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Test Coverage
 * Meal Planner
 * @package   Meal_Planner
 * @author    Gary Jones
 * @link
 * @copyright 2013 Gary Jones
 * @license   GPL-2.0+
 * @version   1.0.1

 * Recipe post type.
 * @package Meal_Planner
 * @author  Gary Jones
class Meal_Planner_Post_Type_Recipe extends Gamajo_Post_Type {
     * Post type ID.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @type string
    protected $post_type = 'mp_recipe';

     * Return post type default arguments.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return array Post type default arguments.
    protected function default_args() {
        $labels = array(
            'name'                  => _x( 'Recipes', 'post type general name', 'meal-planner' ),
            'singular_name'         => _x( 'Recipe', 'post type singular name', 'meal-planner' ),
            'menu_name'             => _x( 'Recipes', 'admin menu', 'meal-planner' ),
            'name_admin_bar'        => _x( 'Recipe', 'add new on admin bar', 'meal-planner' ),
            'add_new'               => _x( 'Add New', 'mp_recipe', 'meal-planner' ),
            'add_new_item'          => __( 'Add New Recipe', 'meal-planner' ),
            'new_item'              => __( 'New Recipe', 'meal-planner' ),
            'edit_item'             => __( 'Edit Recipe', 'meal-planner' ),
            'view_item'             => __( 'View Recipe', 'meal-planner' ),
            'all_items'             => __( 'All Recipes', 'meal-planner' ),
            'search_items'          => __( 'Search Recipes', 'meal-planner' ),
            'parent_item_colon'     => __( 'Parent Recipe:', 'meal-planner' ),
            'not_found'             => __( 'No recipes found.', 'meal-planner' ),
            'not_found_in_trash'    => __( 'No recipes found in Trash.', 'meal-planner' ),
            'filter_items_list'     => __( 'Filter recipes list', 'meal-planner' ),
            'items_list_navigation' => __( 'Recipes list navigation', 'meal-planner' ),
            'items_list'            => __( 'Recipes list', 'meal-planner' ),

        $supports = array(

        $args = array(
            'labels'               => $labels,
            'supports'             => $supports,
            'public'               => true,
            'show_in_nav_menus'    => false,
            'rewrite'              => array( 'slug' => 'recipe', ),
            'menu_position'        => 7,
            'has_archive'          => 'recipes',

        return $args;

     * Return post type updated messages.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return array Post type updated messages.
    public function messages() {
        $post = get_post();

        $revision = $this->get_revision_input();

        $messages = array(
            0  => '', // Unused. Messages start at index 1.
            1  => __( 'Recipe updated.', 'meal-planner' ),
            2  => __( 'Custom field updated.', 'meal-planner' ),
            3  => __( 'Custom field deleted.', 'meal-planner' ),
            4  => __( 'Recipe updated.', 'meal-planner' ),
            /* translators: %s: date and time of the revision */
            5  => $revision ? sprintf( __( 'Recipe restored to revision from %s', 'meal-planner' ), wp_post_revision_title( $revision, false ) ) : false,
            6  => __( 'Recipe published.', 'meal-planner' ),
            7  => __( 'Recipe saved.', 'meal-planner' ),
            8  => __( 'Recipe submitted.', 'meal-planner' ),
            9  => sprintf(
                __( 'Recipe scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>.', 'meal-planner' ),
                /* translators: Publish box date format, see */
                date_i18n( __( 'M j, Y @ G:i', 'meal-planner' ), strtotime( $post->post_date ) )
            10 => __( 'Recipe draft updated.', 'meal-planner' ),
            'view'    => __( 'View recipe', 'meal-planner' ),
            'preview' => __( 'Preview recipe', 'meal-planner' ),

        $messages = $this->maybe_add_message_links( $messages, $post );

        return $messages;