* *****************************************************************************
* Contributions to this work were made on behalf of the GÉANT project, a
* project that has received funding from the European Union’s Framework
* Programme 7 under Grant Agreements No. 238875 (GN3) and No. 605243 (GN3plus),
* Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreements No.
* 691567 (GN4-1) and No. 731122 (GN4-2).
* On behalf of the aforementioned projects, GEANT Association is the sole owner
* of the copyright in all material which was developed by a member of the GÉANT
* project. GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered with the Chamber of
* Commerce in Amsterdam with registration number 40535155 and operates in the
* UK as a branch of GÉANT Vereniging.
* Registered office: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* UK branch address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK
* License: see the web/copyright.inc.php file in the file structure or
* <base_url>/copyright.php after deploying the software
namespace core;
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/config/_config.php";
$instMgmt = new \core\UserManagement();
$deco = new \web\lib\admin\PageDecoration();
$uiElements = new \web\lib\admin\UIElements();
echo $deco->defaultPagePrelude(sprintf(_("%s: User Management"), \config\Master::APPEARANCE['productname']));
$user = new \core\User($_SESSION['user']);
require_once "inc/click_button_js.php";
<script type="text/javascript"><?php require_once "inc/overview_js.php" ?></script>
<script src="js/XHR.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/popup_redirect.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
echo $deco->productheader("ADMIN");
<?php echo _("User Overview"); ?>
<div class="infobox">
$tablecaption = _("Your Personal Information");
echo $tablecaption
<caption><?php echo $tablecaption; ?></caption>
<th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Property Type"); ?></th>
<th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Language if applicable"); ?></th>
<th class="wai-invisible" scope="col"><?php echo _("Property Value"); ?></th>
<?php echo $uiElements->infoblock($user->getAttributes(), "user", "User"); ?>
<?php echo "" . _("Unique Identifier") ?>
<span class='tooltip' style='cursor: pointer;' onclick='alert("<?php echo str_replace('\'', '\x27', str_replace('"', '\x22', $_SESSION["user"])); ?>")'><?php echo _("click to display"); ?></span>
if (\config\Master::DB['USER']['readonly'] === FALSE) {
echo "<a href='edit_user.php'><button>" . _("Edit User Details") . "</button></a>";
if ($user->isFederationAdmin()) {
echo "<form action='overview_federation.php' method='GET' accept-charset='UTF-8'><button type='submit'>" . sprintf(_('Click here for %s management tasks'), $uiElements->nomenclatureFed) . "</button></form>";
if ($user->isSuperadmin()) {
echo "<form action='112365365321.php' method='GET' accept-charset='UTF-8'><button type='submit'>" . _('Click here to access the superadmin page') . "</button></form>";
$hasInst = $instMgmt->listInstitutionsByAdmin($_SESSION['user']);
if (\config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['name'] == 'eduroam') {
$target = "https://wiki.geant.org/x/25g7Bw"; // CAT manual, outdated
$target = "https://wiki.geant.org/x/6Zg7Bw"; // Managed IdP manual
$helptext = "<h3 style='display:inline;'>" . sprintf(_("(Need help? Refer to the <a href='%s'>%s administrator manual</a>)"), $target, $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant) . "</h3>";
} else {
$helptext = "";
if (sizeof($hasInst) > 0) {
// we need to run the Federation constructor
$cat = new \core\CAT;
/// first parameter: number of Identity Providers; second param is the literal configured term for 'Identity Provider' (you may or may not be able to add a plural suffix for your locale)
echo "<h2>" . sprintf(ngettext("You are managing the following <span style='display:none'>%d </span>%s:", "You are managing the following <strong>%d</strong> %s:", sizeof($hasInst)), sizeof($hasInst), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant) . "</h2>";
$instlist = [];
$my_idps = [];
$myFeds = [];
$fed_count = 0;
foreach ($hasInst as $instId) {
$my_inst = new \core\IdP($instId);
$inst_name = $my_inst->name;
$fed_id = strtoupper($my_inst->federation);
$my_idps[$fed_id][$instId] = strtolower($inst_name);
$myFeds[$fed_id] = $cat->knownFederations[$fed_id];
$instlist[$instId] = ["country" => strtoupper($my_inst->federation), "name" => $inst_name, "object" => $my_inst];
foreach ($instlist as $key => $row_id) {
$country[$key] = $row_id['country'];
$name[$key] = $row_id['name'];
<table class='user_overview'>
<caption><?php echo sprintf(_("%s Management Overview"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant); ?></caption>
<th scope='col'><?php echo sprintf(_("%s Name"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant); ?></th>
<th scope="col"><?php echo sprintf(_("Other admins of this %s"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant); ?></th>
<th scope='col'><?php
if (\config\Master::DB['INST']['readonly'] === FALSE) {
echo _("Management");
<th scope='col' style='background-color:red;'>
if (\config\Master::DB['INST']['readonly'] === FALSE) {
echo _("Danger Zone");
foreach ($myFeds as $fed_id => $fed_name) {
/// nomenclature 'fed', fed name, nomenclature 'inst'
<td colspan='4'>
<strong><?php echo sprintf(_("%s %s: %s list"), $uiElements->nomenclatureFed, $fed_name, $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant); ?></strong>
$fedOrganisations = $my_idps[$fed_id];
foreach ($fedOrganisations as $index => $myOrganisation) {
$oneinst = $instlist[$index];
$the_inst = $oneinst['object'];
<a href="overview_org.php?inst_id=<?php echo $the_inst->identifier; ?>"><?php echo $oneinst['name']; ?></a>
$admins = $the_inst->listOwners();
$blessedUser = FALSE;
foreach ($admins as $number => $username) {
if ($username['ID'] != $_SESSION['user']) {
* $coadmin = new \core\User($username['ID']);
* $coadmin_name = $coadmin->getAttributes('user:realname');
* if (count($coadmin_name) > 0) {
* echo $coadmin_name[0]['value'] . "<br/>";
* unset($admins[$number]);
* }
} else { // don't list self
if ($username['LEVEL'] == "FED") {
$blessedUser = TRUE;
$otherAdminCount = count($admins); // only the unnamed remain
if ($otherAdminCount > 0) {
echo sprintf(ngettext("You and %d other user", "You and %d other users", $otherAdminCount), $otherAdminCount);
if ($blessedUser && \config\Master::DB['INST']['readonly'] === FALSE) {
echo "<div style='white-space: nowrap;'><form method='post' action='inc/manageAdmins.inc.php?inst_id=" . $the_inst->identifier . "' onsubmit='popupRedirectWindow(this); return false;' accept-charset='UTF-8'><button type='submit'>" . _("Add/Remove Administrators") . "</button></form></div>";
<td> <!-- danger zone -->
<form action='edit_participant_result.php?inst_id=<?php echo $the_inst->identifier; ?>' method='post' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<button class='delete' type='submit' name='submitbutton' value='<?php echo \web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_DELETE; ?>' onclick="return confirm('<?php echo ( \config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['selfservice_registration'] === NULL ? sprintf(_("After deleting the %s, you can not recreate it yourself - you need a new invitation token from the %s administrator!"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant, $uiElements->nomenclatureFed) . " " : "" ) . sprintf(_("Do you really want to delete your %s %s?"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant, $the_inst->name); ?>')"><?php echo sprintf(_("Delete %s"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant); ?></button>
<form action='edit_participant_result.php?inst_id=<?php echo $the_inst->identifier; ?>' method='post' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<button class='delete' type='submit' name='submitbutton' value='<?php echo \web\lib\common\FormElements::BUTTON_FLUSH_AND_RESTART; ?>' onclick="return confirm('<?php echo sprintf(_("This action will delete all properties of the %s and start over the configuration from scratch. Do you really want to reset all settings of the %s %s?"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant, $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant, $the_inst->name); ?>')"><?php echo sprintf(_("Reset all %s settings"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant); ?></button>
} else {
echo "<h2>" . sprintf(_("You are not managing any %s."), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant) . "</h2>";
if (\config\Master::DB['INST']['readonly'] === FALSE) {
if (\config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['selfservice_registration'] === NULL) {
echo "<p>" . sprintf(_("Please ask your %s administrator to invite you to become an %s administrator."), $uiElements->nomenclatureFed, $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant) . "</p>";
echo "<hr/>
<div style='white-space: nowrap;'>
<form action='action_enrollment.php' method='get' accept-charset='UTF-8'>" .
sprintf(_("Did you receive an invitation token to manage an %s? Please paste it here:"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant) .
" <input type='text' id='token' name='token'/>
<button type='submit'>" .
_("Go!") . "
} else { // self-service registration is allowed! Yay :-)
echo "<hr>
<div style='white-space: nowrap;'>
<form action='action_enrollment.php' method='get'><button type='submit' accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<input type='hidden' id='token' name='token' value='SELF-REGISTER'/>" .
sprintf(_("New %s Registration"), $uiElements->nomenclatureParticipant) . "
echo "<hr/>$helptext";
echo $deco->footer();