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// lib includes
var extend = require('xtend');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var request = Promise.promisifyAll(require('request'));
var ajax = function(param) {
  return request.postAsync(param.url, {
    json: true,
  }).then(function(res) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve) {

// lib
var jassa = require('../lib')(Promise, ajax);

var rdf = jassa.rdf;
var sparql = jassa.sparql;
var service = jassa.service;
var sponate = jassa.sponate;
var facete = jassa.facete;
var util = jassa.util;

var geo = jassa.geo;

var vocab = jassa.vocab;

// test output

var createMapDataSource = function(sparqlService, geoMapFactory, concept, fillColor, moreAttrs) {

  var attrs = {
    fillColor: fillColor,
    fontColor: fillColor,
    strokeColor: fillColor,

    stroke: true,
    strokeLinecap: 'round',
    strokeWidth: 100,
    pointRadius: 12,
    labelAlign: 'cm'

  var attrs = extend(attrs, moreAttrs);

  var result = geo.GeoDataSourceUtils.createGeoDataSourceLabels(sparqlService, geoMapFactory, concept, attrs);
  return result;

var createSparqlService = function(url, graphUris) {
  var result = service.SparqlServiceBuilder.http(url, graphUris, {type: 'POST'})

  return result;

var distance = function(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
  var r = 6371.0; // approx. radius of earth in km
  var lat1Radians = (lat1 * Math.PI) / 180.0;
  var lon1Radians = (lon1 * Math.PI) / 180.0;
  var lat2Radians = (lat2 * Math.PI) / 180.0;
  var lon2Radians = (lon2 * Math.PI) / 180.0;
  var diffLonRadians = lon2Radians - lon1Radians;
  var step = Math.cos(lat1Radians) * Math.cos(lat2Radians) * Math.cos(diffLonRadians) + (Math.sin(lat1Radians) * Math.sin(lat2Radians));
  var d = r * Math.acos(step);
  return d;

var area = function(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
  // lat1-lon1 is the upper-left corner, lat2-lon2 is the lower-right
  var height = distance(lat1,lon1, lat2,lon1);
  var width = distance(lat1,lon1, lat1,lon2);
  return height * width;

// degrees to radians
var deg2rad = function(degrees) {
  return Math.PI*degrees/180.0;

// radians to degrees
var rad2deg = function(radians) {
  return 180.0*radians/Math.PI;

// Semi-axes of WGS-84 geoidal reference
var WGS84_a = 6378137.0  // Major semiaxis [m]
var WGS84_b = 6356752.3  // Minor semiaxis [m]

// Earth radius at a given latitude, according to the WGS-84 ellipsoid [m]
var WGS84EarthRadius = function(lat) {
  var An = WGS84_a*WGS84_a * Math.cos(lat);
  var Bn = WGS84_b*WGS84_b * Math.sin(lat);
  var Ad = WGS84_a * Math.cos(lat);
  var Bd = WGS84_b * Math.sin(lat);
  return Math.sqrt( (An*An + Bn*Bn)/(Ad*Ad + Bd*Bd) );

// Bounding box surrounding the point at given coordinates,
// assuming local approximation of Earth surface as a sphere
// of radius given by WGS84
var boundingBox = function(latitudeInDegrees, longitudeInDegrees, halfSideInM) {
  var lat = deg2rad(latitudeInDegrees);
  var lon = deg2rad(longitudeInDegrees);
  var halfSideInKm = halfSideInM/1000;
  var halfSide = 1000*halfSideInKm;

  // Radius of Earth at given latitude
  var radius = WGS84EarthRadius(lat);
  // Radius of the parallel at given latitude
  var pradius = radius*Math.cos(lat);

  var latMin = lat - halfSide/radius;
  var latMax = lat + halfSide/radius;
  var lonMin = lon - halfSide/pradius;
  var lonMax = lon + halfSide/pradius;

  return {
    latMin: rad2deg(latMin),
    lonMin: rad2deg(lonMin),
    latMax: rad2deg(latMax),
    lonMax: rad2deg(lonMax)

var BERLIN = {
  lat: 52.516666666666666,
  lon: 13.383333333333333

var LEIPZIG = {
  lat: 51.333333333333336,
  lon: 12.383333333333333

// coordinates from Leipzig to Berlin
  extend(LEIPZIG, { radius: 250 }),
  { lat: 51.48710859375, lon: 12.5151359375, radius: 1000 }, // 1km
  { lat: 51.61894453125, lon: 12.619506054687, radius: 2500 }, // 2,5km
  { lat: 51.739794140625, lon: 12.723876171875, radius: 500}, // 500m
  { lat: 51.871630078125, lon: 12.84472578125, radius: 10000 }, // 10km
  { lat: 51.995226269531, lon: 12.949095898437, radius: 50000 }, // 50km
  { lat: 52.110582714844, lon: 13.0424796875, radius: 100000 }, // 100km
  { lat: 52.209459667969, lon: 13.135863476562, radius: 500000 }, // 500km
  { lat: 52.324816113281, lon: 13.229247265625, radius: 1000 }, // 1km
  { lat: 52.401720410156, lon: 13.295165234375, radius: 200}, // 200m
  { lat: 52.492357617188, lon: 13.37206953125, radius: 1000000 }, // 1.000km
  extend(BERLIN, { radius: 1000 }) // 100m

  extend(LEIPZIG, { radius: 100000 }), // 100km
  extend(LEIPZIG, { radius: 50000 }), // 50km
  extend(LEIPZIG, { radius: 25000 }), // 25km
  extend(LEIPZIG, { radius: 10000 }), // 10km
  extend(LEIPZIG, { radius: 100000 }), // 100km
  extend(LEIPZIG, { radius: 1000000 }), // 1.000km
  extend(LEIPZIG, { radius: 10000000 }) // 1.000km

//var actions = LEIPZIG_TO_BERLIN;
var actions = LEIPZIG_ZOOM_IN_AND_OUT;

var runAction = function(action) {
  var bBox = boundingBox(, action.lon, action.radius);

  var bounds = new geo.Bounds(bBox.latMin, bBox.lonMin, bBox.latMax, bBox.lonMax);

  var stat = {
    'action': action,
    'duration': 0,
    'durationMs': 0,
    'itemCount' : 0,
    'instanceCount' : 0,
    'clusterCount' : 0,
    'bounds': bounds,
    'highchartsOutput': []

  var hrTime = process.hrtime();

  var sparqlServiceA = createSparqlService('', ['']);
  var sparqlServiceB = createSparqlService('', ['']);
  var sparqlServiceC = createSparqlService('http://localhost/data/geolink/sparql', ['']);
  var geoMapFactoryVirt = geo.GeoMapFactoryUtils.createWktMapFactory('', 'bif:st_intersects', 'bif:st_geomFromText');
  var geoMapFactoryAsWktVirt = geo.GeoMapFactoryUtils.createWktMapFactory('', 'bif:st_intersects', 'bif:st_geomFromText');
  var geoMapFactoryWgs =  geo.GeoMapFactoryUtils.wgs84MapFactory;
  var conceptA = sparql.ConceptUtils.createTypeConcept('');
  var conceptB = sparql.ConceptUtils.createSubjectConcept();

  var dataSource = createMapDataSource(sparqlServiceB, geoMapFactoryWgs, conceptB, '#CC0020');

  var result = dataSource.fetchData(bounds).then(function(items) {

    var diff = process.hrtime(hrTime);

    stat.duration = diff[0] + 's ' + diff[1]/1000000 + 'ms';
    stat.durationMs = Math.round(diff[0]*1000 + diff[1]/1000000);

    var clusterCount = 0;
    var instanceCount = 0;

    items.forEach(function(item) {
      if(item.zoomClusterBounds) {
      } else {

    stat.itemCount = items.length;
    stat.clusterCount = clusterCount;
    stat.instanceCount = instanceCount;

    return stat;

  }).catch(function(e) {
    console.log('error', e);

  return result;

var nextActionGen = function(actions, offset) {
  offset = offset || 0;
  return function() {
    var action = actions && actions.length && offset < actions.length ? actions[offset++] : null;
    return action;

var runBenchmark = function(actions, runAction) {

  var nextActionFn = nextActionGen(actions);

  var stats = [];
  return runActions(nextActionFn, stats);

var runActions = function(nextActionFn, stats) {
  var nextAction = nextActionFn();

  var result;
  if(nextAction == null) {
    var highchartsOutput = [];
    stats.forEach(function(item) {
    //console.log('highchartsOutput', highchartsOutput);
    result = Promise.resolve(stats);
  } else {
    result = runAction(nextAction).then(function(stat) {
      return runActions(nextActionFn, stats);
  return result;

console.log('Benchmark is running...');
runBenchmark(actions, runAction).then(function(stats) {
  // done
  console.log('Result\n', stats);

// compute bounds in a 1000km radius of Leipzig
var boundsLeipzig = boundingBox(, LEIPZIG.lon, 1000000);
// {
//   latMin: 42.33184174508855,
//   lonMin: -2.0239282899298066,
//   latMax: 60.33482492157812,
//   lonMax: 26.790594956596475
// }

console.log('bounding box for Leipzig', boundsLeipzig);

var sparqlServiceA = createSparqlService('', ['']);
var geoMapFactoryVirt = geo.GeoMapFactoryUtils.createWktMapFactory('', 'bif:st_intersects', 'bif:st_geomFromText');
var conceptA = sparql.ConceptUtils.createTypeConcept('');

var bounds = new geo.Bounds(-180, -180, 180, 180);

var dataSource = createMapDataSource(sparqlServiceA, geoMapFactoryVirt, conceptA, '#CC0020');

console.log('createMapDataSource', dataSource);

dataSource.fetchData(bounds).then(function(items) {
  var clusterCount = 0;
  var instanceCount = 0;
  console.log('items', items);
  items.forEach(function(item) {
    if(item.zoomClusterBounds) {
    } else {


  console.log('clusterCount', clusterCount);
  console.log('instanceCount', instanceCount);