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<html ng-app="DatasetBrowser">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
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    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <script type="text/ng-template" id="default-list-item.html">
        <li class="media" ng-repeat="item in items">
            <a class="pull-left" href="#">
                <div class="thumbnail thumbnail-center" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;">
                    <div class="thumbnail-wrapper">
                        <img ng-src="{{item.depiction}}">

            <div class="media-body">

                <b>{{item.label.displayLabel || 'Sorry, there is no title available in your preferred languages'}}</b> <a href="{{}}" target="_blank"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></a>
                <br />
                <span bind-html-unsafe="item.comment.displayLabel || 'Sorry, there is no description available in your preferred languages' | typeaheadHighlight:searchString"></span>
        <li ng-show="!items.length" class="alert alert-danger" style="text-align: center" role="alert">No results</li>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    jassa = new Jassa(Promise, $.ajax);

    var vocab = jassa.vocab;
    var rdf = jassa.rdf;
    var sparql = jassa.sparql;
    var service = jassa.service;
    var sponate = jassa.sponate;
    var facete = jassa.facete;
    var util = jassa.util;

    angular.module('DatasetBrowser', ['ui.jassa', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ui.sortable', 'ui.keypress', 'ngSanitize'])

    .controller('AppCtrl', ['$scope', '$q', function($scope, $q) {

         * Set up the sparql service with as many buffs (decorations) as we like
        var sparqlService = service.SparqlServiceBuilder
           .http('', [''], {type: 'POST'})

         * Set up the Sponate mapping for the data we are interested in
        var prefixes = {
            'foaf': '',
            'pokedex': ''

        var store = new sponate.StoreFacade(sparqlService, prefixes);

        $scope.langs = ['de', 'en', '']; //, 'fr', 'ja', 'it', 'es', ''];

        var labelTemplateFn = function() {
            console.log('Refresh: ', $scope.langs);
            var labelConfig = new sparql.BestLabelConfig($scope.langs);
            return sponate.MappedConceptUtils.createMappedConceptBestLabel(labelConfig);

        var commentTemplateFn = function() {
            var labelConfig = new sparql.BestLabelConfig($scope.langs, [rdf.NodeFactory.createUri(prefixes.pokedex + 'description')]);
            return sponate.MappedConceptUtils.createMappedConceptBestLabel(labelConfig);

        //console.log('labelConfig ', labelConfig);

            name: 'pokemons',
            template: [{
                id: '?s',
                label: { $ref: { target: labelTemplateFn } },
                comment: { $ref: { target: commentTemplateFn} },
                depiction: '?d',
            from: '?s a pokedex:Pokemon . Optional { ?s foaf:depiction ?d }'

         * Create a list service for our mapping and decorate it with
         * keyword search support
        $scope.searchModes = [{
            label: 'regex',
            mode: 'regex'
        }, {
            label: 'fulltext',
            mode: 'fulltext'

        $scope.activeSearchMode = $scope.searchModes[0];

        $scope.listService = store.pokemons.getListService();

        /* This line internally transparently adjusts limit/offset of requests to the list service to a
         * given page size - of course only the requested range will be returned.
         * This feature is combination with the caching (in this case support stems from the sparql service)
         * will preload at least 100 items whenever the offset hits a 100 items boundary.
        $scope.listService = new service.ListServicePageExpand($scope.listService, 100);

//         $scope.listService = new service.ListServiceTransformConceptMode($scope.listService, function() {
//             var searchConfig = new sparql.BestLabelConfig($scope.langs, [rdf.NodeFactory.createUri(prefixes.pokedex + 'description'), vocab.rdfs.label]);
//             var labelRelation = sparql.LabelUtils.createRelationPrefLabels(searchConfig);
//             return labelRelation;
//         });

        $scope.listService = new service.ListServiceTransformConcept($scope.listService, function(searchString) {

            var concept = null;
            if(searchString != null) {
                var searchConfig = new sparql.BestLabelConfig($scope.langs, [rdf.NodeFactory.createUri(prefixes.pokedex + 'description'), vocab.rdfs.label]);
                var labelRelation = sparql.LabelUtils.createRelationPrefLabels(searchConfig);
                concept = sparql.KeywordSearchUtils.createConceptRegexLabelOnly(labelRelation, searchString);

            return concept;

        var filterSupplierFn = function(searchString) {
            var result;

            var addLabels = function(arr, labelInfo) {
                if(labelInfo) {
                    labelInfo.displayLabel && arr.push(labelInfo.displayLabel);
                    labelInfo.hiddenLabels && arr.push.apply(arr, labelInfo.hiddenLabels);

            if(searchString != null) {
                var re = new RegExp(searchString, 'mi');

                result = function(entry) {
                    var item = entry.val;
                    var labels = [];

                    addLabels(labels, item.label);
                    addLabels(labels, item.comment);

                    var r = labels && labels.some(function(x) {
                        var s = re.test(x);
                        return s;

                    return r;
            } else {
                result = function(entry) { return true; };

            return result;

        //$scope.listService = new service.ListServiceIndexSubString($scope.listService, filterSupplierFn, 100);

        $scope.listService = new service.ListServiceTransformConcept($scope.listService, function(concept) {
            return concept ? concept.searchString : null;

        $scope.listService.fetchItems(null, 10).then(function(entries) {
            console.log('foo: ', entries);

        var a = $scope.listService;
        var b = new service.ListServiceIndexSubString($scope.listService, filterSupplierFn);

        $scope.listService = jassa.ext.Class.create({
            fetchItems: function() {


            fetchCount: function() {


            new service.ListServiceTransformConcept(function(searchMode) {
            if(searchMode.mode === 'regex') {

         * Angular setup
        $scope.availableLangs = ['de', 'en', 'jp', 'ko'];

        $scope.offset = 0;
        $scope.limit = 10;
        $scope.totalItems = 0;
        $scope.items = [];
        $scope.maxSize = 7;

        $scope.doFilter = function(searchString) {
            $scope.filter = {
                searchString: searchString,
                mode: $scope.activeSearchMode.mode
            $scope.offset = 0;

        $scope.context = {
            // TODO Get rid of the limitation of having to pass in the itemTemplate via a 'context' object
            itemTemplate: 'default-list-item.html',



<body ng-controller="AppCtrl">

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                    <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
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                <a class="navbar-brand" style="padding: 3px 15px;" href="" target="_blank"><img style="height: 42px;" src="" alt=""></img></a>
                <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Dataset Browser</a>

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                    <li><a href="" target="_blank">by Claus Stadler</a></li>


