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<h1 id="creatingyourenterprisecodeinventory">Creating your enterprise code inventory</h1>
<h2 id="overview">Overview</h2>
    target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"
  and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">7.3</a> of the
  Source Code Policy require agencies to provide an inventory of their 'custom-developed code' to
  support government-wide reuse and make Federal open source code easier to find.
  Using these inventories, <a href=""></a> will provide a platform to search
  federally funded open source software and software available for government-wide reuse.
<h2 id="publishingyouragencysinventory">Publishing Your Agency's Inventory</h2>
  Agencies are required to publish their inventories using a standard metadata schema - a JSON file
  that they'll make available on their agency websites. Agencies are strongly encouraged to use
  version 2.0.0 of the schema, which is described below. This version includes revisions that make
  your inventory much more useful and intuitive.
  Agencies should make the "code.json" available in the root folder of their website (e.g., will then retrieve these JSON files daily and compile
<h2 id="metadataschemaversion200">Metadata Schema version 2.0.0</h2>
  The schema fields and definitions are listed below.
  <span class="text-accent-cool-dark" aria-hidden="true"
    >The schema fields marked in blue are optional but recommended as they provide additional,
    helpful information.</span
  Here is
  <a href=""
    >version 2.0.0 of the metadata schema file in JSON format</a
  with parent/child relationships.
<h3 id="filelocationandcontents">Agency code.json file location and contents:</h3>
<ul class="margin-left-2 padding-0 font-body-3xs">
  <li><code class="bg-base-darker padding-y-2px padding-x-1 text-white radius-sm">code.json</code> must live in the root directory of your agency’s website.</li>
    <code class="bg-base-darker padding-y-2px padding-x-1 text-white radius-sm">code.json</code> must include a single object represented as JSON, with key-value pairs
    according to the list below.