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6 days
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import * as utils from "base/utils";
import DataConnected from "models/dataconnected";

 * VIZABI Time Model

// short-cut for developers to get UTC date strings
// not meant to be used in code!!!
Date.prototype.utc = Date.prototype.toUTCString;

 * Time formats for internal data
 * all in UTC
const formats = {
  "year": { data: d3.time.format.utc("%Y"),            ui: d3.time.format.utc("%Y") },
  "month": { data: d3.time.format.utc("%Y-%m"),         ui: d3.time.format.utc("%b %Y") }, // month needs separator according to ISO to not confuse YYYYMM with YYMMDD
  "day": { data: d3.time.format.utc("%Y%m%d"),        ui: d3.time.format.utc("%c") },
  "hour": { data: d3.time.format.utc("%Y%m%dT%H"),     ui: d3.time.format.utc("%b %d %Y, %H") },
  "minute": { data: d3.time.format.utc("%Y%m%dT%H%M"),   ui: d3.time.format.utc("%b %d %Y, %H:%M") },
  "second": { data: d3.time.format.utc("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"), ui: d3.time.format.utc("%b %d %Y, %H:%M:%S") },
  "week": { data: weekFormat(),    ui: weekFormat() },   // %Yw%W d3 week format does not comply with ISO
  "quarter": { data: quarterFormat(), ui: quarterFormat() } // %Yq%Q d3 does not support quarters

const TimeModel = DataConnected.extend({

   * Default values for this model
  getClassDefaults() {
    const defaults = {
      dim: null,
      value: null,
      start: null,
      end: null,
      startOrigin: null,
      endOrigin: null,
      startSelected: null,
      endSelected: null,
      playable: true,
      playing: false,
      loop: false,
      pauseBeforeForecast: true,
      showForecast: true,
      endBeforeForecast: null,
      round: "round",
      delay: 150, //delay between animation frames
      delayThresholdX2: 90, //delay X2 boundary: if less -- then every other frame will be dropped and animation dely will be double the value
      delayThresholdX4: 45, //delay X4 boundary: if less -- then 3/4 frame will be dropped and animation dely will be 4x the value
      unit: "year",
      format: { data: null, ui: null }, // overwrite of default formats
      step: 1, //step must be integer, and expressed in units
      immediatePlay: true,
      record: false,
      offset: 0
    return utils.deepExtend(this._super(), defaults);

  objectLeafs: ["autoconfig"],
  dataConnectedChildren: ["startOrigin", "endOrigin", "dim"],

   * Initializes the locale model.
   * @param {String} name
   * @param {Object} values The initial values of this model
   * @param parent A reference to the parent model
   * @param {Object} bind Initial events to bind
  init(name, values, parent, bind) {
    this._type = "time";
    this.hooksToListen = new Set([]);

    //same constructor
    this._super(name, values, parent, bind);
    const _this = this;
    if (!this.endBeforeForecast) this.set("endBeforeForecast", this.decrementTime(this.parse(this.formatDate(new Date()))), null, false);
    this.dragging = false;
    this.postponePause = false;
    this.allSteps = {};
    this.delayAnimations = this.delay;

    //bing play method to model change

      "change:playing": function() {
        if (_this.playing === true) {
        } else {

      "change:format": function() {

      "change:showForecast": function() {

      "change:endBeforeForecast": function() {


  initFormatters() {
    if (formats[this.unit]) {
      this.formatters = formats[this.unit];
    // specifically set formats overwrite unit defaults
    if (typeof this.format === "string") { = this.formatters.ui = d3.time.format.utc(this.format);
    } else {
      if ( { = d3.time.format.utc(;
      if (this.format.ui) {
        this.formatters.ui = d3.time.format.utc(this.format.ui);

  preloadData() {
    this.dataSource = this.getClosestModel( || "data");
    return this._super();

  afterPreload() {

  _isLoading() {
    return ![...this.hooksToListen].every(hook => hook._ready);

  autoconfigureModel() {
    if (!this.dim && this.autoconfig) {
      const concept = this.dataSource.getConcept(this.autoconfig);

      if (concept) this.dim = concept.concept;

  setLinkWith(hook) {
    hook.on("startLoading", () => this.setReady(false));
    hook.on("ready", this.checkTimeLimits.bind(this));

  unsetLinkWith(hook) {
    this.hooksToListen.delete(hook);"startLoading", () => this.setReady(false));"ready", this.checkTimeLimits.bind(this));

  checkTimeLimits() {
    //if all hooks are ready, check time limits and set time model to ready
    if ([...this.hooksToListen].every(hook => hook._ready)) {
      const minArray = [this.startOrigin], maxArray = [this.endOrigin];
      if (!this.showForecast) maxArray.push(this.endBeforeForecast);

      this.hooksToListen.forEach(hook => {
        const tLimits = hook.getTimespan();
        if (tLimits && tLimits.min && tLimits.max) {

          if (!utils.isDate(tLimits.min) || !utils.isDate(tLimits.max))
            return utils.warn("checkTimeLimits(): min-max for hook " + hook._name + " look wrong: " + tLimits.min + " " + tLimits.max + ". Expecting Date objects. Ensure that time is properly parsed in the data from reader");


      let min = d3.max(minArray);
      let max = d3.min(maxArray);

      if (min > max) {
        utils.warn("checkTimeLimits(): Availability of the indicator's data has no intersection. I give up and just return some valid time range where you'll find no data points. Enjoy!");
        min = d3.min(minArray);
        max = d3.max(maxArray);

      // change start and end (but keep startOrigin and endOrigin for furhter requests)
      const newTime = {};
      if (this.start - min != 0 || !this.start && !this.startOrigin) newTime["start"] = min;
      if (this.end - max != 0 || !this.end && !this.endOrigin) newTime["end"] = max;

      if (this.startSelected == null) newTime["startSelected"] = min;
      if (this.endSelected == null) newTime["endSelected"] = max;

      // default to current date. Other option: newTime['start'] || newTime['end'] || time.start || time.end;
      if (this.value == null) newTime["value"] = this.parse(this.formatDate(new Date()));

      this.set(newTime, false, false);

      if (newTime.start || newTime.end) {
        this.hooksToListen.forEach(hook => {
          if (hook.which == this.dim) hook.buildScale();

   * Formats value, start and end dates to actual Date objects
  _formatToDates() {
    const persistentValues = ["value"];
    const date_attr = ["value", "start", "end", "startSelected", "endSelected", "endBeforeForecast"];
    for (let i = 0; i < date_attr.length; i++) {
      const attr = date_attr[i];
      if (!utils.isDate(this[attr])) {
        const date = this.parse(this[attr]);
        this.set(attr, date, null, (persistentValues.indexOf(attr) !== -1));

   * Formatting and parsing functions
   * @param {Date} dateObject
   * @param {String} type Either data or ui.
   * @returns {String}
  formatDate(dateObject, type = "data") {
    if (["data", "ui"].indexOf(type) === -1) {
      utils.warn("Time.formatDate type parameter (" + type + ') invalid. Using "data".');
      type = "data";
    if (dateObject == null) return null;
    return this.formatters[type](dateObject);
  /* parse to predefined unit */
  parse(timeString, type = "data") {
    if (timeString == null) return null;
    return this.formatters[type].parse(timeString.toString());

  /* auto-determines unit from timestring */
  findFormat(timeString) {
    const keys = Object.keys(formats);
    for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
      let dateObject = formats[keys[i]].data.parse(timeString);
      if (dateObject) return { unit: keys[i], time: dateObject, type: "data" };
      dateObject = formats[keys[i]].ui.parse(timeString);
      if (dateObject) return { unit: keys[i], time: dateObject, type: "ui" };
    return null;

   * Validates the model
  validate() {

    //check if time start and end are not defined but start and end origins are defined
    if (this.start == null && this.startOrigin) this.set("start", this.startOrigin, null, false);
    if (this.end == null && this.endOrigin) this.set("end", this.endOrigin, null, false);

    if (this.formatters) {

    //unit has to be one of the available_time_units
    if (!formats[this.unit]) {
      utils.warn(this.unit + ' is not a valid time unit, using "year" instead.');
      this.unit = "year";

    if (this.step < 1) {
      this.step = 1;

    //end has to be >= than start
    if (this.end < this.start && this.start != null) {
      this.set("end", new Date(this.start), null, false);

    if (this.value < this.startSelected && this.value != null && this.startSelected != null) {
      this.set("value", new Date(this.startSelected), null, false);

    if (this.value > this.endSelected && this.value != null && this.endSelected != null) {
      this.set("value", new Date(this.endSelected), null, false);
    if (this.splash === false) {
      if ((!this.startSelected || this.startSelected < this.start) && this.start != null) {
        this.set({ startSelected: new Date(this.start) }, null, false /*make change non-persistent for URL and history*/);

      if ((!this.endSelected || this.endSelected > this.end) && this.end != null) {
        this.set({ endSelected: new Date(this.end) }, null, false /*make change non-persistent for URL and history*/);

    //value has to be between start and end
    if (this.value < this.start && this.value != null && this.start != null) {
      this.set("value", new Date(this.start), null, false);
    } else if (this.value > this.end && this.value != null && this.end != null) {
      this.set("value", new Date(this.end), null, false);

    if (this.playable === false && this.playing === true) {
      this.set("playing", false, null, false);

  validateFormatting() {
    //make sure dates are transformed into dates at all times
    if (!utils.isDate(this.start) || !utils.isDate(this.end) || !utils.isDate(this.value)
      || !utils.isDate(this.startSelected) || !utils.isDate(this.endSelected) || !utils.isDate(this.endBeforeForecast)) {

   * Plays time
  play() {

   * Pauses time
  pause(soft) {
    if (soft) {
      this.postponePause = true;
    } else {
      if (this.playing) {
        this.set("playing", false, null, false);
        this.set("value", this.value, true, true);

   * Indicates dragging of time
  dragStart() {
    this.dragging = true;
  dragStop() {
    this.dragging = false;

   * gets time range
   * @returns range between start and end
  getRange() {
    const is = this.getIntervalAndStep();
    return d3["utc" + is.interval].range(this.start, this.end, is.step);

   * gets the d3 interval and stepsize for d3 time interval methods
   * D3's week-interval starts on sunday and d3 does not support a quarter interval
  getIntervalAndStep() {
    let d3Interval, step;
    switch (this.unit) {
      case "week": d3Interval = "monday"; step = this.step; break;
      case "quarter": d3Interval = "month"; step = this.step * 3; break;
      default: d3Interval = this.unit; step = this.step; break;
    return { interval: utils.capitalize(d3Interval), step };

   * Gets filter for time
   * @param {Boolean} splash: get filter for current year only
   * @returns {Object} time filter
  getFilter({ splash }) {
    const defaultStart = this.parse(this.startOrigin);
    const defaultEnd = this.parse(this.endOrigin);

    const dim = this.getDimension();
    let filter = null;

    if (splash) {
      if (this.value != null) {
        filter = {};
        filter[dim] =;
    } else {
      let gte, lte;
      if (defaultStart != null) {
        gte =;
      if (defaultEnd != null) {
        lte =;
      if (gte || lte) {
        filter = {};
        filter[dim] = {};
        if (gte) filter[dim]["$gte"] = gte;
        if (lte) filter[dim]["$lte"] = lte;
    return filter;

   * Gets parser for this model
   * @returns {Function} parser function
  getParser(type = "data") {
    return this.formatters[type].parse;

  * Gets formatter for this model
  * @returns {Function} formatter function
  getFormatter(type = "data") {
    return this.formatters[type];

   * Gets an array with all time steps for this model
   * @returns {Array} time array
  getAllSteps() {
    if (!this.start || !this.end) {
      utils.warn("getAllSteps(): invalid start/end time is detected: " + this.start + ", " + this.end);
      return [];
    const hash = "" + this.offset + this.start + this.end + this.step;

    //return if cached
    if (this.allSteps[hash]) return this.allSteps[hash];

    this.allSteps[hash] = [];
    const is = this.getIntervalAndStep();
    let curr = d3["utc" + is.interval].count(this.start, this.end) < this.offset ? new Date(this.start) : d3["utc" + is.interval].offset(this.start, this.offset);
    while (+curr <= +this.end) {
      const is = this.getIntervalAndStep();
      curr = d3["utc" + is.interval].offset(curr, is.step);
    return this.allSteps[hash];

   * Snaps the time to integer
   * possible inputs are "start", "end", "value". "value" is default
  snap(what) {
    if (!this.round) return;
    if (what == null) what = "value";
    let op = "round";
    if (this.round === "ceil") op = "ceil";
    if (this.round === "floor") op = "floor";
    const is = this.getIntervalAndStep();
    const time = d3["utc" + is.interval][op](this[what]);
    if ((this.value - time) != 0 || (this.value - this.start) == 0 || (this.value - this.end) == 0 || (this.value - this.endBeforeForecast) == 0) {
      this.set(what, time, true); //3rd argumennt forces update

   * Starts playing the time, initializing the interval
  _startPlaying() {
    //don't play if it's not playable
    if (!this.playable) return;

    const _this = this;

    //go to start if we start from end point
    if (this.value >= this.endSelected) {
      _this.getModelObject("value").set(_this.startSelected, null, false /*make change non-persistent for URL and history*/);
    } else {
      //the assumption is that the time is already snapped when we start playing
      //because only dragging the timeslider can un-snap the time, and it snaps on drag.end
      //so we don't need this line. let's see if we survive without.
      //as a consequence, the first time update in playing sequence will have this.playing flag up
      //so the bubble chart will zoom in smoothly. Closes #1213
    this.set("playing", true, null, false);


  playInterval(immediatePlay) {
    if (!this.playing) return;
    const _this = this;
    this.delayAnimations = this.delay;
    if (this.delay < this.delayThresholdX2) this.delayAnimations *= 2;
    if (this.delay < this.delayThresholdX4) this.delayAnimations *= 2;

    const delayAnimations = immediatePlay ? 1 : this.delayAnimations;

    this._intervals.setInterval("playInterval_" + this._id, () => {
      // when time is playing and it reached the end
      if (_this.value >= _this.endSelected) {
        // if looping
        if (_this.loop) {
          // reset time to start, silently
          _this.getModelObject("value").set(_this.startSelected, null, false /*make change non-persistent for URL and history*/);
        } else {
          _this.set("playing", false, null, false);
      } else {

        _this._intervals.clearInterval("playInterval_" + _this._id);

        if (_this.postponePause || !_this.playing) {
          _this.set("playing", false, null, false);
          _this.postponePause = false;
          _this.getModelObject("value").set(_this.value, true, true /*force the change and make it persistent for URL and history*/);
        } else {
          const is = _this.getIntervalAndStep();
          if (_this.delay < _this.delayThresholdX2) is.step *= 2;
          if (_this.delay < _this.delayThresholdX4) is.step *= 2;
          const time = d3["utc" + is.interval].offset(_this.value, is.step);
          if (time >= _this.endSelected) {
            // if no playing needed anymore then make the last update persistent and not overshooting
            _this.getModelObject("value").set(_this.endSelected, null, true /*force the change and make it persistent for URL and history*/);
          } else if (_this.pauseBeforeForecast && _this.value < _this.endBeforeForecast && time >= _this.endBeforeForecast) {
            _this.set("playing", false, null, false);
            _this.getModelObject("value").set(_this.endBeforeForecast, null, true /*force the change and make it persistent for URL and history*/);
          } else {
            _this.getModelObject("value").set(time, null, false /*make change non-persistent for URL and history*/);
    }, delayAnimations);


  incrementTime(time) {
    const is = this.getIntervalAndStep();
    return d3["utc" + is.interval].offset(time, is.step);

  decrementTime(time) {
    const is = this.getIntervalAndStep();
    return d3["utc" + is.interval].offset(time, -is.step);

  ceilTime(time) {
    const is = this.getIntervalAndStep();
    return d3["utc" + is.interval].ceil(time);

   * Stops playing the time, clearing the interval
  _stopPlaying() {
    this._intervals.clearInterval("playInterval_" + this._id);


 * Week Format to format and parse dates
 * Conforms with ISO8601
 * Follows format: YYYYwWW: 2015w04, 3845w34, 0020w53
function weekFormat() {

  const format = function(d) {
    return formatWeekYear(d) + "w" + formatWeek(d);

  format.parse = function parse(dateString) {
    const matchedDate = dateString.match(/^(\d{4})w(\d{2})$/);
    return matchedDate ? getDateFromWeek(matchedDate[1], matchedDate[2]) : null;

  const formatWeekYear = function(d) {
    if (!(d instanceof Date)) d = new Date(+d);
    return new Date(+d + ((4 - (d.getUTCDay() || 7)) * 86400000)).getUTCFullYear();

  const formatWeek = function(d) {
    if (!(d instanceof Date)) d = new Date(+d);
    const quote = new Date(+d + ((4 - (d.getUTCDay() || 7)) * 86400000));
    const week = Math.ceil(((quote.getTime() - quote.setUTCMonth(0, 1)) / 86400000 + 1) / 7);
    return week < 10 ? "0" + week : week;

  const getDateFromWeek = function(p1, p2) {
    const week = parseInt(p2);
    const year = p1;
    const startDateOfYear = new Date(); // always 4th of January (according to standard ISO 8601)
    const startDayOfWeek = startDateOfYear.getUTCDay() || 7;
    const dayOfWeek = 1; // Monday === 1
    const dayOfYear = week * 7 + dayOfWeek - (startDayOfWeek + 4);

    let date = formats["year"].data.parse(year);
    date = new Date(date.getTime() + dayOfYear * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

    return date;

  return format;


 * Quarter Format to format and parse quarter dates
 * A quarter is the month%3
 * Follows format: YYYYqQ: 2015q4, 5847q1, 0040q2
function quarterFormat() {

  const format = function(d) {
    return + "q" + formatQuarter(d);

  format.parse = function(dateString) {
    const matchedDate = dateString.match(/^(\d{4})q(\d)$/);
    return matchedDate ? getDateFromQuarter(matchedDate[1], matchedDate[2]) : null;

  const formatQuarter = function(d) {
    if (!(d instanceof Date)) d = new Date(+d);
    return ((d.getUTCMonth() / 3) | 0) + 1;

  const getDateFromQuarter = function(p1, p2) {
    const quarter = parseInt(p2);
    const month = 3 * quarter - 2; // first month in quarter
    const year = p1;
    return[year, (month < 9 ? "0" : "") + month].join("-"));

  return format;

export default TimeModel;