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 * @package    Gems
 * @subpackage Pdf
 * @author     Matijs de Jong <>
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2011 Erasmus MC
 * @license    New BSD License
 * @version    $Id$

 * Gems standaard Pdf utility functions
 * @package    Gems
 * @subpackage PDf
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2011 Erasmus MC
 * @license    New BSD License
 * @since      Class available since version 1.0
class Gems_Pdf extends \Gems_Registry_TargetAbstract
     * @var \Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
    protected $db;

     * @var string
    protected $_pdfExportCommand = "";

     * Pdf font for token
     * @var string
    protected $pageFont = \Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_COURIER;

     * Font size for token
     * @var int
    protected $pageFontSize  = 12;

     * Horizontal position of token
     * @var int
    protected $pageX         = 10;

     * Is the horizontal position in pixel from left or right of page
     * @var boolean
    protected $pageXfromLeft = true;

     * Vertical position of token
     * @var int
    protected $pageY         = 20;

     * Is the vertical position in pixel from top or bottom of page
     * @var boolean
    protected $pageYfromTop  = true;

     * @var \Gems_Project_ProjectSettings
    protected $project;

     * @var \Zend_Translate
    protected $translate;

     * Called after the check that all required registry values
     * have been set correctly has run.
     * @return void
    public function afterRegistry()

        // Load the pdf class from the project settings if available
        if (isset($this->project->export) && isset($this->project->export['pdfExportCommand'])) {
            $this->_pdfExportCommand = $this->project->export['pdfExportCommand'];

     * Add the token to every page of a pdf
     * @param \Zend_Pdf $pdf
     * @param string $tokenId
     * @param int $surveyId
    protected function addTokenToDocument(\Zend_Pdf $pdf, $tokenId, $surveyId)
        $token = strtoupper($tokenId);

        foreach (array('Title', 'Subject', 'Keywords') as $name) {
            if (isset($pdf->properties[$name])) {
                $orgValue = $pdf->properties[$name];
                if (mb_detect_encoding($orgValue) === false) {
                    // Assume UTF-16
                    mb_convert_encoding($orgValue, mb_internal_encoding(), 'UTF-16');
                $value = rtrim($orgValue) . ' ' . $token;
            } else {
                $value = $token;
            $pdf->properties[$name] = $value;
        // Acrobat defined date format D:YYYYMMDDHHmmSSOHH'mm
        $pdf->properties['ModDate']  = 'D:' . str_replace(':', "'", date('YmdHisP')) . "'";
        $pdf->properties['Producer'] = $this->project->getName();       // Avoid warning on Word with a (R) symbol
        $pdf->properties['Creator']  = $this->project->getName();       // Avoid warning on Word with a (R) symbol
        $pdf->properties['Author']   = $this->project->getName();       // Avoid warning on Word with a (R) symbol

     * Add the token to a pdf page
     * @param \Zend_Pdf_Page $page
     * @param string $tokenId
    protected function addTokenToPage(\Zend_Pdf_Page $page, $tokenId)
        // Set $this->pageFont to false to prevent drawing of tokens on page.
        if ($this->pageFont) {
            $font = \Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName($this->pageFont);

            if ($this->pageXfromLeft) {
                $x = $this->pageX;
            } else {
                $x = $page->getWidth() - $this->pageX;
            if ($this->pageYfromTop) {
                $y = $page->getHeight() - $this->pageY;
            } else {
                $y = $this->pageY;

            $page->setFont($font, $this->pageFontSize);
            $page->drawText(strtoupper($tokenId), $x, $y, 'UTF-8');

     * Echos the pdf as output with the specified filename.
     * When download is true the file is returned as a download link,
     * otherwise the pdf is shown in the browser.
     * @param \Zend_Pdf $pdf
     * @param string $filename
     * @param boolean $download
     * @param boolean $exit Should the application stop running after output
    protected function echoPdf(\Zend_Pdf $pdf, $filename, $download = false, $exit = true)
        $content = $pdf->render();

        $this->echoPdfContent($content, $filename, $download);

        if ($exit) {
            // No further output

     * Output the pdf with the right headers.
     * @param string $content The content to echo
     * @param string $filename The filename as reported to the downloader
     * @param boolean $download Download to file or when false: show in browser
    public function echoPdfContent($content, $filename, $download = false)
        // \MUtil_Echo::track($filename);
        if ($download) {
            $disposition = 'attachment';
        } else {
            $disposition = 'inline';
        header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
        header('Content-Length: '.strlen($content));
        header('Content-Disposition: ' . $disposition . '; filename="'.$filename.'"');
        header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
        header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
        header('Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate');
        header('Pragma: public');

        echo $content;

     * Reads the survey pdf and outputs the result (without token id's etc..
     * @param string $tokenId
    public function echoPdfBySurveyId($surveyId)
        $pdf = $this->getSurveyPdf($surveyId);

        $this->echoPdf($pdf, $surveyId . '.pdf');

     * Reads the survey pdf belonging to this token, puts the token id
     * on de pages and outputs the result.
     * @param string $tokenId
    public function echoPdfByTokenId($tokenId)
        $surveyId = $this->db->fetchOne('SELECT gto_id_survey FROM gems__tokens WHERE gto_id_token = ?', $tokenId);

        $pdf  = $this->getSurveyPdf($surveyId);

        $this->addTokenToDocument($pdf, $tokenId, $surveyId);

        foreach ($pdf->pages as $page) {
            $this->addTokenToPage($page, $tokenId);

        $this->echoPdf($pdf, $tokenId . '.pdf');

     * @param integer $surveyId
     * @return \Zend_Pdf
    protected function getSurveyPdf($surveyId)
        $row = $this->db->fetchRow('SELECT gsu_survey_pdf, gsu_survey_name FROM gems__surveys WHERE gsu_id_survey = ?', $surveyId);

        $filename   = $row['gsu_survey_pdf'];
        $surveyname = $row['gsu_survey_name'];

        if (! $filename) {
            $filename = $surveyId . '.pdf';

        $filepath = $this->getSurveysDir() . '/' . $filename;

        if (! file_exists($filepath)) {
            // \MUtil_Echo::r($filepath);
            $this->throwLastError(sprintf($this->translate->_("PDF Source File '%s' not found!"), $filename));

        $pdf = \Zend_Pdf::load($filepath);
        $pdf->properties['Title'] = $surveyname;

        return $pdf;

     * Returns (and optionally creates) the directory where the surveys
     * are stored.
     * Used by the Survey Controller when uploading surveys.
     * @return string
    public function getSurveysDir()
        return $this->getUploadDir('survey_pdfs');

     * Return upload directory, optionally with specified sub directory.
     * You can overrule this function to specify your own directory.
     * @param string $subdir Optional sub-directory, when starting with / or x:\ only $subdir is used. Function creates subdirectory if it does not exist.
     * @return string
    public function getUploadDir($subdir = null)
        $dir = GEMS_ROOT_DIR . '/var/uploads';

        if ($subdir) {
            if (($subdir[0] == '/') || ($subdir[0] == '\\') || (substr($subdir, 1, 2) == ':\\')) {
                $dir = $subdir;
            } else {
                $dir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . rtrim($subdir, '\//');

        if (! is_dir($dir)) {

        return $dir;

     * Helper function for error handling
     * @param string $msg
     * @throws \Gems_Exception_Coding
    protected function throwLastError($msg)
        if ($last = \MUtil_Error::getLastPhpErrorMessage()) {
            $msg .= sprintf($this->translate->_(' The error message is: %s'), $last);
        throw new \Gems_Exception_Coding($msg);

     * Calls the PDF convertor (wkhtmltopdf / phantom.js) to convert HTML to PDF
     * @param  string $content The HTML source
     * @return string The converted PDF file
     * @throws \Exception
    public function convertFromHtml($content)
        \MUtil_File::ensureDir(GEMS_ROOT_DIR . '/var/tmp');

        $tempInputFilename  = GEMS_ROOT_DIR . '/var/tmp/export-' . md5(time() . rand()) . '.html';
        $tempOutputFilename = GEMS_ROOT_DIR . '/var/tmp/export-' . md5(time() . rand()) . '.pdf';

        if (\MUtil_File::isOnWindows()) {
            // Running on Windows, remove drive letter as that will not work with some
            // html to pdf converters.
            $tempInputFilename  = strtr(\MUtil_File::removeWindowsDriveLetter($tempInputFilename), '\\', '/');
            $tempOutputFilename = strtr(\MUtil_File::removeWindowsDriveLetter($tempOutputFilename), '\\', '/');

        file_put_contents($tempInputFilename, $content);

        if (!file_exists($tempInputFilename)) {
            throw new \Exception("Unable to create temporary file '{$tempInputFilename}'");

        $command = sprintf($this->_pdfExportCommand, escapeshellarg($tempInputFilename),

        // error_log($command);

        $lastLine = exec($command, $outputLines, $return);

        if ($return > 0) {

            throw new \Exception(sprintf($this->translate->_('Unable to run PDF conversion (%s): "%s"'), $command, $lastLine));

        $pdfContents = file_get_contents($tempOutputFilename);

        if ($pdfContents == '') {
            throw new \Exception(sprintf($this->translate->_('Unable to run PDF conversion (%s): "%s"'), $command, $lastLine));

        return $pdfContents;

     * @return boolean
    public function hasPdfExport()
        return !empty($this->_pdfExportCommand);