* *****************************************************************************
* Contributions to this work were made on behalf of the GÉANT project, a
* project that has received funding from the European Union’s Framework
* Programme 7 under Grant Agreements No. 238875 (GN3) and No. 605243 (GN3plus),
* Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreements No.
* 691567 (GN4-1) and No. 731122 (GN4-2).
* On behalf of the aforementioned projects, GEANT Association is the sole owner
* of the copyright in all material which was developed by a member of the GÉANT
* project. GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered with the Chamber of
* Commerce in Amsterdam with registration number 40535155 and operates in the
* UK as a branch of GÉANT Vereniging.
* Registered office: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* UK branch address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK
* License: see the web/copyright.inc.php file in the file structure or
* <base_url>/copyright.php after deploying the software
* This page displays the dashboard overview of a Federation.
* @author Stefan Winter <stefan.winter@restena.lu>
* @author Tomasz Wolniewicz <twoln@umk.pl>
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))."/config/_config.php";
$deco = new \web\lib\admin\PageDecoration();
$uiElements = new web\lib\admin\UIElements();
$validator = new \web\lib\common\InputValidation();
$cat = new \core\CAT(); // initialises Entity static members
//$OpenRoamingSymbol = "<img src='../resources/images/icons/or.svg' alt='OpenRoaming' title='OpenRoaming' class='cat-icon'>";
$OpenRoamingSymbol = "OR";
$fedArray = [];
$stausIcons = [
\core\IdP::PROFILES_SHOWTIME => ['img' => 'Tabler/checks-green.svg', 'text' => _("At least one profile is fully configured and visible in the user interface")],
\core\IdP::PROFILES_CONFIGURED => ['img' => 'Tabler/check-green.svg', 'text' => _("At least one profile is fully configured but none are set as production-ready therefore the institution is not visible in the user interface")],
echo $deco->defaultPagePrelude(sprintf(_("%s: %s Management"), \config\Master::APPEARANCE['productname'], $uiElements->nomenclatureFed));
$user = new \core\User($_SESSION['user']);
require_once "inc/click_button_js.php";
<script src="js/XHR.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/popup_redirect.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
var show_downloads = "<?php echo _("Show downloads") ?>";
var hide_downloads = "<?php echo _("Hide downloads") ?>";
<script src="js/nro.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../external/jquery/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../external/jquery/jquery-ui.css" />
echo $deco->productheader("FEDERATION");
$readonly = \config\Master::DB['INST']['readonly'];
<div id="main_content">
<?php echo sprintf(_("%s Overview"), $uiElements->nomenclatureFed); ?>
<div class="infobox">
<h2><?php $tablecaption = _("Your Personal Information"); echo $tablecaption; ?></h2>
<caption><?php echo $tablecaption; ?></caption>
<th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Property Type"); ?></th>
<th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Language if applicable"); ?></th>
<th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Property Value"); ?></th>
<?php echo $uiElements->infoblock($user->getAttributes(), "user", "User"); ?>
<?php echo ""._("Unique Identifier") ?>
<span class='tooltip' style='cursor: pointer;' onclick='alert("<?php echo str_replace('\'', '\x27', str_replace('"', '\x22', $_SESSION["user"])); ?>")'><?php echo _("click to display"); ?></span>
<?php if ($user->isSuperadmin() || $user->isSupport()) {
$fed_id = '';
$countryList = $cat->printCountryList(1);
$fedIdentifiers = array_keys($countryList);
if (isset($_GET['fed_id'])) {
[$fed, $editMode] = $validator->existingFederationInt($_GET['fed_id'], $_SESSION['user']);
$fed_id = $fed->tld;
$feds = [['name'=>'user:fedadmin', 'value' => $fed_id, 'mode' => '']];
} else {
$feds = $user->getAttributes("user:fedadmin");
$editMode = 'fullaccess';
<div class="infobox"><h1><?php echo _("Select a different federation") ?></h1>
<select id="fed_selection">
<option value="XX"><?php echo _("select from below") ?></option>
foreach ($cat->printCountryList(1) as $country => $name) {
$selected = '';
if ($country == strtoupper($fed_id) ) {
$selected = 'selected';
echo "<option value='$country' $selected>$name</option>\n";
<?php }
$mgmt = new \core\UserManagement();
$fed_id = '';
if (!$user->isSuperadmin() && !$user->isSupport()) {
if (!$user->isFederationAdmin()) {
echo "<p>".sprintf(_("You are not a %s manager."), $uiElements->nomenclatureFed)."</p>";
echo $deco->footer();
} else {
$feds = $user->getAttributes("user:fedadmin");
$editMode = 'fullaccess';
if ($editMode === 'fullaccess') {
<form action='overview_certificates.php' method='GET' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<button type='submit'><?php echo sprintf(_('RADIUS/TLS Certificate management')); ?></button>
foreach ($feds as $onefed) {
$fedId = strtoupper($onefed['value']);
$fedArray[$fedId] = new \core\Federation($fedId);
foreach ($fedArray as $fedId => $thefed) {
<div class='infobox'><h2>
<?php $tablecaption2 = sprintf(_("%s Properties: %s"), $uiElements->nomenclatureFed, $thefed->name); echo $tablecaption2; ?>
<caption><?php echo $tablecaption2; ?></caption>
<th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Property Type"); ?></th>
<th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Language if applicable"); ?></th>
<th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Property Value"); ?></th>
<!-- fed properties -->
<?php echo ""._("Country") ?>
echo $thefed->name;
echo $uiElements->infoblock($thefed->getAttributes(), "fed", "FED");
if ($readonly === FALSE) {
if ($editMode == 'fullaccess') {
$editLabel = _("Edit ...");
} else {
$editLabel = _("View ...");
<td colspan='3' style='text-align:right;'><form action='edit_federation.php' method='POST'><input type="hidden" name='fed_id' value='<?php echo strtoupper($thefed->tld); ?>'/><button type="submit"><?php echo $editLabel ?></button></form></td>
<div class='infobox'>
<?php $tablecaption3 = sprintf(_("%s Statistics: %s"), $uiElements->nomenclatureFed, $thefed->name); echo $tablecaption3; ?>
<table width='100%'>
<!-- idp stats -->
<th scope='col' style='text-align:left;'> <?php echo _("IdPs Total"); ?></th>
<th scope='col' style='text-align:right;' colspan='3'> <?php echo _("Public Download") ?></th>
<td> <?php echo count($thefed->listIdentityProviders(0)); ?></td>
<td style='text-align:right;' colspan='3'> <?php echo count($thefed->listIdentityProviders(1)); ?>
<tbody style="display:none" class="stat-downloads">
<!-- download stats -->
<tr><td colspan='3'></td></tr>
<th scope='col' style='text-align:left;'> <?php echo _("Downloads"); ?></th>
<th scope='col' style='text-align:left;'> <?php echo _("Admin"); ?></th>
<th scope='col' style='text-align:left;'> <?php echo \core\ProfileSilverbullet::PRODUCTNAME ?></th>
<th scope='col' style='text-align:left;'> <?php echo _("User"); ?></th>
<?php echo $thefed->downloadStats("table", "FEDERATION"); ?>
<button style="position:absolute; bottom:9px;" class="stat-button"><?php echo _("Show downloads") ?></button>
if (isset($_POST['submitbutton']) &&
$_POST['submitbutton'] == web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_DELETE &&
isset($_POST['invitation_id'])) {
$mgmt->invalidateToken(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'invitation_id'))));
if (isset($_GET['invitation'])) {
echo "<div class='ca-summary' style='position:relative;'><table>";
$counter = $validator->integer($_GET['successcount']);
if ($counter === FALSE) {
$counter = 1;
switch ($_GET['invitation']) {
case "SUCCESS":
$cryptText = "";
switch ($_GET['transportsecurity']) {
$cryptText = ngettext("It was sent with transport security (encryption).", "They were sent with transport security (encryption).", $counter);
case "CLEAR":
$cryptText = ngettext("It was sent in clear text (no encryption).", "They were sent in clear text (no encryption).", $counter);
case "PARTIAL":
$cryptText = _("A subset of the mails were sent with transport encryption, the rest in clear text.");
throw new Exception("Error: unknown encryption status of invitation!?!");
echo $uiElements->boxRemark(ngettext("The invitation email was sent successfully.", "All invitation emails were sent successfully.", $counter)." ".$cryptText, _("Sent successfully."));
case "FAILURE":
echo $uiElements->boxError(_("No invitation email could be sent!"), _("Sending failure!"));
case "PARTIAL":
$cryptText = "";
switch ($_GET['transportsecurity']) {
$cryptText = ngettext("The successful one was sent with transport security (encryption).", "The successful ones were sent with transport security (encryption).", $counter);
case "CLEAR":
$cryptText = ngettext("The successful one was sent in clear text (no encryption).", "The successful ones were sent in clear text (no encryption).", $counter);
case "PARTIAL":
$cryptText = _("A subset of the successfully sent mails were sent with transport encryption, the rest in clear text.");
throw new Exception("Error: unknown encryption status of invitation!?!");
echo $uiElements->boxWarning(sprintf(_("Some invitation emails were sent successfully (%s in total), the others failed."), $counter)." ".$cryptText, _("Partial success."));
echo $uiElements->boxError(_("The invitation email address was malformed, no invitation was sent!"), _("The invitation email address was malformed, no invitation was sent!"));
echo $uiElements->boxError(_("Error: unknown result code of invitation!?!"), _("Unknown result!"));
echo "</table></div>";
// our own location, to give to diag URLs
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
$link = 'https://';
} else {
$link = 'http://';
$link = htmlspecialchars($link);
echo "<table><tr>
<td>".sprintf(_("Diagnose reachability and connection parameters of any %s %s"), \config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['display_name'], $uiElements->nomenclatureIdP)."</td>
<td><form method='post' action='../diag/action_realmcheck.php' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<input type='hidden' name='comefrom' id='comefrom' value='$link'/>
<button id='realmcheck' style='cursor:pointer;' type='submit'>"._("Go!")."</button>
if (\config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['name'] == 'eduroam') {
$helptext = "<h3>".sprintf(_("Need help? Refer to the <a href='%s'>%s manual</a>"), "https://wiki.geant.org/x/qJg7Bw", $uiElements->nomenclatureFed)."</h3>";
} else {
$helptext = "";
<table class='user_overview' style='border:0px; width:unset'>
<caption><?php echo _("Participant Details"); ?></caption>
<th scope='col'><?php echo sprintf(_("%s Name"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant); ?></th>
<th scope='col'><?php echo _("Status") ?></th>
<th scope='col'><?php echo $OpenRoamingSymbol ?></th>
<th scope='col'><?php echo _("Cert"); ?></th>
$pending_invites = $mgmt->listPendingInvitations();
if (\config\Master::DB['enforce-external-sync']) {
echo "<th scope='col' style='max-width: 12em'>".sprintf(_("%s Database Link Status"), \config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['display_name'])."</th>";
<th scope='col'>
if ($readonly === FALSE) {
echo _("Administrator Management");
$userIdps = $user->listOwnerships();
foreach ($fedArray as $fedId => $thefed) {
/// nomenclature for 'federation', federation name, nomenclature for 'inst'
echo "<tr><td colspan='9'><strong>".sprintf(_("The following %s are in your %s %s:"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant, $uiElements->nomenclatureFed, '<span style="color:green">'.$thefed->name.'</span>')."</strong></td></tr>";
echo "<tbody class='fedlist'>";
echo "<tr><td colspan='1'><strong>". _("Quick search:")." </strong><input style='background:#eeeeee;' type='text' id='qsearch_".$fedId."'></td>";
echo "<td style='border-bottom-style: dotted;border-bottom-width: 1px;'><input type='checkbox' name='profilecheck' id='profile_ck_".$fedId."'></td>";
echo "<td style='border-bottom-style: dotted;border-bottom-width: 1px;'><input type='checkbox' name='orcheck' id='or_ck_".$fedId."'></td>";
echo "<td style='border-bottom-style: dotted;border-bottom-width: 1px;'><input type='checkbox' name='brokencert' id='brokencert_ck_".$fedId."'></td>";
echo "<td colspan='6' style='border-bottom-style: dotted;border-bottom-width: 1px;'><input type='checkbox' name='unlinked' id='unlinked_ck_".$fedId."'></td>";
echo "</tr>";
// extract only pending invitations for *this* fed
$display_pendings = FALSE;
foreach ($pending_invites as $oneinvite) {
if (strtoupper($oneinvite['country']) == strtoupper($thefed->tld)) {
// echo "PENDINGS!";
$display_pendings = TRUE;
$idps = $thefed->listIdentityProviders(0);
$certStatus = $thefed->getIdentityProvidersCertStatus();
$my_idps = [];
foreach ($idps as $index => $idp) {
$my_idps[$idp['entityID']] = mb_strtolower($idp['title']).'==='.$idp['realms'];
foreach ($my_idps as $index => $my_idp) {
$idp_instance = $idps[$index]['instance'];
// get max profile status
$profileClass = '';
$maxProfileStatus = $idp_instance->maxProfileStatus();
if ($maxProfileStatus == \core\IdP::PROFILES_REDIRECTED) {
$status = \core\IdP::PROFILES_REDIRECTED;
$profileClass = 'profileredirected profileok';
} elseif ($maxProfileStatus >= \core\IdP::PROFILES_SHOWTIME) {
$status = \core\IdP::PROFILES_SHOWTIME;
$profileClass = 'profileok';
} elseif ($maxProfileStatus >= \core\IdP::PROFILES_CONFIGURED) {
$status = \core\IdP::PROFILES_CONFIGURED;
$profileClass = 'profilewarn';
} else {
$status = \core\IdP::PROFILES_INCOMPLETE;
$profileClass = 'profilewarn';
$profileIconData = $uiElements->iconData(\core\IdP::PROFILES_INDEX[$status]);
$profileIcon = $uiElements->catIcon($profileIconData);
// verify the certificates status for this IdP
if (isset($certStatus[$index])) {
$certIconData = $uiElements->iconData(\core\AbstractProfile::CERT_STATUS_INDEX[$certStatus[$index]]);
if ($certStatus[$index] > 0) {
$certClass = 'certproblem';
} else {
$certClass = 'certok';
} else {
$certIconData = $uiElements->iconData('CERTS_NOT_SHOWN');
$certClass = 'certok';
$certIcon = $uiElements->catIcon($certIconData);
// verify DB sync status for this IdP
$linkClass = 'nosync';
$linkIcon = '';
// external DB sync, if configured as being necessary
if (\config\Master::DB['enforce-external-sync']) {
switch ($idp_instance->getExternalDBSyncState()) {
$linkClass = 'linked';
$linkIcon = $uiElements->catIcon($uiElements->iconData('IDP_LINKED'));
$linkClass = 'notlinked';
$linkIcon = $uiElements->catIcon($uiElements->iconData('IDP_NOT_LINKED'));
// verify the OpenRoaming status for this IdP
$orStatus = $idp_instance->maxOpenRoamingStatus();
$orClass = 'orok';
$orIcon = '';
switch ($orStatus) {
case \core\AbstractProfile::OVERALL_OPENROAMING_LEVEL_NO:
$orIcon = "-";
case \core\AbstractProfile::OVERALL_OPENROAMING_LEVEL_GOOD:
case \core\AbstractProfile::OVERALL_OPENROAMING_LEVEL_NOTE:
case \core\AbstractProfile::OVERALL_OPENROAMING_LEVEL_WARN:
case \core\AbstractProfile::OVERALL_OPENROAMING_LEVEL_ERROR:
$orClass = 'orwarn';
throw new \Exception("Impossible OpenRoaming status!");
if ($orIcon === "") {
$iconData = $uiElements->iconData(\core\AbstractProfile::OVERALL_OPENROAMING_INDEX[$orStatus]);
$orIcon = $uiElements->catIcon($iconData);
// new row_id, with one IdP inside
echo "<tr class='idp_tr $profileClass $linkClass $certClass $orClass'>";
// name; and realm of silverbullet profiles if any
// instantiating all profiles is costly, so we only do this if
// the deployment at hand has silverbullet enabled
$listOfSilverbulletRealms = [];
foreach ($idp_instance->listProfiles() as $oneProfile) {
if ($oneProfile instanceof core\ProfileSilverbullet) {
$listOfSilverbulletRealms[] = $oneProfile->realm;
echo "<td class='inst_td'>
<input type='hidden' name='inst' value='"
. $index."'>"
. "<span style='display:none' class='inst_name'>".$my_idp."</span>"
. "<span>". $idp_instance->name."</span>"
. " (<a href='overview_org.php?inst_id="
. $idp_instance->identifier."'>"
. (in_array($index, $userIdps) ? _("manage") : _("view"))
. "</a>)"
. (empty($listOfSilverbulletRealms) ? "" : "<ul><li>" )
. implode("</li><li>", $listOfSilverbulletRealms)
. (empty($listOfSilverbulletRealms) ? "" : "</li><ul>" )
. "</td>";
// deployment status; need to dive into profiles for this
// show happy eyeballs if at least one profile is configured/showtime
echo "<td>$profileIcon</td>";
echo "<td style='text-align: center'>$orIcon</td>";
echo "<td>$certIcon</td>";
// external DB sync, if configured as being necessary
if (\config\Master::DB['enforce-external-sync']) {
echo "<td>";
if ($readonly === FALSE) {
echo "<form method='post' action='inc/manageDBLink.inc.php?inst_id=".$idp_instance->identifier."' onsubmit='popupRedirectWindow(this); return false;' accept-charset='UTF-8'>";
echo "<button type='submit' style='vertical-align:middle'>".$linkIcon." "._("Manage DB Link")."</button>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</td>";
// admin management
echo "<td>";
if ($readonly === FALSE) {
echo "<div style='white-space: nowrap;'>
<form method='post' action='inc/manageAdmins.inc.php?inst_id=".$index."' onsubmit='popupRedirectWindow(this); return false;' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<button type='submit'>" .
_("Add/Remove Administrators")."
echo "</td>";
// end of entry
echo "</tr>";
if ($display_pendings) {
echo "<tr>
<td colspan='2'>
<strong>" .
sprintf(_("Pending invitations in the %s:"), $uiElements->nomenclatureFed)."
foreach ($pending_invites as $oneinvite) {
if (strtoupper($oneinvite['country']) == strtoupper($thefed->tld)) {
echo "<tr>
<td>" .
<td>" .
<td colspan=2>";
if ($readonly === FALSE) {
echo "<form method='post' action='overview_federation.php' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<input type='hidden' name='invitation_id' value='".$oneinvite['token']."'/>
<button class='delete' type='submit' name='submitbutton' value='".web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_DELETE."'>"._("Revoke Invitation")."</button> "
. sprintf(_("(expires %s)"), $oneinvite['expiry'])
. "</form>";
echo " </td>";
echo " </tr>";
echo "</tbody>";
if ($readonly === FALSE) {
<form method='post' action='inc/manageNewInst.inc.php' onsubmit='popupRedirectWindow(this);
return false;' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<button type='submit' class='download'>
<?php echo sprintf(_("Register a new %s!"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant); ?>
echo "<hr/>$helptext</div> <!-- main_content -->";
echo "<img src ='../resources/images/icons/loading51.gif' id='loading_gif' style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto; margin-top:100px'>";
echo $deco->footer();