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Test Coverage
  academic: Academic
    add: Add Achievement
    authority: Authority
    badge: Badge
    choose: Choose Achievement
    description: Description
    edit: Edit Achievement
    list: Achievements list
    name: Name
    plural: Achievements
    save: Save Achievement
    singular: Achievement
  active: Active
  add: Add
    add: Add Address
    address1: Address 1
    address2: Address 2
    choose_country: Choose Country
    city: City
    count: Addresses count
    country: Country
    edit: Edit address
    list: Addresses list
    new: New Address
    past: Make past?
    plural: Addresses
    prefecture: State/Province/Prefecture
    primary: Primary Address
    save: Save address
    search: Search Address
    singular: Address
      abbr: Abbreviation
      add: Add State
      choose: Choose State
      code: Code
      country_iso: Country ISO
      edit: Edit State
      list: State List
      name: State Name
      name_ascii: ASCII Name
      plural: States
      save: Save State
      singular: State
    title: Title
    zipcode: Postal Code
  admitted: Admitted On
    already_added: "%{resource} are already added!"
    empty: "%{resource} is empty!"
    not_selected: No %{resource} selected!
  and: " and "
  are_you_sure: Are you sure?
    add: Add Assignment
    count: Assignments Count
    description: Description
    list: Assignments
    max_score: Maximum score
    name: Assignment name
    new: New Assignment
    plural: Assignments
    results: Assignment Results
    score: Score
    singular: Assignment
    view: View Assignments
    description: Assignment Description
    asset_error: Error during asset upload
    asset_type: Asset type
    asset_upload: Asset was uploaded successfully!
    assets: Assets
    associated: Attachable is not present
    attachment_recovered: Asset was successfully recovered!
    create: Create Attachment
    description: Description
    edit: Edit Attachment
    file_name: File name
    file_size: File size
    file_type: File type
    list: Attachments list
    name: Name
    new: New Attachment
    plural: Attachments
    save: Save Attachment
    singular: Attachment
    add: Add Attendance Type
    auto_credit: Auto Credit
    color_code: Color Code
    counted_absent: Counted Absent
    credit_rate: Credit Rate
    disable_credit: Disable Credit
    edit: Edit Attendance Type
    list: Attendance Types list
    name: Name
    new: New Attendance Type
    plural: Attendance Types
    save: Save Attendance Type
    singular: Attendance Type
  back: Back
    add: Add Badge
    edit: Edit Badge
    index: Badge Index
    list: Badge List
    plural: Badges
    save: Save Badge
    singular: Badge
    add: Add Badge Type
    authority: Authority
    badge: Badge Type
    choose: Choose Badge Type
    code: Badge Type Code
    description: Badge Type Description
    edit: Edit Badge Type
    issuer: Issuing Institution
    list: Badge Types List
    name: Badge Type Name
    plural: Badge Types
    save: Save Badge Type
    singular: Badge Type
    url: Badge Type URL
  birth: Birth Date
  birth_and: and
  birth_between: Birth date between
  birth_date: Birth Date
  birth_date_from: Birth date(from)
  birth_date_to: Birth date(to)
    add: Add Campus
    address: Campus Address
    contacs: Campus Contacts
    edit: Edit Campus
    list: Campuses list
    name: Name
    new: New Campus
    plural: Campuses
    primary: Primary
    save: Save Campus
    singular: Campus
  cancel: Cancel
    change: Change
    changed_at: Changed At
    event: Event
    from: From
      list: Student Changes list
      list: Student Address Changes list
      list: Student Contact Changes list
    to: To
    user: Changed by
  class: Class
    add: Add Class Group
    already_enrolled: Already enrolled to the class group!
    choose: Choose Class Group
    edit: Edit Class Group
    enroll: Enroll Class Group
    grade: Grade
    homeroom: Home Room
    list: Class Groups list
    name: Class Name
    new: New Class Group
    none: None
    none_assigned: None Assigned
    plural: Class Groups
    save: Save Class Group
    show: Show
    singular: Class Group
    with_semester: With Semester
    without_semester: Without Semester
    save: Save Course to Class Group
    singular: Course
    count: Enrollments count
    create: Create Class Enrollment
    current: Current enrollment
    list: Class Roster
    new: New class enrollment
    seat_number: Seat number
  class_group_management: Class Management
    add: Add Commute Method
    edit: Edit Commute Method
    plural: Commute Methods
    singular: Commute Method
    add: Add Commute Method Type
    edit: Edit Commute Method Type
    list: Commute Method Types list
    name: Name
    new: New Commute Method Type
    plural: Commute Method Types
    save: Save Commute Method Type
    singular: Commute Method Type
    close: Close
      language: Choose your Language
    label: Language
    save: Save
  confirm: Are you sure?
  confirm_delete: Really Delete this record?
    add: Add Contact
    contact_type: Contact Type
    create: Create Contact
    data: Data
    details: Details
    edit: Edit Contact
    emergency: Emergency
    list: Contacts list
    new: New Contact
    plural: Contacts
    primary: Primary Contact
    save: Save Contact
    singular: Contact
    add: Add Contact Type
    choose: Choose Contact Type
    edit: Edit Contact Type
    list: Contact Types list
    name: Name
    new: New Contact Type
    plural: Contact Types
    save: Save Contact Type
    singular: Contact Type
    add: Add Course
    already_enrolled: Already enrolled to course!
    choose: Choose Course
    code: Course Code
    code_sample: "[EX: FALL2020]"
    combined_code: Combined Code
    count: Courses count
    edit: Edit Course
    list: Courses list
    management: Course Management
    name: Course Name
    new: New Course
    options: Options
    plural: Courses
    save: Save Course
    show: Show Course
    singular: Course
    add: Enroll to course
    create: Create enrollment
    list: Enrollments
    plural: Course Enrollment
    singular: Course Enrollment
    already_enrolled: Already enrolled to this course group!
    course_group_recover: Course Group Recovered
    edit: Edit Course Group
    list: Course Groups List
    name: Name
    new: New Course Group
    plural: Course Groups
    save: Save Course Group
    show: Course Group
    singular: Course Group
    save: Save to Course Group
      default: "%Y-%m-%d"
      long: "%Y %B %d"
      short: "%y-%m-%d"
    placeholder: YYYY-MM-DD
  default: Default
  delete: Delete
    add: Add department
      agriculture: Agriculture
      aquaculture: Aquaculture
      art: Art
      business: Business
      civics: Civics
      elective_studies: Elective Studies
      engineering: Engineering
      english: English
      extra-curricular_activities: Extra-Curricular Activities
      fine_arts: Fine Arts
      foreign_language: Foreign Language
      gymnastics: Gymnastics
      home_economics: Home Economics
      information_sciences: Information Sciences
      integrated_studies: Integrated Studies
      manufacturing: Manufacturing
      mathematics: Mathematics
      medicine: Medicine
      music: Music
      native_language: Native Language
      nursing: Nursing
      physical_education: Physical Education
      regional_history: Regional History
      religion: Religion
      science: Science
      scientific_mathematics: Scientific Mathematics
      welfare: Welfare
    edit: Edit department
    list: Departments list
    name: Department name
    save: Save department
    singular: Department
  description: Description
  destroy: Destroy
      confirmed: Your account was successfully confirmed. You are now signed in.
      send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes.
      send_paranoid_instructions: If your e-mail exists on our database, you will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes.
    email: Email
      already_authenticated: You are already signed in.
      inactive: Your account was not activated yet.
      invalid: Invalid email or password.
      invalid_token: Invalid authentication token.
      locked: Your account is locked.
      timeout: Your session expired, please sign in again to continue.
      unauthenticated: You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.
      unconfirmed: You have to confirm your account before continuing.
    login: Username or Email
        subject: Confirmation instructions
        subject: Reset password instructions
        subject: Unlock Instructions
      failure: Could not authorize you from %{kind} because "%{reason}".
      success: Successfully authorized from %{kind} account.
    password: Password
    password_confirmation: Password Confirmation
      forgot: Forgot your password?
      no_token: No Token
      send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes.
      send_paranoid_instructions: If your e-mail exists on our database, you will receive a password recovery link on your e-mail
      updated: Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in.
      updated_not_active: Your password was changed successfully.
      admin_create: Create Admin
      admin_set_up: |-
        This is your first time running GAKU Engine.
        Please set up the Admin user.
      destroyed: Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon.
      inactive_signed_up: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is %{reason}.
        inactive: inactive
        locked: locked
        unconfirmed: unconfirmed
      sign_up: Sign Up
      signed_up: Welcome! You have signed up successfully.
      signed_up_but_inactive: This account is inactive
      signed_up_but_locked: This account has been locked
      signed_up_but_unconfirmed: This account has not been confirmed
      update_needs_confirmation: Registration update needs confirmation
      updated: You updated your account successfully.
      remember_me: Remember me
      sign_in: Sign in
      sign_out: Sign Out
      signed_in: Signed in successfully.
      signed_out: Signed out successfully.
      send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock your account in a few minutes.
      send_paranoid_instructions: If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock it in a few minutes.
      unlocked: Your account was successfully unlocked. You are now signed in.
    username: Username
  edit: Edit
  eg: eg
  email: Email
  empty: Empty
  enroll_to_class: Enroll to class
    plural: Enrollments
    singular: Enrollment
    active: Active
    add: Add Enrollment Status
    choose_enrollment_status: Choose Enrollment Status
    code: Code
    edit: Edit Enrollment Status
    list: Enrollment Statuses list
    name: Name
    new: New Enrollment Status
    plural: Enrollment Statuses
    save: Save Enrollment Status
    singular: Enrollment Status
    active: Active
    add: Add Enrollment Status Type
    edit: Edit Enrollment Status Type
    list: Enrollment Status Types list
    name: Name
    new: New Enrollment Status Type
    plural: Enrollment Status Types
    save: Save Enrollment Status Type
    singular: Enrollment Status Type
      already_confirmed: was already confirmed, please try signing in
      expired: has expired, please request a new one
      file_type_unsupported: File Type Not Supported !
      file_unreadable: File could not be read.
      not_found: not found
      not_locked: was not locked
        one: '1 error prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:'
        other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
    not_uploaded: Error when upload %{resource}!
    add: Add Exam
    add_existing: Add Existing Exam
    add_portion: Add Portion
    adjustments: Adjustments
    already_added: Exam already added!
    choose: Choose Exam
    choose_schedule: Choose Schedule
    completion: Completion
    count: Exams Count
    description: Description
    edit: Edit Exam
    exam_score: Exam Score
    graded: Graded
    grading_completion: Grading Completion
    grading_method: Grading Method
    list: Exams list
    name: Exam name
    new: New Exam
    new_exam: New Exam Contents
    options: Options
    plural: Exams
    save: Save Exam
    select: Select Exam
    show: Show Exam
    singular: Exam
    total: Total
    total_weight: Total Weight
    ungraded: Ungraded
    use_weighting: Use Weighting
    view: View Exams
    weight: Weight
    add_option: Add option
    adjustments: Adjustments
    attached_file_count: Attached file count
    count: Exam portions count
    description: Description
    edit: Edit Exam Portion
    error: Please correct exam portions weights. The total exceeds 100%.
    execution_date: Execution date
    is_master: Master
    list: Exam portions list
    master: Master exam portion
    max_score: Maximum score
    name: Portion name
    plural: Exam Portions
    problem_count: Problem count
    remove_option: Remove option
    save: Save exam portion
    score_selection_options: Score Selection Options
      plural: 'Score type '
      score: Numercial
      score_selection: Selection
      score_text: Text
    show: Show Exam Portion
    singular: Exam Portion
    use_weighting: Use Weighting
    weight: Weight
  export: Export
  extended: Extended
    absences: Absences
    add: Add External School Record
    attendance_rate: Attendance Rate
    beginning: Beginning
    data: Data
    ending: Ending
    list: External School Record List
    plural: External School Records
    singular: External School Record
    student_id_number: Student ID
    add: Add Extracurricular Activity
    already_enrolled: Already enrolled to the extracurricular activity!
    edit: Edit Extracurricular Activity
    enroll: Enroll to Extracurricular Activity
    list: Extracurricular Activities list
    name: Name
    new: New Extracurricular Activity
    plural: Extracurricular Activities
    save: Save
    show: Show Extracurricular Activity
    singular: Extracurricular Activity
    list: Student list
    enrolled: Failed to enroll!
  file: File
        notice: "%{resource_name} was successfully created!"
        alert: "%{resource_name} could not be destroyed!"
        notice: "%{resource_name} was successfully destroyed!"
        alert: "%{resource_name} could not be recovered!"
        notice: "%{resource_name} was successfully recovered!"
        alert: "%{resource_name} could not be destroyed!"
        notice: "%{resource_name} was successfully destroyed!"
        notice: "%{resource_name} was successfully updated!"
        notice: "%{resource_name} was successfully updated!"
  full_name: Full Name
  full_name_reading: Full Name Reading
  gaku_engine: GAKU Engine
    choose: Choose Gender
    female: Female
    label: Sex
    male: Male
    unknown: Unknown
  generate_report: Generate Report
    all_exams: All Exams
    average_points: Average Points
    average_score: Average Score
    deviation: Deviation
    grading: Grading
    how_grade: Grading Method
    max: Max
    max_points: Maximum Score
    percent: Percent
    points: Points
    rank: Rank/Grade
    total: Total
    total_points: Total Score
    weighting: Weight
    weighting_portion: Weighting
    add: Add Grading Method
    add_argument: Add Argument
    add_criteria: Add Criteria
    arguments: Arguments
    choose: Choose Grading Method
    criteria: Criteria
    curved: Curved
    description: Description
    edit: Edit Grading Method
    interval: Interval
    list: Grading Methods list
    method: Method
    name: Name
    ordinal: Ordinal
    pass_fail: Pass/Fail
    percentage: Percentage
    plural: Grading Methods
    ratio: Ratio
    remove_argument: Remove Argument
    remove_criteria: Remove Criteria
    save: Save Grading Method
    score: Score
    singular: Grading Method
    add: Add Grading Method Set
    display_deviation: Display Deviation
    display_rank: Display Rank
    edit: Edit Grading Method Set
    list: Grading Method Sets list
    name: Name
    rank_order: Rank Order
    save: Save Grading Method Set
    show: Show Grading Method Set
    singular: Grading Method Set
    already: Grading Method already added to Grading Method Set
    edit: Edit Grading Method Set Item
    save: Save Grading Method Set Item
    singular: Geading Method Set Item
  graduated: Graduated On
    plural: Groups
    singular: Group
    add: Add Guardian
    addresses: Guardian Addresses
    edit: Edit guardian
    list: Guardians list
    name: Guardian Name
    new: New Guardian
    plural: Guardians
    relationship: Relationship
    save: Save Guardian
    singular: Guardian
    surname: Guardian Surname
      cancel: Cancel
  hide: Hide
  history: History
  id: ID
  import: Import
  import_format: Import Format
  is_graduated: Has Graduated
  language: Language
    en: English
    ja: "日本語[Japanese]"
  manage: Manage
      achievements: Achievements
      admin: Admin
      administration: Administration
      administrator: Administrator
      badge_types: Badge Types
        changes: Changes and Deletions
        student_addresses: Student Addresses
        student_contacts: Student Contacts
        students: Students
      departments: Departments
        address: Addresses Disposals
        attachment: Attachment Disposals
        course_group: Course Group Disposals
        disposals: Disposals
        exam: Exam Disposals
        student: Student Disposals
        student_address: Student Addresses Disposals
        grading: Grading
        grading_methods: Grading Methods
        grading_sets: Grading Sets
      grading_methods: Grading Methods
        plural: Presets
      school_details: School Details
      school_years: School Years
      schools: Schools
      specialties: Specialties
        backup: Backup
        system_tools: System Tools
      templates: Templates
        attendance_types: Attendance Types
        commute_methods: Commute Methods
        contact: Contact Types
        enrollment_status: Enrollment Statuses
        states: States
        types: Types & Methods
        roles: Roles
        users: Users
        users_and_roles: Users & Roles
      management: Class Management
      plural: Class Groups
      management: Course Management
      plural: Courses
      plural: Course Groups
      management: Exam Management
      plural: Exams
      plural: Extracurriculars
      plural: Students
      plural: Syllabuses
      plural: Instructors
  middle_name: Middle Name
  middle_name_reading: Middle Name Reading
  name: Name
  name_reading: Name Reading
  none: None
    add: Add Note
    content: Content
    delete: Delete Note
    edit: Edit note
    list: Notes list
    new: New Note
    plural: Notes
    save: Save note
    singular: Note
    title: Note Title
    added: "%{resource} was successfully added!"
    created: "%{resource} was successfully created!"
    destroyed: "%{resource} was successfully destroyed!"
    enrolled: "%{resource} was successfully enrolled to %{to}!"
    no_resource_assign_first: No %{resource}, assign one first
    recovered: "%{resource} was successfully recovered!"
    removed: "%{resource} was successfully removed!"
    updated: "%{resource} was successfully updated!"
    uploaded: "%{resource} was successfully uploaded!"
  num_enrolled: Number Enrolled
  options: Options
  order: Order
  panel: Panel
  period: Period
  personal: Personal
  personal_information: Personal Information
  phone: Phone Number
  phonetic_reading: Phonetic Reading
  picture: Picture
    change: Change picture
    upload: Upload
      city: City
      country: Country
      singular: Address
      state: State
      plural: Chooser Fields
      choose: Choose Format
      documents: Documents
      plural: Export Formats
      printables: Printable
      spreadsheets: Spreadsheets
      grading_method: Grading Method
      grading_scheme: Grading Scheme
      singular: Grading
    list: Presets list
    locale: Locale
    name: Name
    names_order: Names Order
    pagination: Pagination
      changes: Changes Per Page
      default: Default Items Per Page
      students: Students Per Page
      teachers: Teachers Per Page
      gender: Gender
      singular: Person
    plural: Presets
    save: Save Presets
    singular: Preset
      id_code: ID Code
      singular: Student
  profile: Profile
    new: New Profile
    save: Save profile
    add: Add Program
    description: Description
    edit: Edit Program
    levels: Levels
    list: Programs list
    name: Name
    plural: Programs
    save: Save Program
    singular: Program
    add: Add Program Level
    choose: Choose Program Level
    list: Program Levels list
    plural: Program Levels
    remove: Remove Program Level
    add: Add Program Specialty
    choose: Choose Program Specialty
    list: Program Specialties list
    plural: Program Specialties
    remove: Remove Program Specialty
    add: Add Program Syllabus
    choose: Choose Program Syllabus
    list: Program Syllabuses list
    plural: Program Syllabuses
    remove: Remove Program Syllabus
  required: required
  resource: Resource
  revert: Revert
    add: Add Role
    edit: Edit Role
    list: Roles list
    name: Name
    save: Save Role
    singular: Role
  save: Save
  schedule: Schedule
    add: Add School
    campuses: Campuses
    choose: Choose School
    code: Code
    description: Description
    edit: Edit School
    edit_master: Edit Master School
    founded: Founded
    grades: Grades
    list: Schools list
    master: Master School
    name: Name
    new: New School
    plural: Schools
    primary: Primary
    principal: Principal
    save: Save School
    show: School Show
    singular: School
    slogan: Slogan
    vice_principal: Vice Principal
    add_school_level: Add School Level
    plural: School Levels
    remove_school_level: Remove this school level
    singular: School Level
    add: Add School Year
    day: Day
    duration: School Year duration
    edit: Edit School Year
    ending: School Year ending
    ending_after_starting: The Ending Date must come after the Starting Date
    list: School Years list
    plural: School Years
    save: Save School Year
    show: Show School Year
    singular: School Year
    starting: School Year starting
  search: Search
  select: Select
    add: Add Semester
    between: Should be between School Year starting and ending
    choose: Choose Semester
    day: Days
    duration: Semester duration
    edit: Edit Semester
    ending: Semester ending
    ending_after_starting: The Ending Date must come after the Starting Date
    list: Semesters list
    number: Number of Semesters
    plural: Semesters
    remove: Remove Semester
    save: Save semester
    singular: Semester
    starting: Semester starting
    uniqueness: have this semester added
    choose: Choose Semester
    save: Save Semester
    singular: Semester
    uniqueness: Semester already added to Class Group
    uniqueness: Semester already added to Course
  sex: Sex
  sex_and_birth: Gender & Birth Date
  show: Show
    add: Add Simple Grade
    award_date: Award Date
    edit: Edit Simple Grade
    grade: Grade
    index: Simple Grade Index
    list: Simple Grades list
    plural: Simple Grades
    save: Save Simple Grade
    score: Score
    singular: Simple Grade
    add: Add Simple Grade Type
    edit: Edit Simple Grade Type
    list: Simple Grade Type List
    max_score: Maximum Score
    name: Simple Grade Type Name
    passing_score: Passing Score
    plural: Simple Grade Types
    save: Save Simple Grade Type
    singular: Simple Grade Type
    add: Add Specialty
    already_added: Specialty already added!
    choose: Choose Specialty
    description: Description
    edit: Edit Specialty
    list: Specialties list
    major: Major
    major_only: Major Only
    minor: Minor
    name: Name
    plural: Specialties
    save: Save Specialty
    singular: Specialty
    abbr: Abbr
    add: Add State
    code: Code
    country_iso: Country ISO
    edit: Edit State
    list: State List
    name: State Name
    name_ascii: Name Ascii
    plural: States
    save: Save State
    singular: State
    academic_information: Academic Information
    add: Add Student
    addresses: Student Addresses
    birth_between: Birth date between
    choose: Choose students
    chosen_students: Chosen students
    class_group_enrollment: Class enrollment
    commute_method: Commute Method
    contacts: Student Contacts
    create: Create Student
    download_registration_roster: Download Registration Roster Sheet
    download_roster: Download Roster Sheet
    edit: Edit Student
    enroll: Enroll Student
    export: Export Students
    foreign_id_code: Foreign ID/Entry Code
    foreign_id_number: Foreign ID
    id_number: Student ID
    import: Import Students
    list: Students list
    name: Name
    new: Register New Student
    personal_information: Personal Information
    plural: Students
    roster: Roster
    roster_sheet: Student Roster Sheet
    save: Save Student
    scholarship_status: Scholarship Status
    show: Show Students
    singular: Student
    edit: Edit Student Achievement
    index: Student Achievement Index
    save: Save Student Achievement
    singular: Student Achievement
  student_name: Student Name
    edit: Student Specialty Edit
    index: Student Specialty Index
    save: Save Student Specialty
    singular: Student Specialty
  submit: Submit
    enrolled: Successfully enrolled!
  surname: Surname
  surname_reading: Surname Reading
    code: Syllabus Code
    credits: Credits
    description: Course Description
    edit: Edit Syllabus
    import: Import Syllabuses
    list: List Syllabuses
    name: Course Name
    name_sample: "[EX: Science A]"
    new: New Syllabus
    plural: Syllabuses
    save: Save Syllabus
    show: Show Syllabus
    singular: Syllabus
    addresses: Teacher Addresses
    contacts: Teacher Contacts
    edit: Edit Teacher
    list: Teachers list
    new: New Teacher
    plural: Instructors
    save: Save Teacher
    show: Show Teacher
    singular: Instructor
    add: Add Template
    choose: Choose template
    context: Context
    edit: Template
    file: File
    file_type_error: Only text, excel or openoffice documents are supported
    list: Templates list
    lock: Lock
    plural: Templates
    save: Save Template
    singular: Template
  title: Title
  undefined: Undefined
    add: Add User
    edit: Edit User
    email: Email
    info: User info
    list: Users list
    password: Password
    password_confirmation: Confirm Password
    plural: Users
    save: Save User
    singular: User
    username: Username
      first: "« First"
      last: Last »
      next: Next ›
      previous: "‹ Prev"
      truncate: "..."