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// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`containers - HomeFeaturedProjects mapStateToProps should return the correct properties 1`] = `
Object {
  "featuredProjects": Array [
    Object {
      "alt": "A network of pipes with a red, yellow and green valve and a meter gauge",
      "author": "Environmental Protection Agency",
      "description": "A python package designed to simulate and analyze resilience of water distribution networks.",
      "image": "/assets/img/featured-projects/pipes4.png",
      "links": Array [
        Object {
          "name": "View Project",
          "url": "/projects/doe_sandia_national_laboratories_snl_water_network_tool_for_resilience_v_1_0",
        Object {
          "name": "Go to Repo",
          "url": "",
      "short_name": "WNTR",
      "verbose_name": "Water Network Tool for Resilience",
    Object {
      "alt": "Cartoon truck navigating windy road with caution sign and wireless towers",
      "author": "Department of Transportation",
      "description": "A real-time virtual data router that ingests and processes operational data from various connected devices including vehicles, infrastructure, and traffic management centers and distributes it to other devices and subscribing transportation management applications.",
      "image": "/assets/img/featured-projects/smartcity4.png",
      "links": Array [
        Object {
          "name": "View Project",
          "url": "/projects/dot_fhwa_intelligent_transportation_systems_operational_data_environment_its_ode_",
        Object {
          "name": "Go to Repo",
          "url": "",
      "short_name": "ITS ODE",
      "verbose_name": "Intelligent Transportation Systems Operational Data Environment",
    Object {
      "alt": "Cartoon hand pressing buttons connected to phone and laptop",
      "author": "National Security Agency",
      "description": "Enables security teams to integrate apps, workflows, and analytics tools that would otherwise need to be created from scratch.",
      "image": "/assets/img/featured-projects/WALKOFF.png",
      "links": Array [
        Object {
          "name": "View Project",
          "url": "/projects/nsa_walkoff",
        Object {
          "name": "Go to Repo",
          "url": "",
      "short_name": "WALKOFF",
      "verbose_name": "",