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var Class = require('../../ext/Class');
 * The node base class similar to that of Apache Jena.
 * TODO Rename getUri to getURI
 * TODO Make this class a pure interface - move all impled methods to an abstract base class
 * TODO Clarify who is responsible for .equals() (just do it like in Jena - Is it the base class or its derivations?)
var Node = Class.create({
    classLabel: 'Node',

    getUri: function() {
        throw new Error('not a URI node');

    getName: function() {
        throw new Error('is not a variable node');

    getBlankNodeId: function() {
        throw new Error('is not a blank node');

    getBlankNodeLabel: function() {
        throw new Error('is not a blank node');

    getLiteral: function() {
        throw new Error('is not a literal node');

    getLiteralValue: function() {
        throw new Error('is not a literal node');

    getLiteralLexicalForm: function() {
        throw new Error('is not a literal node');

    getLiteralDatatype: function() {
        throw new Error('is not a literal node');

    getLiteralDatatypeUri: function() {
        throw new Error('is not a literal node');

    isBlank: function() {
        return false;

    isUri: function() {
        return false;

    isLiteral: function() {
        return false;

    isVariable: function() {
        return false;

    equals: function() {
        throw new Error('not overridden');

    hashCode: function() {
        throw new Error('not overridden');

//    equals: function(that) {
//        // By default we assume non-equality
//        var result = false;
//        if (that == null) {
//            result = false;
//        } else if (this.isLiteral()) {
//            if (that.isLiteral()) {
//                var isSameLex = this.getLiteralLexicalForm() === that.getLiteralLexicalForm();
//                var isSameType = this.getLiteralDatatypeUri() === that.getLiteralDatatypeUri();
//                var isSameLang = this.getLiteralLanguage() === that.getLiteralLanguage();
//                result = isSameLex && isSameType && isSameLang;
//            }
//        } else if (this.isUri()) {
//            if (that.isUri()) {
//                result = this.getUri() === that.getUri();
//            }
//        } else if (this.isVariable()) {
//            if (that.isVariable()) {
//                result = this.getName() === that.getName();
//            }
//        } else if (this.isBlank()) {
//            if (that.isBlank()) {
//                result = this.getBlankNodeLabel() === that.getBlankNodeLabel();
//            }
//        } else {
//            throw new Error('not implemented yet');
//        }
//        return result;
//    }

module.exports = Node;