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 * @package    Gems
 * @subpackage Default
 * @author     Matijs de Jong <>
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2011 Erasmus MC
 * @license    New BSD License

 * Controller for editing respondent tracks, including their tokens
 * @package    Gems
 * @subpackage Default
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2011 Erasmus MC
 * @license    New BSD License
 * @since      Class available since version 1.0
class Gems_Default_TrackAction extends \Gems_Default_RespondentChildActionAbstract
     * @var \Gems_AccessLog
    public $accesslog;

     * The parameters used for the answer export action.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialization
    protected $answerExportParameters = array(
        'formTitle' => 'getTokenTitle',
        'hideGroup' => true,

     * This snippets for answer export
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $answerExportSnippets = array('Export\\RespondentExportSnippet');

     * The parameters used for the answers action.
     * Currently filled from $defaultTokenParameters
    protected $answerParameters = array();

     * The parameters used for the autofilter action.
     * When the value is a function name of that object, then that functions is executed
     * with the array key as single parameter and the return value is set as the used value
     * - unless the key is an integer in which case the code is executed but the return value
     * is not stored.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialization
    protected $autofilterParameters = array(
        'extraFilter'     => 'getRespondentFilter',
        'extraSort'       => array('gr2t_start_date' => SORT_DESC),
        'menuEditActions' => array('edit-track'),
        'menuShowActions' => array('show-track'),
        'respondent'      => 'getRespondent',

     * The snippets used for the autofilter action.
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $autofilterSnippets = array(

     * The parameters used for the check token action. The $defaultTokenParameters are added to these parameters
     * When the value is a function name of that object, then that functions is executed
     * with the array key as single parameter and the return value is set as the used value
     * - unless the key is an integer in which case the code is executed but the return value
     * is not stored.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialization
    protected $checkTokenParameters = [];

     * Snippets for the check token actions
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $checkTokenSnippets = [

     * The parameters used for the correct action.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialization
    protected $correctParameters = array(
        'fixedReceptionCode' => 'redo',
        'formTitle'          => 'getCorrectTokenTitle',

     * The parameters used for the create actions, overrules any values in
     * $this->createEditParameters.
     * When the value is a function name of that object, then that functions is executed
     * with the array key as single parameter and the return value is set as the used value
     * - unless the key is an integer in which case the code is executed but the return value
     * is not stored.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialization
    protected $createParameters = array(
        'createData'  => true,
        'formTitle'   => 'getCreateTrackTitle',
        'multiTracks' => 'isMultiTracks',
        'trackEngine' => 'getTrackEngine',

     * This action uses a different snippet order during create
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $createSnippets = array(

     * @var \Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
    public $db;

     * The default parameters used for any token action like answers or sho0w
     * When the value is a function name of that object, then that functions is executed
     * with the array key as single parameter and the return value is set as the used value
     * - unless the key is an integer in which case the code is executed but the return value
     * is not stored.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialization
    protected $defaultTokenParameters = array(
        'model'      => null,
        'respondent' => null,
        'token'      => 'getToken',
        'tokenId'    => 'getTokenId',

     * The parameters used for the delete action.
     * When the value is a function name of that object, then that functions is executed
     * with the array key as single parameter and the return value is set as the used value
     * - unless the key is an integer in which case the code is executed but the return value
     * is not stored.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialisation
    protected $deleteParameters = array(
        'formTitle'     => null,
        'topicCallable' => 'getTokenTopicCallable',

     * The parameters used for the edit track action.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialization
    protected $deleteTrackParameters = array(
        'formTitle'         => null,
        'multiTracks'       => 'isMultiTracks',
        'respondentTrack'   => 'getRespondentTrack',
        'respondentTrackId' => 'getRespondentTrackId',
        'topicCallable'     => 'getTopicCallable',
        'trackEngine'       => 'getTrackEngine',
        'trackId'           => 'getTrackId',

     * Snippets for deleting tracks
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $deleteTrackSnippets = array(
     * Parameters for editing a track token
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $editParameters = [
        'formTitle'     => null,
        'topicCallable' => 'getTokenTopicCallable',

     * The parameters used for the edit track action.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialization
    protected $editTrackParameters = array(
        'createData'        => false,
        'formTitle'         => 'getTrackTitle',
        'multiTracks'       => 'isMultiTracks',
        'respondentTrack'   => 'getRespondentTrack',
        'respondentTrackId' => 'getRespondentTrackId',
        'trackEngine'       => 'getTrackEngine',
        'trackId'           => 'getTrackId',

     * Snippets for editing tracks
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $editTrackSnippets = array(

     * The parameters used for the email action.
     * Currently mostly filled from $defaultTokenParameters
    protected $emailParameters = array(
        'formTitle'    => 'getEmailTokenTitle',
        'identifier'   => '_getIdParam',
        'mailTarget'   => 'token',
        // 'model'        => 'getModel',
        'routeAction'  => 'show',
        'templateOnly' => 'isTemplateOnly',
        'view'         => 'getView',

     * Snippets used for emailing
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $emailSnippets = array('Mail_TokenMailFormSnippet');

     * The parameters used for the export track action.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialization
    protected $exportTrackParameters = array(
        'formTitle'         => 'getTrackTitle',
        'respondentTrack'   => 'getRespondentTrack',

     * This snippets for track export
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $exportTrackSnippets = array('Export\\RespondentExportSnippet');

     * The parameters used for the insert action.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialization
    protected $insertParameters = array(
        'createData' => true,
        'formTitle'  => 'getInsertInTrackTitle',
        'model'      => null,

     * Snippets used for inserting a survey
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $insertSnippets = array('Tracker\\InsertSurveySnippet');

     * The parameters used for the questions action.
     * Currently mostly filled from $defaultTokenParameters
    protected $questionsParameters = array(
        'surveyId' => 'getSurveyId',

     * Snippets used for showing survey questions
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $questionsSnippets = array(

     * The parameters used for the edit track action.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialization
    protected $showTrackParameters = array(
        'contentTitle'      => 'getTrackTitle',
        'extraFilter'       => 'getNoRespondentFilter',
        'multiTracks'       => 'isMultiTracks',
        'respondentTrack'   => 'getRespondentTrack',
        'respondentTrackId' => 'getRespondentTrackId',
        'displayMenu'       => false,
        'trackEngine'       => 'getTrackEngine',
        'trackId'           => 'getTrackId',

     * This action uses a different snippet order during create
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $showTrackSnippets = array(

     * Array of the actions that use a summarized version of the model.
     * This determines the value of $detailed in createAction(). As it is usually
     * less of a problem to use a $detailed model with an action that should use
     * a summarized model and I guess there will usually be more detailed actions
     * than summarized ones it seems less work to specify these.
     * @var array $summarizedActions Array of the actions that use a
     * summarized version of the model.
    public $summarizedActions = array('index', 'autofilter', 'create', 'view', 'view-survey');

     * The actions that should result in the survey return being set.
     * @var array
    protected $tokenReturnActions = array(

     * The parameters used for the edit actions, overrules any values in
     * $this->createEditParameters.
     * When the value is a function name of that object, then that functions is executed
     * with the array key as single parameter and the return value is set as the used value
     * - unless the key is an integer in which case the code is executed but the return value
     * is not stored.
     * @var array Mixed key => value array for snippet initialization
    protected $viewParameters = array(
        'contentTitle' => 'getViewTrackTitle',
        'multiTracks'  => 'isMultiTracks',
        'trackEngine'  => 'getTrackEngine',
        'trackId'      => 'getTrackId',

     * This action uses a different snippet order during create
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $viewSnippets = array(

     * The parameters used for the viewSurveys action.
    protected $viewSurveyParameters = array(
        'surveyId' => 'getSurveyId',

     * Snippets used for showing survey questions
     * @var mixed String or array of snippets name
    protected $viewSurveySnippets = array(

     * Pops the answers to a survey in a separate window
    public function answerAction()
        // Set menu OFF

        $token = $this->getToken();
        if (! $token->isViewable()) {
            throw new \Gems_Exception(
                sprintf($this->_('Inaccessible or unknown token %s'), strtoupper($token->getTokenId())),
                403, null,
                sprintf($this->_('Access to this token is not allowed for current role: %s.'), $this->currentUser->getRole()));
        $snippets = $token->getAnswerSnippetNames();

        if ($snippets) {
            $this->setTitle(sprintf($this->_('Token answers: %s'), strtoupper($token->getTokenId())));

            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->answerParameters + $this->defaultTokenParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($snippets, $params);

     * Export a single token
    public function answerExportAction()
        if ($this->answerExportSnippets) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->answerExportParameters + $this->defaultTokenParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($this->answerExportSnippets, $params);

     * Check the tokens for a single respondent
    public function checkAllAnswersAction()
        $respondent = $this->getRespondent();
        $where      = $this->db->quoteInto('gto_id_respondent = ?', $respondent->getId());

        $batch = $this->loader->getTracker()->recalculateTokens(
                'answersCheckAllResp_' . $respondent->getId(),

        $title = sprintf(
                $this->_('Checking all surveys of respondent %s, %s for answers.'),
        $this->_helper->BatchRunner($batch, $title, $this->accesslog);

                'itemDescription', $this->_('This task (re)checks all tokens of this respondent for answers.')

     * Action for checking all assigned rounds for this respondent using a batch
    public function checkAllTracksAction()
        $respondent = $this->getRespondent();
        $where      = $this->db->quoteInto('gr2t_id_user = ?', $respondent->getId());

        $batch = $this->loader->getTracker()->checkTrackRounds(
                'trackCheckRoundsResp_' . $respondent->getId(),

        $title = sprintf(
                $this->_('Checking round assignments for all tracks of respondent %s, %s.'),
        $this->_helper->BatchRunner($batch, $title, $this->accesslog);


     * Check the survey level actions for this token
    public function checkTokenAction()
        if ($this->checkTokenSnippets) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->checkTokenParameters + $this->defaultTokenParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($this->checkTokenSnippets, $params);

     * Check the tokens for a single token
    public function checkTokenAnswersAction()
        $token       = $this->getToken();
        $where       = $this->db->quoteInto('gto_id_token = ?', $token->getTokenId());
        $batch = $this->loader->getTracker()->recalculateTokens(
            'answersCheckToken__' . $token->getTokenId(),
        $batch->autoStart = true;

        $title = sprintf(
            $this->_("Checking the token %s for answers."),
        $this->_helper->BatchRunner($batch, $title, $this->accesslog);

                          'itemDescription', $this->_('This task checks one token for answers.')

     * Action for checking all assigned rounds for a single respondent track using a batch
    public function checkTrackAction()
        $respondent  = $this->getRespondent();
        $respTrackId = $this->getRespondentTrackId();
        $trackEngine = $this->getTrackEngine();
        $where       = $this->db->quoteInto('gr2t_id_respondent_track = ?', $respTrackId);
        $batch = $this->loader->getTracker()->checkTrackRounds(
                'trackCheckRoundsFor_' . $respTrackId,

        $title = sprintf(
                $this->_("Checking round assignments for track '%s' of respondent %s, %s."),
        $this->_helper->BatchRunner($batch, $title, $this->accesslog);


     * Check the tokens for a single track
    public function checkTrackAnswersAction()
        $respondent  = $this->getRespondent();
        $respTrackId = $this->getRespondentTrackId();
        $trackEngine = $this->getTrackEngine();
        $where       = $this->db->quoteInto('gto_id_respondent_track = ?', $respTrackId);
        $batch = $this->loader->getTracker()->recalculateTokens(
                'answersCheckAllFor__' . $respTrackId,

        $title = sprintf(
                $this->_("Checking the surveys in track '%s' of respondent %s, %s for answers."),
        $this->_helper->BatchRunner($batch, $title, $this->accesslog);

                'itemDescription', $this->_('This task checks all tokens for this track for this respondent for answers.')

     * Action for correcting answers
    public function correctAction()
        $this->deleteParameters = $this->correctParameters + $this->deleteParameters;


     * Action for showing a create new item page
     * Uses separate createSnippets instead of createEditSnipppets
    public function createAction()
        if (! $this->isMultiTracks()) {
            // Fix for double pressing of create button
            $request = $this->getRequest();
            $model   = $this->getModel();

            $model->setFilter(array()) // First clear existing filter
            $data = $model->loadFirst();

            if ($data) {
                $this->_reroute(array($request->getActionKey() => 'edit-track'));

        if ($this->createSnippets) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->createParameters + $this->createEditParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($this->createSnippets, $params);

     * Creates a model for getModel(). Called only for each new $action.
     * The parameters allow you to easily adapt the model to the current action. The $detailed
     * parameter was added, because the most common use of action is a split between detailed
     * and summarized actions.
     * @param boolean $detailed True when the current action is not in $summarizedActions.
     * @param string $action The current action.
     * @return \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
    protected function createModel($detailed, $action)
        $apply = true;
        $model = $this->loader->getTracker()->getRespondentTrackModel();
        if ($detailed) {
            $engine = $this->getTrackEngine();

            if ($engine) {
                switch ($action) {
                    case 'export-track':
                    case 'show-track':


                $apply = false;
        if ($apply) {

        return $model;

     * Delete a single token
    public function deleteAction()
        $this->deleteParameters = $this->deleteParameters + $this->defaultTokenParameters;
        $this->deleteSnippets   = $this->getToken()->getDeleteSnippetNames();


     * Delete a track
    public function deleteTrackAction()
        if ($this->deleteTrackSnippets) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->deleteTrackParameters + $this->deleteParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($this->deleteTrackSnippets, $params);

     * Edit single token
    public function editAction()
        $this->editParameters      = $this->editParameters + $this->defaultTokenParameters;
        $this->createEditSnippets  = $this->getToken()->getEditSnippetNames();


     * Edit the respondent track data
    public function editTrackAction()
        if ($this->editTrackSnippets) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->editTrackParameters + $this->createEditParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($this->editTrackSnippets, $params);

     * Email the user
    public function emailAction()
        if ($this->emailSnippets) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->emailParameters + $this->defaultTokenParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($this->emailSnippets, $params);

     * Export a single track
    public function exportTrackAction()
        if ($this->exportTrackSnippets) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->exportTrackParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($this->exportTrackSnippets, $params);

     * Get the title for correcting a token
     * @return string
    protected function getCorrectTokenTitle()
        $token = $this->getToken();

        return sprintf(
                $this->_('Correct answers for survey %s, round %s'),

     * Get the title for creating a track
     * @return string
    protected function getCreateTrackTitle()
        $respondent = $this->getRespondent();

        return sprintf(
                $this->_('Adding the %s track to respondent %s: %s'),

     * Get the title for editing a track
     * @return string
    protected function getEmailTokenTitle()
        $token      = $this->getToken();
        $respondent = $token->getRespondent();

        // Set params
        return sprintf(
                $this->_('Send mail to %s respondent nr %s for token %s'),
                $token->getEmail(),          // When using relations, this is the right email address

     * Helper function to get the title for the index action.
     * @return $string
    public function getIndexTitle()
        $respondent = $this->getRespondent();

        return sprintf(
                $this->_('Tracks assigned to %s: %s'),

     * Get the title for creating a track
     * @return string
    protected function getInsertInTrackTitle()
        $respondent = $this->getRespondent();

        return sprintf(
                $this->_('Inserting a survey in a track for respondent %s: %s'),

     * Get a blocking filter when no respondent is passed on
     * @return array
    public function getNoRespondentFilter()
        if (! $this->getRespondentId()) {
            return array('1 = 0');

     * Get filter for current respondent
     * @return array
    public function getRespondentFilter()
        $respondent = $this->getRespondent();
        return array(
            'gr2t_id_user'         => $respondent->getId(),
            'gr2t_id_organization' => $respondent->getOrganizationId(),

     * Retrieve the respondent track
     * (So we don't need to repeat that for every snippet.)
     * @return \Gems_Tracker_RespondentTrack
    public function getRespondentTrack()
        static $respTrack;

        if ($respTrack instanceof \Gems_Tracker_RespondentTrack) {
            return $respTrack;

        $respTrackId = $this->_getParam(\Gems_Model::RESPONDENT_TRACK);
        $tracker     = $this->loader->getTracker();

        if ($respTrackId) {
            $respTrack = $tracker->getRespondentTrack($respTrackId);
        } else {
            if ($this->isMultiTracks()) {
                throw new \Gems_Exception($this->_('No track specified for respondent!'));

            $respondent = $this->getRespondent();
            $respTracks = $tracker->getRespondentTracks(
                    array('grc_success DESC', 'gr2t_start_date')
            $trackId = $this->escort->getTrackId();
            if ($trackId) {
                foreach ($respTracks as $respTrack) {
                    if ($respTrack instanceof \Gems_Tracker_RespondentTrack) {
                        if ($trackId == $respTrack->getTrackId()) {
                            // Return the right track if it exists
            } else {
                $respTrack = reset($respTracks);
        if (! $respTrack instanceof \Gems_Tracker_RespondentTrack) {
            if ($this->isMultiTracks()) {
                throw new \Gems_Exception($this->_('No track found for respondent!'));
            } else {
                $this->menu->getParameterSource()->offsetSet('track_can_be_created', 1);
                return null;


        // Otherwise return the last created track (yeah some implementations are not correct!)
        return $respTrack;

     * Retrieve the respondent track ID
     * (So we don't need to repeat that for every snippet.)
     * @return int
    public function getRespondentTrackId()
        $respTrack = $this->getRespondentTrack();
        if ($respTrack) {
            return $respTrack->getRespondentTrackId();

     * Retrieve the survey ID
     * @return int
    public function getSurveyId()
        $sid = $this->_getParam(\Gems_Model::SURVEY_ID);
        if ($sid) {
            return $sid;
        if ($this->getTokenId()) {
            return $this->getToken()->getSurveyId();

     * Retrieve the token
     * @return \Gems_Tracker_Token
    public function getToken()
        static $token;

        if ($token instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Token) {
            return $token;

        $token   = null;
        $tokenId = $this->getTokenId();

        if ($tokenId) {
            $token = $this->loader->getTracker()->getToken($tokenId);
        if ($token && $token->exists) {
            if (! array_key_exists($token->getOrganizationId(), $this->currentUser->getAllowedOrganizations())) {
                throw new \Gems_Exception(
                    $this->_('Inaccessible or unknown organization'),
                    403, null,
                    sprintf($this->_('Access to this page is not allowed for current role: %s.'), $this->currentUser->getRole()));

            // Set variables for the menu

            return $token;

        throw new \Gems_Exception($this->_('No existing token specified!'));

     * Retrieve the token ID
     * @return string
    public function getTokenId()
        return $this->_getIdParam();

     * Get the title describing the token
     * @return string
    protected function getTokenTitle()
        $token      = $this->getToken();
        $respondent = $token->getRespondent();

        // Set params
        return sprintf(
            $this->_('Token %s in round "%s" in track "%s" for respondent nr %s: %s'),

     * Helper function to allow generalized statements about the items in the model.
     * @param int $count
     * @return $string
    public function getTokenTopic($count = 1)
        return $this->plural('token', 'tokens', $count);;

     * @return callable Get the getTokenTopic function as a callable
    public function getTokenTopicCallable()
        return array($this, 'getTokenTopic');

     * Helper function to allow generalized statements about the items in the model.
     * @param int $count
     * @return $string
    public function getTopic($count = 1)
        return $this->plural('track', 'tracks', $count);;

     * Retrieve the track engine
     * @return \Gems_Tracker_Engine_TrackEngineInterface
    public function getTrackEngine()
        static $engine;

        if ($engine instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Engine_TrackEngineInterface) {
            return $engine;

        try {
            $respTrack = $this->getRespondentTrack();
            if ($respTrack instanceof \Gems_Tracker_RespondentTrack) {
                $engine = $respTrack->getTrackEngine();

        } catch (\Exception $ex) {

        if (! $engine instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Engine_TrackEngineInterface) {
            $trackId = $this->_getParam(\Gems_model::TRACK_ID);

            if (! $trackId) {
                if ($this->isMultiTracks()) {
                    throw new \Gems_Exception($this->_('No track engine specified!'));

                $trackId = $this->escort->getTrackId();

                if (! $trackId) {
                    return null;

            $engine = $this->loader->getTracker()->getTrackEngine($trackId);

        return $engine;

     * Retrieve the track ID
     * @return int
    public function getTrackId()
        $trackEngine = $this->getTrackEngine();
        if ($trackEngine) {
            return $trackEngine->getTrackId();

     * Get the title describing the track
     * @return string
    protected function getTrackTitle()
        $respondent  = $this->getRespondent();
        $respTrack   = $this->getRespondentTrack();
        if ($respTrack) {
            $trackEngine = $respTrack->getTrackEngine();

            if ($this->currentUser->areAllFieldsMaskedWhole('grs_first_name', 'grs_surname_prefix', 'grs_last_name')) {
                // Set params
                return sprintf(
                    $this->_('%s track for respondent nr %s'),

            // Set params
            return sprintf(
                $this->_('%s track for respondent nr %s: %s'),

     * Get the view
     * @return \Zend_View_Interface
    protected function getView()
        return $this->view;

     * Get the title for viewing track usage
     * @return string
    protected function getViewTrackTitle()
        $trackEngine = $this->getTrackEngine();

        if ($this->isMultiTracks()) {
            $respondent = $this->getRespondent();

            // Set params
            return sprintf(
                    $this->_('%s track assignments for respondent nr %s: %s'),
        } else {
            return sprintf(
                    $this->_('%s track overview'),

     * Initialize translate and html objects
     * Called from {@link __construct()} as final step of object instantiation.
     * @return void
    public function init()

        $request = $this->getRequest();

        if (in_array($request->getActionName(), $this->tokenReturnActions)) {
            // Tell the system where to return to after a survey has been taken

     * Insert a single survey into a track
    public function insertAction()
        if ($this->insertSnippets) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->insertParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($this->insertSnippets, $params);

     * @return boolean
    protected function isTemplateOnly()
        return ! $this->currentUser->hasPrivilege('pr.token.mail.freetext');

     * Pops a PDF - if it exists
    public function pdfAction()
        // Make sure nothing else is output

        // Output the PDF

     * Shows the questions in a survey
    public function questionsAction()
        if (!$this->getTokenId()) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->questionsParameters);
        } else {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->questionsParameters + $this->defaultTokenParameters);
        if ($this->questionsSnippets) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->questionsParameters + $this->defaultTokenParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($this->questionsSnippets, $params);

     * Action for checking all assigned rounds using a batch
    public function recalcAllFieldsAction()
        $respondent = $this->getRespondent();
        $where      = $this->db->quoteInto('gr2t_id_user = ?', $respondent->getId());

        $batch = $this->loader->getTracker()->recalcTrackFields(
                'trackRecalcFieldsResp_' . $respondent->getId(),

        $title = sprintf(
                $this->_('Recalculating fields for all tracks of respondent %s, %s.'),
        $this->_helper->BatchRunner($batch, $title, $this->accesslog);


     * Action for checking all assigned rounds for a single track using a batch
    public function recalcFieldsAction()
        $respondent  = $this->getRespondent();
        $respTrackId = $this->getRespondentTrackId();
        $trackEngine = $this->getTrackEngine();
        $where       = $this->db->quoteInto('gr2t_id_respondent_track = ?', $respTrackId);
        $batch = $this->loader->getTracker()->recalcTrackFields(
                'trackRecalcFieldsFor_' . $respTrackId,

        $title = sprintf(
                $this->_("Recalculating fields for track '%s' of respondent %s, %s."),
        $this->_helper->BatchRunner($batch, $title, $this->accesslog);


     * Show a single token, mind you: it can be a SingleSurveyTrack
    public function showAction()
        $this->showParameters = $this->showParameters + $this->defaultTokenParameters;
        $this->showSnippets   = $this->getToken()->getShowSnippetNames();


     * Show information on a single track assigned to a respondent
    public function showTrackAction()
        if ($this->showTrackSnippets) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->showTrackParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($this->showTrackSnippets, $params);

     * Delete a single token
    public function undeleteAction()
        $this->deleteParameters = $this->deleteParameters + $this->defaultTokenParameters;
        $this->deleteSnippets   = $this->getToken()->getDeleteSnippetNames();


     * Undelete a track
    public function undeleteTrackAction()
        if ($this->deleteTrackSnippets) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->deleteTrackParameters + $this->deleteParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($this->deleteTrackSnippets, $params);

     * Show information on a single track type assigned to a respondent
    public function viewAction()
        if ($this->viewSnippets) {
            $params = $this->_processParameters($this->viewParameters);

            $this->addSnippets($this->viewSnippets, $params);

     * Used in AddTracksSnippet to show a preview for an insertable survey
    public function viewSurveyAction()
        $params = $this->_processParameters($this->viewSurveyParameters);
        $this->addSnippets($this->viewSurveySnippets, $params);