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 * @package    Gems
 * @subpackage Controller
 * @author     Matijs de Jong <>
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2011 Erasmus MC
 * @license    New BSD License
 * @version    $Id$

 * Show the action log
 * @package    Gems
 * @subpackage Default
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2011 Erasmus MC
 * @license    New BSD License
 * @since      Class available since version 1.4
class Gems_Default_LogAction extends \Gems_Controller_ModelSnippetActionAbstract
     * The snippets used for the autofilter action.
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $autofilterSnippets = 'Log\\LogTableSnippet';

     * The snippets used for the index action, before those in autofilter
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $indexStartSnippets = array('Generic\\ContentTitleSnippet', 'Log\\LogSearchSnippet');

     * @var \Gems_Loader
    public $loader;

     * The snippets used for the show action
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $showSnippets = array('Generic\\ContentTitleSnippet', 'Log\\LogShowSnippet');

     * Creates a model for getModel(). Called only for each new $action.
     * The parameters allow you to easily adapt the model to the current action. The $detailed
     * parameter was added, because the most common use of action is a split between detailed
     * and summarized actions.
     * @param boolean $detailed True when the current action is not in $summarizedActions.
     * @param string $action The current action.
     * @return \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
    protected function createModel($detailed, $action)
        $model = $this->loader->getModels()->createLogModel();

        if ($detailed) {
        } else {

        return $model;

     * Helper function to get the title for the index action.
     * @return $string
    public function getIndexTitle()
        return $this->_('Logging');

     * Function to allow the creation of search defaults in code
     * @see getSearchFilter()
     * @return array
    public function getSearchDefaults()
        if (! $this->defaultSearchData) {
            $from = new \MUtil_Date();

            $until = new \MUtil_Date();

            $this->defaultSearchData = array(
                'datefrom'         => $from,
                'dateuntil'        => $until,
                'dateused'         => 'gla_created',

        return parent::getSearchDefaults();

     * Get the filter to use with the model for searching
     * @param boolean $useRequest Use the request as source (when false, the session is used)
     * @return array or false
    public function getSearchFilter($useRequest = true)
        $filter = parent::getSearchFilter($useRequest);

        $where = \Gems_Snippets_AutosearchFormSnippet::getPeriodFilter($filter, $this->db);
        if ($where) {
            $filter[] = $where;

        return $filter;

     * Helper function to allow generalized statements about the items in the model.
     * @param int $count
     * @return $string
    public function getTopic($count = 1)
        return $this->plural('log', 'log', $count);