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 * @package    Gems
 * @subpackage Snippets
 * @author     Jasper van Gestel <>
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2011 Erasmus MC
 * @license    New BSD License
 * @version    $Id$

 * Adds the ability to add a variable value to a select form element based on another form elements value
 * Add the option 'variableSelect' in the model definition of that field to activate.
 * It takes the following options in an array:
 * source:         REQUIRED     string         The fieldname of the element on which the base the new values
 * baseQuery:         REQUIRED     string         The query to calculate the new values.
 * disabledEmpty:             boolean        if the value of the source is empty, the target form element is disabled
 * ajax:                 Array         The controller and action of an ajax option which does the new calculation directly on change
 * firstValue                 multi         Set one or multiple first values to prepend the new option values
 *                                              true: an empty value is added
 *                                                              false: nothing will be added
 *                                 array: key=>value = optionValue=>label
 * TODO:
 * - Make it work for different target elements (besides a select)
 * @package    Gems
 * @subpackage Snippets
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2011 Erasmus MC
 * @license    New BSD License
 * @since      Class available since version 1.6.3
class Gems_Snippets_ModelFormVariableFieldSnippet extends \Gems_Snippets_ModelFormSnippetGeneric

    protected $ajaxEvents;
    protected $db;
    protected $util;

    protected function addFormElements(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_FormBridgeInterface $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
        parent::addFormElements($bridge, $model);

        foreach ($model->getItemsOrdered() as $name) {
            $modelOptions = $model->get($name);
            if (isset($modelOptions['variableSelect'])) {
                $selectOptions = $modelOptions['variableSelect'];
                if (isset($selectOptions['source']) && isset($selectOptions['baseQuery'])) {
                    $sourceName  = $selectOptions['source'];
                    $sourceValue = $this->formData[$sourceName];
                    if ($sourceValue) {
                        $targetOptions = array();
                        if ($selectOptions['firstValue'] === true) {
                            $targetOptions[''] = '';
                        } elseif (is_array($selectOptions['firstValue'])) {
                            $targetOptions = $selectOptions['firstValue'];
                        $targetOptions += $this->db->fetchPairs($selectOptions['baseQuery'], $sourceValue);

                        $bridge->addSelect($name, 'multiOptions', $targetOptions);
                    } else {
                        if (isset($selectOptions['disabledEmpty']) && $selectOptions['disabledEmpty']) {
                            $bridge->addSelect($name, 'disabled', true);

                    $this->addAjaxEvent($name, $selectOptions);

    protected function getAjaxEventScript()
        if (is_array($this->ajaxEvents)) {
            $script = '
            (function($) {'

            foreach ($this->ajaxEvents as $event) {
                $script .= $event;
            $script .= '}(jQuery));';
            return $script;

        return false;

    protected function addAjaxEvent($target, $selectOptions)
        if (isset($selectOptions['ajax'])) {
            $queryUrl = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getBaseUrl() . '/' . $selectOptions['ajax']['controller'] . '/' . $selectOptions['ajax']['action'];
            $source   = $selectOptions['source'];
            $script   = '
            $("#' . $target . '").getSelectOptions(
                 queryUrl: "' . $queryUrl . '",
                 source: "' . $source . '",';

            if (isset($selectOptions['disabledEmpty']) && $selectOptions['disabledEmpty']) {
                $script .= '
                enableAfter: true,';
            if (isset($selectOptions['firstValue']) && $selectOptions['firstValue'] !== false) {
                $script .= '
                 firstValue: ' . json_encode($this->getKeyValueArray($selectOptions['firstValue'])) . ',';
            if (isset($selectOptions['defaultValues']) && $selectOptions['defaultValues'] !== false) {
                $script .= '
                 defaultValues: ' . json_encode($this->getKeyValueArray($selectOptions['defaultValues'])) . ',';
            $script .= '

            $this->ajaxEvents[] = $script;

    protected function getKeyValueArray($array)
        if (is_array($array)) {
            $newArray = array();
            foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
                $newArray[] = array($key, $value);
            return $newArray;
        return $array;

     * Create the snippets content
     * This is a stub function either override getHtmlOutput() or override render()
     * @param \Zend_View_Abstract $view Just in case it is needed here
     * @return \MUtil_Html_HtmlInterface Something that can be rendered
    public function getHtmlOutput(\Zend_View_Abstract $view)

        if ($script = $this->getAjaxEventScript()) {
            $baseUrl = \GemsEscort::getInstance()->basepath->getBasePath();
            $view->headScript()->appendFile($baseUrl . '/gems/js/jquery.getSelectOptions.js');

        return parent::getHtmlOutput($view);
