 238875 (GN3) and No. 605243 (GN3plus),
 * Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreements No. 
 * 691567 (GN4-1) and No. 731122 (GN4-2).
 * On behalf of the aforementioned projects, GEANT Association is the sole owner
 * of the copyright in all material which was developed by a member of the GÉANT
 * project. GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered with the Chamber of 
 * Commerce in Amsterdam with registration number 40535155 and operates in the 
 * UK as a branch of GÉANT Vereniging.
 * Registered office: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 
 * UK branch address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK
 * License: see the web/copyright.inc.php file in the file structure or
 *          <base_url>/copyright.php after deploying the software
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . "/config/_config.php";

$auth = new \web\lib\admin\Authentication();
$uiElements = new \web\lib\admin\UIElements();

// if we have a pushed close button, submit attributes and send user back to the overview page

if ((isset($_POST['submitbutton']) && $_POST['submitbutton'] == web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_CLOSE)) {
    header("Location: ../overview_federation.php");

$languageInstance = new \core\common\Language();


// new invitations are only permitted by federation operator himself
$user = new \core\User($_SESSION['user']);
$mgmt = new \core\UserManagement();
$isFedAdmin = $user->isFederationAdmin();

// if not, send the user away
if (!$isFedAdmin) {
    echo sprintf(_("You do not have the necessary privileges to register new %ss."), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant);
// okay... we are indeed entitled to "do stuff"
$feds = $user->getAttributes("user:fedadmin");
    <?php printf(_("%s - Register new %s"), \config\Master::APPEARANCE['productname'], $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant); ?>
echo sprintf(_("On this page, you can add a new %s to your %s. Please fill out the form below to send out an email invitation to the new %s administrator."), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant, $uiElements->nomenclatureFed, $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant);
if (\config\Master::DB['enforce-external-sync']) {
    echo "<p>" . sprintf(_("You can either register a known %s (as defined in the %s database) or create a totally new %s."), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant, \config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['display_name'], $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant) . "</p>";
    echo "<p>" . sprintf(_("The latter one is typically for an %s which is yet in a testing phase and therefore doesn't appear in the %s database yet."), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant, \config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['display_name']) . "</p>";    
<img alt='Loading ...' src='../resources/images/icons/loading51.gif' id='spin' style='position:absolute;left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-100px, -50px); display:none;'>
<form name='sendinvite' action='inc/sendinvite.inc.php' method='post' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
            <caption><?php echo _("Invitation Details");?></caption>
                <th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("From database or ad-hoc?");?></th>
                <th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Name");?></th>
                <th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Type");?></th>
                <th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Country");?></th>
        if (\config\Master::DB['enforce-external-sync']) {
            echo "<tr><td>
                <input type='radio' name='creation' value='existing'>" . sprintf(_("Existing %s:"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant) . "</input>

            echo "<td colspan='3'>
                <select id='externals' name='externals' onchange='document.sendinvite.creation[0].checked=true; document.sendinvite.mailaddr.value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].id;'>
                    <option value='FREETEXT'>" . sprintf(_("--- select %s here ---"),$uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant) . "</option>";

            foreach ($feds as $fed_value) {
                $thefed = new \core\Federation(strtoupper($fed_value['value']));
                $temparray = [];
                $contacts = [];
                $entities = $thefed->listExternalEntities(TRUE, NULL);

                foreach ($entities as $v) {
                    echo "<option id='" . $v['contactlist'] . "' value='" . $v['ID'] . "'>[" . $fed_value['value'] . "] " . $v['name'] . "</option>";

            echo "</select></td></tr>";
                <input type='radio' name='creation' value='new'><?php echo sprintf(_("New %s"),$uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant); ?></input>
                <?php echo _("Name"); ?><input type='text' size='30' id='name' name='name' onchange='document.sendinvite.creation[1].checked = true'/>
                <select name="participant_type">
                    <option value="IdPSP" selected><?php printf(_("%s and %s"),$uiElements->nomenclatureIdP, $uiElements->nomenclatureHotspot)?></option>
                    <option value="IdP"><?php printf(_("%s"),$uiElements->nomenclatureIdP)?></option>
                    <option value="SP"><?php printf(_("%s"),$uiElements->nomenclatureHotspot)?></option>
            <td><?php echo $uiElements->nomenclatureFed; ?>
                <select id='country' name='country'>
                    $cat = new \core\CAT();
                    foreach ($cat->printCountryList() as $iso_code => $country) {
                        foreach ($feds as $fed_value) {
                            if (strtoupper($fed_value['value']) == strtoupper($iso_code)) {
                                echo "<option value='$iso_code'>$country</option>";
        <caption><?php echo _("Administrator's E-Mail:"); ?></caption>
            <th scope='col'><?php echo _("E-Mail label:"); ?></th>
            <th scope='col'><?php echo _("E-Mail input field:"); ?></th>
            <td><?php echo _("Administrator's E-Mail:"); ?></td>
            <td><input type='text' size='40' id='mailaddr' name='mailaddr'/></td>
    <button type='submit' name='submitbutton' onclick='document.getElementById("spin").style.display ="block"' value='<?php echo web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_SAVE; ?>'><?php echo _("Send invitation"); ?></button>
<form action='inc/manageNewInst.inc.php' method='post' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
    <button type='submit' name='submitbutton' value='<?php echo web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_CLOSE; ?>'><?php echo _("Close"); ?></button>