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USWDS 2.3.1
Read more about settings and
USWDS typography tokens in the documentation:

Root font size
Setting $theme-respect-user-font-size to
true sets the root font size to 100% and
uses ems for media queries
$theme-root-font-size only applies when
$theme-respect-user-font-size is set to

This will set the root font size
as a specific px value and use px values
for media queries.

Accepts true or false

$theme-respect-user-font-size: true;

// $theme-root-font-size only applies when
// $theme-respect-user-font-size is set to
// false.

// This will set the root font size
// as a specific px value and use px values
// for media queries.

// Accepts values in px

$theme-root-font-size: 10px;

Global styles
Adds basic styling for the following
unclassed elements:

- paragraph: paragraph text
- link: links
- content: paragraph text, links,
  headings, lists, and tables

$theme-global-paragraph-styles: false;
$theme-global-link-styles: false;
$theme-global-content-styles: true;

Font path
Relative font file path

$theme-font-path: '/uswds/fonts';

Type-based font settings
Set the type-based tokens for your
project from the following tokens,
or from any new font tokens you added in

// condensed
$theme-font-type-cond: false;

// icon
$theme-font-type-icon: false;

// language-specific
$theme-font-type-lang: false;

// monospace
$theme-font-type-mono: 'roboto-mono';

// sans-serif
$theme-font-type-sans: 'ttlakes';

// serif
$theme-font-type-serif: 'source-sans-pro';

Custom font stacks
Add custom font stacks to any of the
type-based fonts. Any USWDS typeface
token already has a default stack.

Custom stacks don't need to include the
font's display name. It will
automatically appear at the start of
the stack.
$theme-font-type-sans: 'source-sans-pro';
$theme-font-sans-custom-stack: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans;

font-family: "Source Sans Pro", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans;

$theme-font-cond-custom-stack: false;
$theme-font-icon-custom-stack: false;
$theme-font-lang-custom-stack: false;
$theme-font-mono-custom-stack: false;
$theme-font-sans-custom-stack: false;
$theme-font-serif-custom-stack: false;

Add any custom font source files
If you want USWDS to generate additional
@font-face declarations, add your font
data below, following the example that
USWDS automatically generates @font-face
decalarations for the following


These typefaces not require custom
source files.

- dir:
  Directory relative to $theme-font-path
- This directory should include fonts saved as
  .ttf, .woff, and .woff2

$theme-font-serif-custom-src: (
  dir: 'custom/example-serif',
  roman: (
    100: false,
    200: false,
    300: 'ExampleSerif-Light',
    400: 'ExampleSerif-Normal',
    500: false,
    600: false,
    700: 'ExampleSerif-Bold',
    800: false,
    900: false,
  italic: (
    100: false,
    200: false,
    300: 'ExampleSerif-LightItalic',
    400: 'ExampleSerif-Italic',
    500: false,
    600: false,
    700: 'ExampleSerif-BoldItalic',
    800: false,
    900: false,

Custom typeface tokens
Add a new custom typeface token if
your project uses a typeface not already
defined by USWDS.
USWDS defines the following tokens
by default:
Add as many new tokens as you have
custom typefaces. Reference your new
token(s) in the type-based font settings
using the quoted name of the token.

For example:

$theme-font-type-cond: 'example-font-token';

The display name of your font

The height of a 500px `N` in Sketch
You should change `example-[style]-token`
names to something more descriptive.

$theme-typeface-tokens: (
  'ttlakes': (
    display-name: 'TT Lakes',
    cap-height: 371px,
    stack: (
    src: (
      dir: '',
      roman: (
        100: false,
        200: false,
        300: false,
        400: 'tt_lakes_medium-webfont',
        500: false,
        600: false,
        700: 'tt_lakes_demibold-webfont',
        800: false,
        900: false

$theme-font-cond-custom-src: false;
$theme-font-icon-custom-src: false;
$theme-font-lang-custom-src: false;
$theme-font-mono-custom-src: false;
$theme-font-sans-custom-src: false;
$theme-font-serif-custom-src: false;

Role-based font settings
Set the role-based tokens for your
project from the following font-type

$theme-font-role-ui: 'sans';
$theme-font-role-heading: 'sans';
$theme-font-role-body: 'serif';
$theme-font-role-code: 'mono';
$theme-font-role-alt: 'serif';

Type scale
Define your project's type scale using
values from the USWDS system type scale


$theme-type-scale-3xs: 2;
$theme-type-scale-2xs: 3;
$theme-type-scale-xs: 4;
$theme-type-scale-sm: 5;
$theme-type-scale-md: 6;
$theme-type-scale-lg: 9;
$theme-type-scale-xl: 12;
$theme-type-scale-2xl: 14;
$theme-type-scale-3xl: 15;

Font weights
Assign weights 100-900
Or use `false` for unneeded weights.

$theme-font-weight-thin: false;
$theme-font-weight-light: 300;
$theme-font-weight-normal: 400;
$theme-font-weight-medium: false;
$theme-font-weight-semibold: false;
$theme-font-weight-bold: 700;
$theme-font-weight-heavy: 900;

// If USWDS is generating your @font-face rules,
// should we generate all available weights
// regardless of the assignments above?

$theme-generate-all-weights: false;

General typography settings
Type scale tokens
micro:      10px
1:          12px
2:          13px
3:          14px
4:          15px
5:          16px
6:          17px
7:          18px
8:          20px
9:          22px
10:         24px
11:         28px
12:         32px
13:         36px
14:         40px
15:         48px
16:         56px
17:         64px
18:         80px
19:         120px
20:         140px
Line height tokens
1:    1
2:    1.15
3:    1.35
4:    1.5
5:    1.62
6:    1.75
Font role tokens
Measure (max-width) tokens
1:       44ex
2:       60ex
3:       64ex
4:       68ex
5:       74ex
6:       88ex
none:    none

// Body settings are the equivalent of setting the <body> element
$theme-body-font-family: 'body';
$theme-body-font-size: 'sm';
$theme-body-line-height: 5;

// If true, explicitly style the <body> element with the base styles
$theme-style-body-element: false;

// Headings
$theme-h1-font-size: 'xl';
$theme-h2-font-size: 'lg';
$theme-h3-font-size: 'md';
$theme-h4-font-size: 'sm';
$theme-h5-font-size: 'xs';
$theme-h6-font-size: '3xs';
$theme-heading-line-height: 2;
$theme-small-font-size: '2xs';
$theme-display-font-size: '2xl';

// Text and prose
$theme-text-measure-narrow: 1;
$theme-text-measure: none;
$theme-text-measure-wide: 6;
$theme-prose-font-family: 'body';

// Lead text
$theme-lead-font-family: 'heading';
$theme-lead-font-size: 'lg';
$theme-lead-line-height: 6;
$theme-lead-measure: 6;