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(function($) {
    var ns = Jassa.geo;
    var xsd = Jassa.xsd;
    var sparql = Jassa.sparql;
    var sponate = Jassa.sponate;

    var defaultDocWktExtractorFn = function(doc) {
        var wktStr = doc.wkt;

        var points = ns.WktUtils.extractPointsFromWkt(wktStr);
        var result = ns.WktUtils.createBBoxFromPoints(points);

        return result;

    var number = '(\\d+(\\.\\d*)?)';
    var nonNumber = '[^\\d]*';
    ns.pointRegexPattern = new RegExp(nonNumber + '(' + number + '\\s+' + number + nonNumber + ')');

    ns.WktUtils = {

        extractPointsFromWkt: function(wktStr) {
            var result = [];

            var match;
            while (match = ns.pointRegexPattern.exec(wktStr)) {
                var strX = match[2];
                var strY = match[4];
                var x = parseFloat(strX);
                var y = parseFloat(strY);
                var p = new ns.Point(x, y);
                wktStr = wktStr.replace(match[0], '');                
            return result;
        createBBoxFromPoints: function(points) {
            var minX = null;
            var minY = null;
            var maxX = null;
            var maxY = null;
            _(points).each(function(point) {
                var x = point.getX();
                var y = point.getY();
                minX = !minX ? x : Math.min(minX, x);
                minY = !minY ? y : Math.min(minY, y);
                maxX = !maxX ? x : Math.max(maxX, x);
                maxY = !maxY ? y : Math.max(maxY, y);
            var result = new ns.Bounds(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
            return result;
    ns.QuadTreeCacheService = Class.create({
     * fetchData
     *   runWorkflow
     *      runGlobalWorkflow
     *      runTiledWorkflow
     * Given a geoQueryFactory (i.e. a factory object, that can create queries for given bounds),
     * this class caches results for bounds.
     * The process is as follows:
     * The orginial bounds are extended to the size of tiles in a quad tree.
     * Then the data is fetched.
     * A callback with the data and the original bounds is invoked.
     * IMPORTANT! The callback has to make sure how to filter the data against the original bounds (if needed)
     * TODO This class is not aware of postprocessing by filtering against original bounds - should it be?
     * @param backend
     * @returns {ns.QuadTreeCache}
    ns.QuadTreeCache = Class.create({ 
        initialize: function(sparqlService, geoMapFactory, concept, fnGetBBox, options) {
            this.sparqlService = sparqlService;
            var maxBounds = new ns.Bounds(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0);
            this.quadTree = new ns.QuadTree(maxBounds, 18, 0);
            this.concept = concept;
            if(!options) {
                options = {};
            this.maxItemsPerTileCount = options.maxItemsPerTileCount || 25;
            this.maxGlobalItemCount = options.maxGlobalItemCount || 50;
            this.geoMapFactory = geoMapFactory;

            this.fnGetBBox = fnGetBBox || defaultDocWktExtractorFn;

         * Method for fetching data within the given bounds
        fetchData: function(bounds) {
            var result = this.runWorkflow(bounds);
            return result;
        createFlowForBounds: function(bounds) {
            var store = new sponate.StoreFacade(this.sparqlService); //, prefixes); 
            var geoMap = this.geoMapFactory.createMapForBounds(bounds);
            store.addMap(geoMap, 'geoMap');
            return store.geoMap;            
        createFlowForGlobal: function() {
            var store = new sponate.StoreFacade(this.sparqlService); //, prefixes); 
            var geoMap = this.geoMapFactory.createMapForGlobal();
            store.addMap(geoMap, 'geoMap');
            return store.geoMap;
        runCheckGlobal: function() {
            var result;
            var rootNode = this.quadTree.getRootNode();

            var self = this;
            if(!rootNode.checkedGlobal) {
                var countFlow = this.createFlowForGlobal().find().concept(this.concept).limit(self.maxGlobalItemCount);
                var countTask = countFlow.count();
                var globalCheckTask = countTask.pipe(function(geomCount) {
                    console.debug("Global check counts", geomCount, self.maxGlobalItemCount);
                    var canUseGlobal = !(geomCount >= self.maxGlobalItemCount);
                    rootNode.canUseGlobal = canUseGlobal;
                    rootNode.checkedGlobal = true;
                    return canUseGlobal;
                result = globalCheckTask;

            } else {
                var deferred = $.Deferred();
                result = deferred.promise();
            return result;
        runWorkflow: function(bounds) {
            var deferred = $.Deferred();
            var rootNode = this.quadTree.getRootNode();
            var self = this;
            this.runCheckGlobal().pipe(function(canUseGlobal) {
                console.log('Can use global? ', canUseGlobal);
                var task;
                if(canUseGlobal) {
                    task = self.runGlobalWorkflow(rootNode);
                } else {
                    task = self.runTiledWorkflow(bounds);

                task.done(function(nodes) {
                }).fail(function() {
            }).fail(function() {
            var result = deferred.promise();
            return result;
        runGlobalWorkflow: function(node) {
            var self = this;
            // Fetch the items
            var baseFlow = this.createFlowForGlobal().find().concept(this.concept);            
            var result = baseFlow.asList(true).pipe(function(docs) {
                //console.log("Global fetching: ", geomToFeatureCount);
                self.loadTaskAction(node, docs);
                return [node];
            loadTask.done(function() {
                $.when(self.postProcess([node])).done(function() {
                    //console.log("Global workflow completed.");
                    //console.debug("Workflow completed. Resolving deferred.");
                }).fail(function() {
            }).fail(function() {
            return result;
         * This method implements the primary workflow for tile-based fetching data.
         * globalGeomCount = number of geoms - facets enabled, bounds disabled.
         * if(globalGeomCount > threshold) {
         *    nodes = aquire nodes.
         *    foreach(node in nodes) {
         *        fetchGeomCount in the node - facets TODO enabled or disabled?
         *        nonFullNodes = nodes where geomCount < threshold
         *        foreach(node in nonFullNodes) {
         *            fetch geomToFeatureCount - facets enabled
         *            fetch all positions of geometries in that area
         *            -- Optionally: fetchGeomToFeatureCount - facets disabled - this can be cached per type of interest!!
         *        }
         *    }
         * } 
        runTiledWorkflow: function(bounds) {
            var self = this;

            console.log("Aquiring nodes for " + bounds);
            var nodes = this.quadTree.aquireNodes(bounds, 2);

            //console.log('Done aquiring');
            // Init the data attribute if needed
            _(nodes).each(function(node) {
                if(! {
           = {};
            // Mark empty nodes as loaded
            _(nodes).each(function(node) {
                if(node.isCountComplete() && node.infMinItemCount === 0) {
                    node.isLoaded = true;
            var uncountedNodes = _(nodes).filter(function(node) { return self.isCountingNeeded(node); });
            //console.log("# uncounted nodes", uncountedNodes.length);
            // The deferred is only resolved once the whole workflow completed
            var result = $.Deferred();
            var countTasks = this.createCountTasks(uncountedNodes);
            $.when.apply(window, countTasks).done(function() {
                var nonLoadedNodes = _(nodes).filter(function(node) { return self.isLoadingNeeded(node); });
                //console.log("# non loaded nodes", nonLoadedNodes.length, nonLoadedNodes);
                var loadTasks = self.createLoadTasks(nonLoadedNodes);
                $.when.apply(window, loadTasks).done(function() {
                    $.when(self.postProcess(nodes)).then(function() {
                        //self.isLocked = false;
                        //console.debug("Workflow completed. Resolving deferred.");
            }).fail(function() {
            return result;

        createCountTask: function(node) {

            var self = this;
            var limit = self.maxItemsPerTileCount; //self.maxItemsPerTileCount ? self.maxItemsPerTileCount + 1 : null;

            var countFlow = this.createFlowForBounds(node.getBounds()).find().concept(this.concept).limit(limit);
            var result = countFlow.count().pipe(function(itemCount) {
                // If the value is 0, also mark the node as loaded
                if(itemCount === 0) {
                    node.isLoaded = true;
            return result;
         * If either the minimum number of items in the node is above the threshold or
         * all children have been counted, then there is NO need for counting
        isCountingNeeded: function(node) {
            //console.log("Node To Count:", node, node.isCountComplete());            
            return !(this.isTooManyGeoms(node) || node.isCountComplete());

         * Loading is needed if NONE of the following criteria applies:
         * . node was already loaded
         * . there are no items in the node
         * . there are to many items in the node
        isLoadingNeeded: function(node) {
            //( &&
            var noLoadingNeeded = node.isLoaded || (node.isCountComplete() && node.infMinItemCount === 0) || this.isTooManyGeoms(node);
            return !noLoadingNeeded;
        isTooManyGeoms: function(node) {    
            //console.log("FFS", node.infMinItemCount, node.getMinItemCount());
            return node.infMinItemCount >= this.maxItemsPerTileCount;
        createCountTasks: function(nodes) {
            var self = this;
            var result = _(nodes).chain()
                .map(function(node) {
                    return self.createCountTask(node);
                .compact() // Remove null entries
            var result = [];
            $.each(nodes, function(i, node) {
                var task = self.createCountTask(node);
                if(task) {
            return result;
//        /**
//         * 
//         * @param node
//         * @returns
//         */
//        createTaskGeomToFeatureCount: function(node) {
//            var result = this.backend.fetchGeomToFeatureCount().pipe(function(geomToFeatureCount) {
//       = geomToFeatureCount;
//            });
//            return result;
//        },
         * Sets the node's state to loaded, attaches the geomToFeatureCount to it.
         * @param node
         * @param geomToFeatureCount
        loadTaskAction: function(node, docs) {
            //console.log('Data for ' + node.getBounds() + ': ', docs);
   = docs;
            node.isLoaded = true;            
        createLoadTasks: function(nodes) {
            var self = this;
            var result = [];
            //$.each(nodes, function(index, node) {
            _(nodes).each(function(node) {
                //console.debug("Inferred minimum item count: ", node.infMinItemCount);

                var loadFlow = self.createFlowForBounds(node.getBounds()).find().concept(self.concept);
                var loadTask = loadFlow.asList(true).pipe(function(docs) {
                    self.loadTaskAction(node, docs);
            return result;
         * TODO Finishing this method at some point to merge nodes together could be useful
        finalizeLoading: function(nodes) {
            // Restructure all nodes that have been completely loaded, 
            var parents = [];
            $.each(nodes, function(index, node) {
                if(node.parent) {
            parents = _.uniq(parents);
            var change = false;         
            do {
                change = false;
                for(var i in parents) {
                    var p = parents[i];
                    var children = p.children;
                    var didMerge = ns.tryMergeNode(p);
                    if(!didMerge) {
                    change = true;
                    $.each(children, function(i, child) {
                        var indexOf = _.indexOf(nodes, child);
                        if(indexOf >= 0) {
                            nodes[indexOf] = undefined;
                    if(p.parent) {
            } while(change == true);
            $.each(nodes, function(i, node) {
                node.isLoaded = true;
            //console.log("All done");
            //self._setNodes(nodes, bounds);
            //callback.success(nodes, bounds);      

         * TODO Make sure we never need this method again.
         * Extracts labels and geometries from the databanks that were fetched for the nodes 
        postProcess: function(nodes) {
            var self = this;

            var deferred = $.Deferred();

            return deferred;
            // Here we create an rdfQuery databank object with the information we gathered
            var subTasks =, function(node) {
                if(! || ! {
       = $.rdf.databank();
                var uriStrs = _.keys(;
                var uris =, function(uriStr) { return sparql.Node.uri(uriStr); });
                //console.debug("Post processing uris", uris);

                var p1 = self.labelFetcher.fetch(uriStrs).pipe(function(data) {
                    //console.log("Labels", data);
           = data;

                var p2 = self.geomPosFetcher.fetch(uris).pipe(function(data) {
                    //console.log("Positions", data);
           = data;
                var databank =;
                _.each(, function(count, geom) {
                    var s = sparql.Node.uri(geom);
                    var o = sparql.NodeFactory.createTypedLiteralFromString(count, xsd.xinteger.value);

                    // FIXME: appvocab.featureCount not defined (I mean, it defined in MapView.js but I don't know if
                    // MapView.js is loaded
                    var tripleStr = "" + s + " " + appvocab.featureCount + " " + o;
                    // FIXME: there is Jassa.rdf.Triple(s, p, o)
                    var triple = $.rdf.triple(tripleStr);

                var subTask = $.when(p2).then(function() {
                    var data =;
                    var geomToLabel = data.geomToLabel;
                    var databank = data.graph;
                    _.each(geomToLabel, function(label, uri) {
                        var s = sparql.Node.uri(uri);
                        var o = sparql.NodeFactory.createPlainLiteral(label.value, label.language);
                        var tripleStr = "" + s + " " + rdfs.label + " " + o;
                        // FIXME: there is Jassa.rdf.Triple(s, p, o)
                        var triple = $.rdf.triple(tripleStr);
                    var geomToPoint = data.geomToPoint;
                    _.each(geomToPoint, function(point, uri) {
                        var s = sparql.Node.uri(uri);
                        var oLon = sparql.NodeFactory.createTypedLiteralFromString(point.x, xsd.xdouble.value);
                        var oLat = sparql.NodeFactory.createTypedLiteralFromString(point.y, xsd.xdouble.value);

                        var lonTriple = "" + s + " " + geo.lon + " " + oLon; 
                        var latTriple = "" + s + " " + + " " + oLat;
                        //alert(lonTriple + " ---- " + latTriple);
                return subTask;         
            $.when.apply(window, subTasks).then(function() {
            return deferred.promise();


     * @param parent
     * @returns {Boolean} true if the node was merged, false otherwise
    ns.tryMergeNode = function(parent) {
        return false;
        if(!parent) {
        // If all children are loaded, and the total number
        var itemCount = 0;
        for(var i in parent.children) {
            var child = parent.children[i];
            if(!child.isLoaded) {
                return false;
            itemCount += child.itemCount;
        if(itemCount >= self.maxItemsPerTileCount) {
            return false;
        parent.isLoaded = true;
        for(var i in parent.children) {
            var child = parent.children[i];

            // FIXME: mergeMapsInPlace not defined
            mergeMapsInPlace(parent.idToPos, child.idToPos);

            // FIXME: mergeMapsInPlace not defined
            // FIXME: mergeMapsInPlace not defined
        // Unlink children
        parent.children = null;
        console.log("Merged a node");
        return true;
