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* Make the FacetConceptSupplier Configurable, so it is possible to switch between e.g declared and used properties
 * Currently this is hard coded in facete/FacetServiceUtil.createFacetConceptSupplier(facetConfig)
 * But it should go to the FacetServiceBuilder

## Extending Object Templates

A `sponate.MappedConcept` is a template for creating objects based on a (SPARQL) service. (-> Actually we could generalize it to any service).

We could exploit the `$ref` feature to work with lookup services:

  id: '?s',
  labelInfo: { $ref: { target: lookupService , on: '?s' } },

Issue: Can we also do concept based lookups with listServices?

  id: '?s',
  labelInfo: { $ref: { target: listService , on: '?o' } },
from: '?s directorOf ?o'

listService.fetchItems(({?s directorOf ?o}, ?o))

If we use a mappedConcept, we could even join it in (the Sponate Engine will take care of that):

    id: '?s',
    labelInfo: { $ref: { target: mappedConcept, on: '?foo', join: true } } // For mappedConcepts we could implement this kind of join support

So, actually all that is missing is having some meaningful API on AggObject.

We could subclass AggObject to e.g. AggObjectCustom

.add('attr', object)
  -> object can be:
 * sponate template
 * var
 * expr
 * mappedConcept
 * lookupService
 * listService

//So what gives me a headache is, that the add method needs to be bound to a sponate-context,
//so the AggObjectCustom must have the reference as well.

Hm, actually... the reference to the parser should be sufficient...