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Test Coverage
# 3.3.0 - July 22nd 2024

### Breaking Changes

- Deprecated Ruby 3.0 support
  - New minimum Ruby version is 3.1 
- Deprecated Rails 6.0 support
  - New minimum Rails version is 6.1

### Bugfixes

- Implement Rails 7.1 CTE join compatibility
- [#91]( Help address SystemStackError for infinite loops caused by CTE construction (garrettblehm)
- [#104]( Allow for Rails 7.2 to be used with this gem (Paul-Bob)

# 3.2.1 - February 17th 2023

### Bugfixes

- Allow for Rails 7.1 to be used with this gem

# 3.2.0 - February 17th 2023

### Changes
- Added Rails 7.1 CTE argument pattern support

### Bugfixes

- [#94]( Prevent queries from prematurely executing while using `union` methods (jlebray)

# 3.1.0 - December 1st 2022

### Changes

- [#70]( Removed ar_outer_joins dependency due to native outer joins support in Rails 5.1 (Benjamin Fleischer)
- [#87]( Added the ability to specify `MATERIALIZED` or `NOT MATERIALIZED` for a CTE  (Garrett Blehm)
    - `.with` chain methods: `#materialized/1` and `#not_materialized/1`
    - Note: Requires PG12+

# 3.0.0 - August 14th 2022

## Major Changes:

- Implementation of ActiveSupport autoloader
  - Query methods and patches will now only be loaded once ActiveRecord has been fully loaded. 
  - This should aid people that are having a hard time getting some query methods such as the `union` to load and work properly. 

## Bugfix

- [#83]( Prevent quoting of CTE names with parentheses in them (yasirazgar)

# 2.2.0 - July 28th 2022

#### Breaking Changes:

- Dropped Rails 5.1 support.
- Dropped Ruby 2.4 support.
- Dropped Postgres 9.6 support.
- Arel for ActiveRecord 6.1+ `contains` will no longer accept INET (ip address column types), use `inet_contains` instead.
  - ActiveRecord `contains` should remain unaffected as it never accepted INET column types. 

#### Bug fixes:

- [#73]( [#77]( Fix union and window query merging
- [#74]( Fix visitor conflict in Arel 6.1+ and support their native implementation of `contains` and `overlap` functionality

# 2.1.1 - February 14th 2022

## Changes

- [#68]( Defer extending Either onto ActiveRecord until ActiveRecord is loaded (cgunther)

# 2.1.0 - January 20th 2022

## Changes

- [#47]( Added Rails 7.0 support (mbell697)

# 2.0.3 - June 25th 2021

#### Bug fixes:
- [#60]( Fix potential accidental association loading during query building
- [#56]( Fix Either joins with has_many through association
- [#52]( Fixed (Rails 6.1) `warning: already initialized constant Arel::Nodes::Contains`

# 2.0.0 - December 22nd 2020

## Changes

- [#47]( Added Rails 6.1 support (gigorok)

### Breaking Changes
- Rails 5.0.x Has been fully deprecated.
- Ruby 2.3.x Has been fully deprecated.
- JSON methods option: `cast_as_array` has been officially deprecated. Please use `cast_with: :array` instead.
- Redesigned CTE's structure. CTE tables are now held in their relations WithCTE class.
- Redesigned CTE structure method `.with` & `.with!` only accepts `Hash/Keyword` and `WithCTE` instance arguments.
    -  Dev Note: In an effort to trying to maintain as many ways of accepting CTE's in various forms
       (Array's, Strings, Hashes, etc..) was becoming overwhelming to maintain and wasn't realistic to continue this path.
       And since you can't have duplicate CTE's with the same name, a Hash makes perfect sense.
#### Bug fixes:
 - Fixed `.with` CTE recursive flag not transferring when merging subqueries.
 - Fixed (Rails 6.x) `.with` Subqueries that contain CTE's of their own, are now piped to the parent like other methods.
 - Fixed (Rails 6.x) No partition by arguments for window functions are provided.
 - Fixed Rails 6.1 `Arel::Node` missing error.
 - Fixed duplicate where constraints when using `where.any_of` / `where.none_of`
 - Fixed Ruby 2.7 warning: `Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated`

# 1.4.0 - November 6th 2019

Performance tweaks:
 - [#33]( Reduce object creations when using the ruby shorthand `&method()`.

# 1.3.1 - October 2nd 2019

Bug fix:
 - Prevent STI models from appending where clauses to `select_row_to_json(b)` method scopes

# 1.3.0 - September 9th 2019

- Add [Postgres Window Functions]( to ActiveRecord querying level.
  - introduces two new methods that are used in conjunction: `.define_window` & `.select_window`
### `define_window/1` && `partition_by/2`
 Defines one or many windows that will be place at the bottom of your query. 
 This will also require you to define a partition via `.parition_by(:column)/2`.
 - `partition_by/2` arguments:
    - column name being partitioned
    - `order_by` Processes how the window should be orders
 - `User.define_window(:w).partition_by(:name, order_by: :join_date)`
###  `select_window/4`


- [Window Function Name](
- Function's arguments \*optional\* 
- `over:`
    - The window name given when constructing `.define_window`
- `as:` \*optional\*
    - Alias name to give the final result
Overall Examples: 
   - `User.define_window(:w).partition_by(:name).select_window(:row_number, over: :w, as: :r_id)`
   - `User.define_window(:w).partition_by(:name).select_window(:first_value, :id,  over: :w, as: :first_id)`

# 1.2.0 - August 11th 2019

## Changes
- Introduce `.foster_select` a helper for select statements that can handel aliasing and provides casting options for many common aggregate functions.
Supports any aggregate that does not require multiple arguments (`COUNT`, `AVG`, `MAX`, `ARRAY_AGG`, etc..): [Aggregate Functions](
  - Supports Aggregate `DISTINCT` and `ORDER BY` inner expressions.
- Reduced the code foot-print for declaring new Arel functions
- Introduce new `Arel::Nodes::AggregateFunctionName` for dealing with inline-ing `ORDER BY` (will be expanded to handel `FILTER` next)
- Code cleanup and some minor performance tweaks

##### Changes to `.select_row_to_json`
- Argument-less scoped blocks (inner-block argument is now optional)
- `cast_with:` 
  - Supported options: `true` (array), `:array`, `:array_agg`, `distinct`, and `:to_jsonb`
- `order_by:` : Accepts ActiveRecord like options for ordering responses from an array or aggregated array

### Bugfixes
- [#26]( Support for class namespace for `inet_contains` [@znakaska](
- [#27]( Fixed `TO_JSONB` class name typo that would cause an exception
### 2.0 Deprecation Warning
- In order to keep options standardized, `.select_row_to_json` will be dropping `cast_to_array` in favor of the `cast_with` option;
  Furthermore, the default `true` for `cast_with` option will be deprecated as well in favor of more verbose `:array` option
# 1.1.0 - May 4th 2019
- ActiveRecord/Rails 6.0 support
- Allow for any pg gem version below v2.0

# 1.0.1 - Match 29th 2019
- Increased the required PG gem version range to accept `1.1.x`

# 1.0.0 - March 23rd 2019
Add support for Postgres Union types and refactor Arel building process into a single module

## Union Query Commands
- `.union`  (UNION)
- `.union_all`  (UNION ALL)
  - or `.union.all` 
- `union_except`  (EXCEPT)
  - or `.union.except`
- `.union_intersect`  (INTERSECT)
  - or `.union.intersect`
- `union_as`  (From clause alias name) (defaults to calling class table name)
  - or ``
- `order_union` (ORDER BY)
  - or `.union.order`
- `.reorder_union` (overides previously set `.order_union`)
  - or `union.reorder`
## JSON Query Commands
- `.select_row_to_json` (ROW_TO_JSON)
- `.json_build_object` (JSON_BUILD_OBJECT)
- `.jsonb_build_object` (JSONB_BUILD_OBJECT)
- `.json_build_literal` (JSON_BUILD_OBJECT) (static hash / array implementation)
- `.jsonb_build_literal` (JSONB_BUILD_OBJECT) (static hash / array implementation)

# 0.7.0 - September 22nd 2018

Add support for Postgres Commend Table Expression (CTE) methods.

- `.with/1`
- `.with.recursive/1`

# 0.6.0 - July 25th 2018

Reduced Gem file allocation. We only care about stuff in the lib directory.

# 0.5.1 - June 3rd 2018

Relaxed PG gem requirement for allowing version 1 to be used.

# 0.5.0 - May 31st 2018

Released non-marked beta version.

# 0.5.0.beta3 - May 28th 2018

Added `inet_contains_or_contained_within/1` method

# 0.5.0.beta2 - May 27th 2018

Renamed inet functions to hopefully give a clearer understanding to what these methods are used for.

Added support for Postgres Inet functions. View the readme for more details on the following:

- `#inet_contained_within/1`
- `#inet_contained_within_or_equals/1`
- `#inet_contains_or_equals/1`
- `#inet_contains/1`

### Deprecation Warnings
The following will be dropped upon v1.0 release. In favor of their prefixed counterparts.

- `#contained_within/1`
- `#contained_within_or_equals/1`
- `#contains_or_equals/1`

# 0.5.0.beta1 - May 26th 2018

Added support for Rails 5.0.x

### Warning for Rails 5.0.x Projects
The proposed changes to this could cause unintended behavior in existing Rails 5.0.x applications. 
This is due to the overwrite needed to be done on its internal Predicate builder. 
Rails projects above 5.0.x should not experience any unforeseen issues since they contain the necessary structure required.

**Use with caution.** And always make sure you have good tests to verify everything in your application.

# 0.4.0 - May 9th 2018

- Use Arel's `or` for grouping queries when using `#any_of` or `#none_of`
- Added Plural aliases for `.either_join` : `.either_joins` and `.either_order` : `.either_orders`

# 0.3.0 - May 9th 2018

- Fixed ActiveRecord QueryMethod constant load error.

# 0.2.1 - May 6th 2018

Changed how where clause is required. This is to hopefully future proof the next minior update to ActiveRecord.

# 0.2.0 - May 6th 2018

Added ActiveRecord Where Chain Functionality
- .where.any_of
- .where.none_of

Major thanks to [Olivier El Mekki author of ActiveRecord AnyOf](

# 0.1.1 - May 2nd 2018

Added ActiveRecord Where Chain Functionality:
- .where.overlap
- .where.contained_within
- .where.contained_within_or_equals
- .where.contains_or_equals
- .where.any/1
- .where.all/1

Major thanks to [Dan McClain author of Postgres Ext](

Added ActiveRecord Base Extentions
- .either_order/2
- .either_join/2