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Test Coverage
<h1 id="agencycompliance">Agency Compliance</h1>
  Agencies are required to perform various tasks in order to satisfy the objectives of the Federal
  Source Code Policy. Currently, agencies are evaluated on whether they've completed three tasks:
    <strong>Updated agency policy</strong>: Agencies must update their policies to be consistent
    with the Federal Source Code Policy.
    <strong>Updated Acquisition Language</strong>: Updated acquisition language: Agencies must
    update acquisition language to capture new custom code whether built by a contractor or federal
    <strong>Updated Code Inventory</strong>: Agencies must create and update an agency source code
    inventory to be placed online on agency website and
  Agencies are evaluated as fully compliant (green), partially compliant (yellow), or non-compliant
  (red) with the tasks outlined above. An agency's overall compliance is green only if they are
  green in all categories.